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Sandilands: offensive, and more : Comments
By Helen Pringle, published 5/12/2011Intimidation and threats on the basis of race or sex are offensive and no path to equality.
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So why are those people who think that Kyle is crude but not sexist wrong? One example of racism and zero examples of sexism doesn't prove anything.
Posted by benk, Monday, 5 December 2011 6:46:16 AM
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Nup. Sorry, it really does come down to taste and delivery. There ARE commediens who could pull stuff like that off, through talent and appealing to a different class of people.
Just looking at the guy makes me want to punch the pr1ck, but I see his very existence as a symptom of the hyper-PC environment so many are sick of. That guy from Top Gear said all the striking people in the UK should be lined up and shot...... in front of their families. Any sane, normal person would see that level of hyperbole as a sign he may not be 100% serious. But then the outrage industy kicks into gear. Tedium erupts, and the same game the parasites of the opinion columns have been stuffing themselves on for the last 10 years continues. I am so sick of this outrage industry. I am even more sick of the fact their puny brains don't grasp the fact that people like Kyle rely on people like you to make a living. In fact people like you rely on people like Kyle to make a living! Stop the pretence! So, sure, you say it's MORE than offensive, it's racist!, it's sexist! Meh. Seriously man, there are so many instances of real sexism and racism that actually affect people, but you concerntrate on the low lying fruit and stick your chest out for someone to put a badge on. Stop reinforcing a culture of triviality with pendantic attention to pop-culture. You're using his 'fame' like a parasite. Pick on an un-famous person or even better a real issue to make your point. NO, but you want some sort of pay-off that you wouldn't get from using a real and serious instance of sexism or racism. They're words! People should use them. F%ck 'offence'. It has nothing to do with 'rights'. Don't get me started on 'human rights', or I'll really get pissed off. I may even hunt someone down! Nobody has a right not to be offended. Even women and black people. PS: I will not really hunt you down. Duh! Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 5 December 2011 8:04:46 AM
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Once again, find any academic in any university in this country who has ever written something positive about the male gender.
Set aside a number of years, have available a spare pair of reading glasses, buy a new kettle for making coffee, buy a room heater for cold nights, and begin. It could be possible that something will be found. Posted by vanna, Monday, 5 December 2011 10:07:50 AM
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good post. followed by inane comments
Posted by shal, Monday, 5 December 2011 10:21:12 AM
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Sandilands, Deveny or our recent tax paid vile ABC FM attacks on the PM and her boyfriend. All vile however at leat Sandilads was not funded by the taxpayer.
Posted by runner, Monday, 5 December 2011 10:51:14 AM
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Helen, please contact me to set a date.
I will make a month available to you, for a course on "How To Turn Off The TV". Now I do realise you are involved in Arts & Social Sciences, so I understand you are not too big on practical matters, but I believe I could train you to understand that you do not have to watch cr4p on TV if you don't want to. I believe I could actually teach you to master that on/off switch in just 30 days. Then you just might manage to do something of some value with your time. Some of us live in hope. Misguided I know, but some of us must. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 5 December 2011 11:54:54 AM
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That could be good advice, turn the TV off. For any male bashing feminist or academic, they could instead listen to love songs, nearly all of which are sung by men. Or they could read love stories, nearly all of which are written by men. Or they could watch a love movie, nearly all of which are produced by men. After that, they might even have something positive to say about men. One can only hope they can overcome their bigotry and narrow mindedness about men. Posted by vanna, Monday, 5 December 2011 12:19:38 PM
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inane comments continue
Posted by shal, Monday, 5 December 2011 12:23:52 PM
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[Deleted. Off topic.]
Posted by vanna, Monday, 5 December 2011 12:30:50 PM
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"How To Turn Off The TV".
Hasbeen, don't give Julia any ideas for more permits & licenses. Posted by individual, Monday, 5 December 2011 4:31:40 PM
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I've deleted Vanna's last comment, and could have deleted more. It is completely off-topic.
On another note I think Runner has a point. Not often I agree with him, but I think there is something to be said for the idea that public discourse has coarsened to an extraordinary degree since say the 60s and that Kyle and Deveney are but the logical end points. The only difference between the two is the audience they appeal to. I don't disagree that Kyle is sexist, but in a completely erratic manner, abusing both sexes. The sexism doesn't worry me too much as it is not much more than name calling. It's the name calling I find particularly offensive. Posted by GrahamY, Monday, 5 December 2011 8:22:06 PM
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Perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
The only time I have seen the twit is in promos. That has been enough to ensure that I would never watch anything which featured him. I can't believe, how anyone could think some nothing/no one like him was worth writing an article about. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 5 December 2011 11:31:32 PM
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[Deleted. Still off topic and arguing about moderation on the forum.]
Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 7:25:37 AM
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Give a little man lots of space and he'll behave like this all the time.Send him to the time-out room if he doesn't behave in future
socratease Posted by socratease, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 9:10:11 AM
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The poster named Houellebecq talks so much uncommon sense! As WW3 brews, pathetic dumbed-down and over educated individuals wallowing in abundance and pumped-up self-righteousness complain about a lack of equality, sexism and racism. For god's sake, there is no equality in life, it is an illusion. We are born with our problems and handicaps, or gifts and those are the cards we have been dealt in a generally indifferent universe. Equality in mariage? What nonsense. Marriage is about biology and making babies, about protection of children. Not all are eligable for marriage, which is a "pair bond" that is common in physical chemistry. Homosexuals are no different that any person born with a "disorder". They must be treated with compassion but nature is cruel, and unfortunately they must adjust to the idea that nature as precluded them from being married. The word "husband" and the word "wife" have a meaning, but the word "marriage" has no meaning if homosexuals are permitted to be husband and wife under the law of the land.
Posted by smokehaze, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 11:58:33 AM
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More food for thought. What is our attitude to totally inappropriate and offensive comments coming from an individual diagnosed with Asperger syndrome? What is the point of self-righteously railing against these comments that may be seen as racist, sexist, homophobic, insulting, libellous, and extremely offensive? Do you want to call the police? Let's get real, and accept that in this case, the person cannot help himself or herself, and we can only react with tolerance and stoicism, not useless punishment that only reinforces the offending behavious. I learnt at primary school that "sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you". In a Port Macquarie local court on December 1st, a young 18 year old disadvantaged and unemployed youth was fined $1000 for a one-line Facebook comment that was a gratuitious insult to a plain clothes police officer who swore at him for riding his skateboard without a helmet. Is this justice and enlightenment? Thousands of dollars of taxpayer's money was spent by solicitors, barrister, magistrate, police officers, in response to a one-line comment on Facebook by an angry and immature young man? What a perplexing society we have, where culture is so filled with paradox and in some cases absurdity.
Posted by smokehaze, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 12:40:36 PM
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On the subject of free speech, one of the things I appreciate most about OLO is it lets even the most marginalised commentators express (or not, as in shal's case) their views in as unhinged a manner as they see fit.
I absolutely agree with Helen in that what Senor Sandilands said about Alison Stephenson was totally out or order, and half of me wants to sentence the little twerp to perpetual maternity ward patrol - changing babies' nappies 18 hours a day for the rest of his useful working life, and giving him a nasty electric shock every time he dry-retches. But the other half of me wants to point out that through our permissiveness surrounding free speech we have pretty good mechanisms in place for ensuring people like him are held accountable for their actions. Whether he keeps his job or not, I'm sure this little incident has led to him being de-friended by everyone who really matters - and I take comfort in that thought. But I'm glad he feels he has the right to say what he likes, because that's the best way to find out what sort of person he is - and his reactions to the criticisms he got certainly speaks volumes. And so it goes for OLO. Better to have the whole spectrum of views brought out into the open and scrutinised accordingly, because in the end it helps us all to better understand the human condition and to live a more sensitive, inclusive, educated life. Posted by Sam Jandwich, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 2:55:39 PM
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"Intimidation and threats on the basis of race or sex are offensive and no path to equality."
Yes, but neither is PC thought control of the media. While KS was rude and offensive, he is still one of the most entertaining radio hosts. If the PC culture is allowed to thrive, anyone vaguely interesting will be pruned and we will be left with multiple versions of the ABC, which while thoughtful and informative is as exciting as a documentary. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 8 December 2011 7:24:28 AM
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Thank you for your comments.
Benk, I’m not sure that it is possible to “prove” that Sandilands is only crude not sexist, and of course you are right that examples don’t “prove” arguments or claims. But examples can help us to understand certain claims. As for lacking examples of sexism, I see something more than crudity in a threat to hunt a woman down unless she watches her mouth. Just saying. And yes Houellebecq, I agree that there is more serious racism and sexism in the world than Sandilands, who wouldn't do so (no matter how puny their brains are in comparison to your big brain)? But many of us can in fact think about different cases at the same time. And we can try to understand the ways in which the low lying fruit and the upper branches are on the same tree, to use your somewhat unfortunate metaphor. Perhaps that same tree is a culture of triviality or an idiot culture, or perhaps it is a culture of subordination; at any rate those questions interest me more than getting a medal from you on my stuck out chest. I am very pleased that you took back your threat to hunt someone down, I would suggest you refrain from making such threats in the first place. Vanna, I have written a lot that is positive about men, often about men who strike out on their own and don’t simply fall into a stereotype of what men should be. I also admire women who strike out on their own and don’t simply fall into a stereotype of what women should be. I don’t always manage such independence for myself of course. continued.... Posted by isabelberners, Saturday, 10 December 2011 10:19:43 AM
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Runner, the taxpayer supports Sandilands, not just the ABC. Putting a radio program on the air is not just a matter of saying something, it rests on a huge legal and political infrastructure that we pay for. I agree that we don't support Sandilands in the way we support the ABC, but without the legal enforcement of contracts, for example, broadcasting would collapse. We pay for that legal system. Hasbeen, thank you so much for your offer of a date, but no thanks. I already have mastered the on/off switch. It took me a long time of course, but I finally did it. Now I must master the art of texting. I guess getting a mobile would be a start. Thanks again, Helen Posted by isabelberners, Saturday, 10 December 2011 10:20:20 AM
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Well done Helen, and all the self righteous prigs that spent their time trying to get him fired. His program has increased its share of the market by 0.6% or about 5% of what it was before. A couple more Helen Pringles and he will have the highest rated show. The sponsors that pulled out must be kicking themselves. People especially the youth don't want to listen to self censoring PC drivel. They can get that from their parents. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 4:06:35 PM
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Yes I know, you so often make complementary remarks about the male gender. If Mr Sandilands made a threat about another person, then he should be investigated and possibly charged, or a court order placed upon him, such as some type of restraining order. Myself, I stopped listening to commercial radio some time ago, as I like to feel I am above all that. I also stopped reading gossip sections of newspapers and reading gossip magazines some time ago, as I like to feel I am above all that. Interestingly, so often these gossip sections of newspapers or gossip magazines have very nasty and degrading things to say about women, but are so often written by women, and the main readership is women. Posted by vanna, Friday, 16 December 2011 7:00:18 PM