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Picking sides can make you a man : Comments
By Kevin Maher, published 25/11/2011Domestic violence: Men being not violent and not silent.
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Posted by StG, Saturday, 26 November 2011 11:30:18 AM
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"The Macquarie Scorpions Rugby League Club was involved in the “Let’s Tackle Domestic Violence” campaign run by the NSW Government and the NSW Country Rugby League."
Unfortunately, they're still a pack of ill-mannered bogans - I have been the victim of vicious, unprovoked personal abuse by Macqaurie Scorpions players attending a team function at my local club. But I guess that doesn't matter, because I have a penis. Mr. Maher would do far better to run a campaign teaching his players to act like civilised human beings, and have them sign a code of conduct relating to the elimination of thuggery and bullying - to all people, regardless of their gender. Otherwise, he is just allowing the ugly mentality which gives rise to DV to flourish in his players - and without a change in attitude, a meaningful change in behaviour is unlikely to follow. Posted by The Acolyte Rizla, Saturday, 26 November 2011 11:36:46 AM
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No StG, that's not what I meant at all.
Did you not notice how I wrote the word 'intelligent' in my sentence? It was a sarcastic way of saying that no-one who commits domestic violence could ever be intelligent really. At least I am not suggesting that domestic violence is really only committed by the 'lower' classes of men, and therefore not really a widespread 'male' problem... Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 26 November 2011 11:59:13 AM
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Men fisically abused by women, it's a bit hard to visualize. I have doubts if they would be in the all male category. Some men have obscure sexism, maybe they would be more susceptible to abuse by women. It a matter of who wears the pants, i suppose.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 26 November 2011 11:59:47 AM
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"It a matter of who wears the pants", or who wears the skirt ;)
There are a whole bunch of way's of viewing abuse and shifting definitions is part of the problem especially when you are dealing with the non-physical forms of abuse. Often it seems to get down to what people believe about power in relationship's. As Anti point's out DV (and various other crimes) are much more prevalent in relation to factors other than gender such as poverty, substance abuse, mental health issues etc. DV can happen in all sorts of homes just as anyone can get lung cancer but there are reasons why we focus on smoking rather than gender for lung cancer prevention. There is a very worthwhile meta-analytical review into DV research which I've referenced previously. For those who actually want to understand why different studies give different results. "Meta-analyses of sex differences in physical aggression to heterosexual partners and in its physical consequences are reported. Women were slightly more likely (d = -.05) than men to use one or more act of physical aggression and to use such acts more frequently. Men were more likely (d =. 15) to inflict an injury, and overall, 62% of those injured by a partner were women." It's largely US based although it does try to touch on material from outside the USA. Another reference from the paper (put as an possibility, not the only one) "Family conflict researchers typically study representative samples of married, cohabiting, or dating couples, whereas feminist researchers typically study samples selected for high levels of partner violence by men, such as women from refuges or violent men on treatment programs." R0bert Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 26 November 2011 12:31:17 PM
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There are too many women and too many children on this planet.
Nature WILL conspire to redress this ugly imbalance and rather soon as we approach 8 billion souls on a resources shrunken globe. Misogyny? No! Its just NATURE, to be impartially studied without being embroiled. Its 'slow-mo' analysis of the human race disappearing up its own rear-end. It's suggesting improvements to hidden and vested-interest IMBALANCES in gender conditioning. In trying to balance the scales-of-justice, one cannot be too concerned about appearing biased. Not everyone believes in JUSTICE. Anti-male DV reform is a side issue that intentionally boosts corporate sales of comfort-food, pretty clothes and make-believe make ups for women who are depressed that they have to LIE, deceive and betray about high libidos in order to trap male financial supporters. The only fault in men is that they are so sexually INSECURE they can't walk away and leave women to their own demise - with no-one for endless loneliness to blame but their own stupid selves. Governments should redress this insecurity with broader prostitution reforms that could lower costs to consumers while increasing health and security concerns. Governments must first pledge to serve bona-fide citizens rather than "grass is greener" GST paying immigrants who currently are the overwhelming beneficiaries of 'Hindu-Barry', O'Farrellesque & Swannette taxation and infrastructure reforms. The marketing ploy to divide and conquer men over a very weak DV issue is a betrqayal of men & an outrage. All men are capable of defeating this tyranny if taught the reality of relationships rather than reading about it in BS TV adds and on the back of bloody buses. Advertising companies should be pummelled as hard as cigarette companies when TRUTH is at stake >"Women in this add are NOT interested in SEX, only money, power and expensive FOOD!" A man needs a woman like a slave needs a grinding stone to push around & A woman needs a man like a crocodile(backed by endless advertising and political regulations) needs the thrill of a death-roll. Like Fish needs bicycles? The propaganda! Wake up dudes! And get yourself FREE Posted by KAEP, Saturday, 26 November 2011 2:33:17 PM
Riiight. Thinking there's no point in even venturing in to that one.