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The Forum > Article Comments > In Tottenham and New York: are the chickens coming home? > Comments

In Tottenham and New York: are the chickens coming home? : Comments

By Jim Dowling, published 22/11/2011

Those who worship in the church of US empire are facing their own millennial moment

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who are the heroes of non-violence, conviviality and hospitality? Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, St Francis of Assisi, and of course Jesus Christ.

"Violence is not overcome by violence, but by forebearance." - St John Chrysostom
Posted by SHRODE, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 1:28:23 PM
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Not entirely sure where Tottenham comes into the picture.

The author seems to want to gather together the blame for all forms of violence and tuck them under one comforting umbrella - capitalism. The message (presumably?) being that if we abolish capitalism, we somehow, magically, abolish violence.

I must be reading it incorrectly, surely.

What a line-up of witnesses for the prosecution though. First up, the Rev. Wright.

Contrary to the author's suggestion, his "crime" was not "...a very serious crime indeed! He was consistent in denouncing violence". It was his insistence that "Governments lie" - repeated ad nauseam in his sermons - that caused Obama to disown him. Or, more accurately, state that "words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it's on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue."

Who's next? Ah yes, that paragon of virtue, Malcolm X. So long as you disregard his history as a drug dealer, racketeer, larcenist and pimp. And his time as a black supremacist. The "Malcolm for peace" was just another gig for him.

And Tottenham?

"I think the nights of feverish rioting were defined by another great evil of our times - mindless consumerism."

The evidence...?

"We have been bombarded with a century of advertising and propaganda telling us that material possessions, comfort, and fun are what will make us happy... "

Thin gruel.

And that great furphy, the classic Arjay moment:

"The US government created $700 billion dollars from thin air and gave it to the bankers and other corporations who arguably had created the crisis."

The money was created as debt. It needs to be repaid at some point (ask Greece, if you don't believe me). It wasn't "given" to anyone. It was bought.

Oh, I almost forgot the God angle.

"It is time, as it has been for 2000 years, to get out of Babylon... the Kingdom of God is at hand!"

Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 2:04:22 PM
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In reply to Pericles, am I blaming Capitalism for all the violence and greed int he world? No.

Was Communism to blame for Stalin? Was it also then to blame for Gorbachev and Preistroika?

Communism was the vehicle Stalin used for his evil actions. Capitalism is the vehicle used by the economic and environmental plunderers and warmongers (such as Rupert Murdoch) responsible for much of the mess we are in today. If it can't be replaced with a better system then it should be reigned in immediately!

You point out the Rev Wright's real crime was not so much telling the truths I mentioned, but telling "ad nausea"another obvious truth that "governments lie" " Well it is the truth is it not? And preachers making people nauseaous is nothing new and certainly no great crime either!

Finally re your "Sheesh", I wrote this originally for my own email list, many of whom are Christian. I probably should have changed the ending for "Online Opinion". Though I make no apologies for being a Christian or what I wrote. Other than that I can't really commnent on your profound "Sheesh".
Posted by J Dowling, Thursday, 24 November 2011 11:22:07 AM
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