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The Forum > Article Comments > The G20 in Cannes – greatness in waiting? > Comments

The G20 in Cannes – greatness in waiting? : Comments

By Graham Cooke, published 4/11/2011

In Cannes, the G20 must reach out to the non-member states, setting out an agenda for economic stability and a pathway to prosperity for all.

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Graham, you state "Members agreed to meet the GFC head on with a concerted program of financial stimulation that was ambitious, innovative and correct, preventing the situation from dragging on into a 1930s-style Great Depression. But while the initial battle may have been won, the outcome of the war is still uncertain.", and "the G20 must reach out to the non-member states, setting out an agenda for economic stability and a pathway to prosperity for all."

I would counter and state that the program was ridiculous, draconian and wrong, Hank Paulson held a loaded gun to the world when the Lehman moment occurred, it did not need to happen. If you look at the real statistical results of TARP and all the other bail-out results there has been no improvement, things are actually a lot worse now than they were in 2008.

Debt is increasing, the middle class globally is shrinking and everyone, is that much poorer. I don't know where you get your information from but perhaps some real research might help.

As to the assertion about a pathway to prosperity for all, unobtainable. The world of economic growth is at an end. As I keep harping on about, without cheap energy (oil) you cannot have continued economic growth (fractional reserve banking guarantees this).

The G7/8 and G20 are irrelevant, we need policies for a new future, a low energy future, GDP should not be the God of politicians, it will remain so until they finally realise that growth is dying and won't return.

Your whole argument is flawed, the article becomes irrelevant when you understand energy, physics and the laws of thermodynamics. Get with the program and write something that will jog the malaise our politicians keep rolling on about.

We face a very different future. Energy is the key to everything. I would suggest you read the 2005 Hirch Report

The limits to growth are here, sorry to rant but this type of article really bugs me
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Friday, 4 November 2011 10:46:17 AM
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Graham Cooke,

Geoff of Perth is less distant from reality than you seem to be.

Reality is seven billions on a ball, and kicking.

From yesteryear the Twenty G, the preceding Seven G, the UN, the preceding League of Nations, the Bretton-Woods ‘conference’ and all that preceded it, point to the irrelevance of any meeting of Politicians and Economists.

They have done all the damage they could.

From now we have to dream of something else, something like Democracy or just do nothing.

Nothing at least would save fuel and nonsense.
Posted by skeptic, Friday, 4 November 2011 4:49:38 PM
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The G20 is about corporate imperialism.Iraq was a lie along with Afghanistan,Libya,Pakistan,Yemen,Somalia etc.

It is all about stealing energy,resources and infecting sovereign countries with private bankster counterfeiting of our currencies.We live in an Oligarchy in which the corporates rule our Govts.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 4 November 2011 8:19:57 PM
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