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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia is failing the children of the Northern Territory > Comments

Australia is failing the children of the Northern Territory : Comments

By Michelle Harris, published 18/10/2011

Even though it is known that Homelands are safer and healthier places for children to live within their communities, the Federal Government perversely plans to reduce financial support to Homelands rather than increase it.

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"We fear for their future, for their ability to learn to walk in two worlds, to obtain an education and a job. We fear for their health and their general well-being. But most of all, we fear that these recent changes [the NTER legislation] will lead to the loss of our land, our culture and our language."

Well it seems the aboriginal side is letting these children down bigtime if the Adults can't even hunt and collect fresh bush tucker to at least supplement the childrens diet or construct traditional shelters to ease crowding. Not to mentioning teaching them the same skills? I mean what the hell is their "culture" about if these basics are not being followed?

There's not a possibility that 'culture' is just too hard eh? Or that welfare money means access to easy tucker? Could it be alcohol and substance abuse leads to much chronic neglect and abuse of 'sacred' little children? Or that decades of alcohol abuse has led to high incidence of subnormal intellect? Yes - alcoholic brain damage, foetal alcohol syndrome and head injuries caused when drunken indigenous folk indulge in a good old cultural dust-up where all the family can get involved. Hmmmm? What about chances the dysfunction in some communities is so extreme that no child in any other 'community' in Australia would be left there?

No of course not! All that stuff is just racist hate speech and I ought to be ashamed of myself ....

Continued ...
Posted by divine_msn, Tuesday, 18 October 2011 9:37:20 PM
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Honestly though, how can a claim like "Australian Red Cross on its website refers to Aboriginal children under the age of five in some remote Northern Territory communities as "suffering malnutrition at rates similar to children in countries like Ethiopia."" be taken seriously? There is no excuse for that in an aboriginal community where there is access to both traditional and introduced food. In fact I would bet my last dollar that if these communities were supplied weekly with free fresh food sufficient for everyone there would still be malnutrition IF at the same time there was money and access to junk food and booze. The bottom line is that affected children need removing and given a chance in 'white man's world.

Meantime I suggest the assertation that "Homelands are safer and healthier places for children to live within their communities" is for many unfortunate kids the lie that will cost them any sort of a future bar welfare addict bum and in many cases their life.

Too sad for words
Posted by divine_msn, Tuesday, 18 October 2011 9:40:07 PM
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Divine, you say you can't take the Red Cross figures seriously. Are you suggesting that the Red Cross is lying?

Your bottom line is that all 'affected' children should be removed. Will you take one of the children? How many foster carer's do you think would be needed? If you google "shortage of foster carers", you will see that these wonderful people are already in short supply.

Back in the good old days when we took the children into white homes, for their own good of course, we could use them as unpaid servants and sex slaves, so perhaps we could repeal the laws against this sort of thing and in that way more white families might be willing to raise them to be just like us.
Posted by Mollydukes, Wednesday, 19 October 2011 4:10:18 PM
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'Thanks for your praise, Runner. I'm really done for now with my Left friends.'

Sorry I forgot the best the left can usually do is guilt by association especially once their ideologies have been exposed. Look at the way they treat many true scientist who have exposed their gw religion.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 October 2011 4:49:03 PM
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Joe, Welcome back !!

Thought we'd lost you for a while there.

Poverty or Luxury !?

This so called “Poverty”, Pure, Misleading, Unadulterated “Aboriginal Victim Industry” ( AVI ) “CRAP” !!

In this Country, there is "No Such Thing" !!

Itemise Calculate and Compare All Countries Indigenous.
Income, Amount of Food Available, ( including Traditional ) Access to Doctors, Education, Everything !! and Publish the figures !!

I reckon that We would come out the “ Number One Choice” for “Many Hundreds” of “ IMPOVERISHED” Black People from Africa alone !!
If they ever found out what us Black-fellas here in Australia get They would Invade !! We get a minimum, $474 a fortnight. Each and Everyone of us.
Also, in NSW, Two and a half “Billion Dollars” was allocated to Aboriginal Issues last year alone. Going by that, what do you reckon ? A lazy, “Ten Billion” Nationally !? Wow !! This is “Serious” Money !! Yet the AVI continue to drag this “Poverty” along. Only they now say it is “Relative” Poverty !! Isn't this what's called “Spin Doctoring” !? They ( AVI ) are “Very Tricky” People !! Many are “Academics” and “Very Experienced and Seasoned Campaigners” They know what to say !! Plenty in the “Indigenous Units” aka “Research Centres” !! cause they are “Un-Employable” Elsewhere !! How many “Billions” do “They” get !? “

Arthur Bell. ( aka bully ) www.whitc.inf
Posted by bully, Wednesday, 19 October 2011 5:18:21 PM
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Mollydukes - to clarify my words re Red Cross report. No I don't suggest Red Cross is lying. I'm quite confident that they have reported accurately.

What I mean by not taking seriously is Red Cross comparing children in war torn, famine riddled impoverished countries with children living in wealthy peaceful Australia whose PARENTS are failing to supply the necessities of life.

Not out of POVERTY because every one of those parents has access to funds sufficient to feed their children.

Not out of FAMINE as each of those parents would have the opportunity to hunt and collect bush tucker to not only supplement the family diet but to impart the 'aboriginal culture' that's supposed to be so damn important.

Not out of WAR - unless one terms the extent of internal strife in these toxic communities a state of civil war. There is nobody laying siege, destroying crops livestock and shelter, beating and raping and killing bar the enemy within.

As for removing children ... Yes I would take a child or two under conditions that they were young enough to truly rehabilitate - preferably preschool age, with no remarkable health or psychological problems and no-one was getting them back. Taking children out of abusive situations then returning them, then removing, returning, removing - all for the precious dogma of 'keeping the child with it's natural family' is not only highly destructive but cruelty of the highest order.

In other words - adoption or long term foster care ONLY. It's the only way to provide a loving relationship, security and opportunities these kids need.
Posted by divine_msn, Wednesday, 19 October 2011 6:21:04 PM
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