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The Forum > Article Comments > Why so many corpses? > Comments

Why so many corpses? : Comments

By David Fisher, published 4/10/2011

It's in the nature of Marxism to destroy human life, not coincidentally, but causally.

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Peter, according to the quiz I took from one of the links, I scored 100% on the personal issues scale and 60% on economic issues. I reckon that's pretty fair.
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 5 October 2011 6:11:39 PM
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David f,
"Marx inspired mass murder."

Partly, I would think. The basic ideology of Marzism was to destroy the old so as to build a new and better society.

Unfortunately, the history of Marzism is littered with destruction, but they seldom built a better society.

Easy to destroy destroy something, but not so easy to build something.

The main difference between Marzism and capitalism, is that a capitalist is required to smile at their customer and keep their customer alive.

In most Marzist societies, few people smile at anyone, or they may smile at you before they pull the triger.

The remnant of Marzism in our society is of course feminism, and if a feminist ever smiles at you, it is time to get seriously worried.
Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 5 October 2011 7:02:31 PM
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Mr. Hume,

Thanks for the link to that quiz - very cool. I got 90% on the personal issues score and 30% on the economic issues score, making me a lefty liberal (which is how I self-identified prior to taking the quiz).

I also look forward to David's articles on the ecological implications of language and mathematics. I cannot begin to begin to imagine what these implications might be or what form the articles would take, but I'm sure they'd be fascinating.
Posted by The Acolyte Rizla, Wednesday, 5 October 2011 10:25:02 PM
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vanna:"The remnant of Marzism in our society is of course feminism"

It's more Trotskyite, but he leads back to Marx.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 6 October 2011 3:53:33 AM
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There is a tendency to pigeonhole people. One way to do that is to put them on a spectrum from right to left. Peter Hume referred to a political quiz which places opinions in two dimensions. That is an improvement.

However, humans are multidimensional, and no matter how many dimensions we use there will always be some left out. One dimension I feel is important is that ranging from scepticism at one end to true believers in unprovable propositions at the other end. The true believers may be followers of an ideology or religion, believers in new age or astrology or other nonsense. I put myself with the sceptics. Other people will find other dimensions important.

We make judgments on who we associate with, who we vote for, who we do business with etc. In many cases criteria we set up to judge people are completely irrelevant. I really don’t care if the person who fixes my car believes in astrology. I care that he does his job competently. It is reasonable to judge people primarily on their relationship to us.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 6 October 2011 6:59:43 AM
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The Acolyte Rizla,

Yes very simple disgrams but they don't in any way state the theory and behaviours of National Socialists nor the theory and behaviours of Liberal Democrats and conservatives

What you've done is made another general assertion without backing it up with any evidence whatsoever.

Laughable that you think I'm simple.

Tell me how you fit the political theory and actions of the National Socialists and the political theory and actions of Liberal Democrats and conservatives into the Venn diagrams?

I don't think you constructed them at all, I think you simply drew them up from your prejudiced viewpoint, without actually having any supporting data or reference to historical facts.

Peter Hume,
Like Assange, Imajulianutter is definately libertarian. 90% personal and 80% economic.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 6 October 2011 7:39:39 AM
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