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Palestine - telling the UN some home truths : Comments

By David Singer, published 23/9/2011

Six basic truths that Israel’s Prime Minister needs to convey to the UN, at the upcoming meeting in New York.

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What a mess you have got yourselves into.
Posted by Raise the Dust, Friday, 23 September 2011 8:42:56 AM
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Or David as one of your favourite groups in Israel said Tile deeds we have the Bible that's our tile deed,the Settlers David, what would you do with out the armed thugs, happily murdering Arabs harassing them dispossessing them,stealing the Arabs land and homes in Jerusalem.
Ah yes David great people, a semi fascist racist Govt, what more could you ask for,its all coming unstuck old son to much boasting from your PM, and its well known the US congress is corrupt and available to the highest bidder,and the non existent lobby has plenty of cash to throw around.
As some one said David may you live in interesting times,supported by The Christian Fundys,the Coruppt Repugs and The Tea Party,what a mix, a more ignorant crooked bunch you could not want to be associated with
Posted by John Ryan, Friday, 23 September 2011 11:44:44 AM
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Six basic truths that Israel’s Prime Minister needs to convey to the UN:
1. We have most of the most powerful states at our disposal; we have the US Congress and the US administration in our pockets, along with a range of other quisling states (including Australia).
2. We have created the most successful propaganda network in history (save perhaps for that of the Roman Catholic Church), such that black is now defined as white, and the most absurd claims are accepted as gospel truth or respectable opinion in the media that matters.
3. We have managed to have established the principle of ethnic cleansing as an abiding ethical principle.
4. Subsequently we will continue to treat the UN as of no consequence, save for Resolution 181, whose origins and whose connection to the current (undefined) state of Israel we do not have to go into, thanks to Basic Truths nos. 1 & 2.
5. We will thus continue to occupy Palestine indefinitely.
6. Lebensraum is our motif and it’s still a work in progress.
In short, the whole world can buggar off
Posted by evan jones, Friday, 23 September 2011 3:27:17 PM
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The previous writers have said it all.

When David Singer emerges periodically to act on instructions from his homeland even though he calls himself an "Australian Lawyer", we know that he and his parasitic friends are feeling that although the brought-and-paid for US President, Obama, a total disgrace, has made it clear that he intends to veto the Palestinian Resolution in the Security Council, which he and his predecessors have done since Truman, the rest of the world is totally supporting Palestine.

It doesn't seem to concern them that even though Israel is the most hated state in history, exceeding even the Third Reich in both deeds and sustained hatred and murder and whose cunning people have dined out on the myths of 'anti-semitism' and the 'Holocaust campaigns' for sixty years, now out of steam, the rest of the world is finally aware of their misdeeds and trust they will have justice meted out to them as soon as they are unable to buy out yet another US President through graft and corruption or an assassin's bullet as with Kennedy.

Alternatively, the removal of that UN anachronism, the veto, is long overdue and plays right into the hands of the cowardly Israel as it hides behind America's skirts.

No country deserves a judicial accounting more.

As for Australia's vote...a foregone conclusion from a Prime Minister who owes her position to the Jews of Melbourne and Rudd's demise for the same reason. So, even though Australians unreservedly demand a vote for Palestine, she will instruct our UN Ambassador to either abstain or vote with Israel, her sponsors. Either way it will be just another step in her long overdue political burial.

So let Israel and its fanatics do their worst.

Their time in finite
Posted by rexw, Friday, 23 September 2011 5:15:34 PM
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rexw and hangers on,

Educated online readers and certainly those cognescient with Middle Eastern current affairs have your measure. You consistently and clearly demonstrate this. You are ignorant about Palestinian issues, indeed you would see this as your strength. Your propaganda and intemperance show yourselves to be true heirs of the SturmAbteilung.
Posted by Danielle, Friday, 23 September 2011 5:51:46 PM
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The arrogance of people of writers like David Singer does not allow them to realise that even in the case of a veto from the US in the Security Council, thereby complying to Israel's bidding, Jews, Israelis and Zionists of all descriptions, will be the loser in this whole matter.

They have nowhere to go. The level of anti-Israel feeling throughout the world has never been higher and is on the increase. Normally respectful writers in the world's press, that portion of it that is not owned bt Zionists, are far more strident in their criticism of Netanyahu overseeing a local Israli population that is far from satisfied with the way Israel is being managed; the arming of the swill of Europe, called "settlers, armed and paid and totally free (even trained) to murder at will; the lack of opportunity in Israel for employemtn and a future where peace is seen to be avoided by the government.

The non-Zionists, the real Jewish people, the majority thankfully, want some level of decency to be shown by their government and to avoid the hardline hatred espoused by the likes of Liebeman, Netanyahu, some academics and religious leaders and to adopt a humane approach to the problems in their country.

However, against this we find the Murdoch's at work, his own Likudist extremism reflected in his 'news' sources such as the disgraceful Fox network, now losing its following as people in the US realise that all this hatred, all this militarism and warlike behaviour is not conducive to a decent life there as well.

So it is a self-defeating program which Israel has put in place for sixty plus years.

They are just not intelligent enough to realise what they have done.
Posted by Rhys Stanley, Friday, 23 September 2011 6:00:51 PM
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