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Katter's Queensland : Comments

By Zach Davis-Hancock, published 16/9/2011

What it will take to win the sushine state.

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This article is unresearched and extremely pro-katter. Talking about the Queensland Party as if it doesn't exist anymore is misleading. I've noticed somebody making similar changes to the Queensland Party wikipedia page to try and drive away interest. Aidan McLindon stole the party website when he ran away to join Bob Katter. This was after he pledged to the executive that he wouldn't leave the party prior to the election. Its no secret that he is stalling as much as possible in returning this TQP property in the knowledge that they only have until later this month to reach a membership level of 500. Most new members are found via the website which he now controls. The new address is now.

I hope the queensland party survives this wanton vandalism by Aidan McLindon and his cohorts. I dread to think what Queensland will become with devious backstabbing underhanded criminals like Aidan and Bob Katter holding the balance of power.
Posted by Matt Snow, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:34:22 AM
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Sadly the remnants of the Qld party are already doing what the LNP are famous for, attacking those who are supposed to be on the same side and giving the ALP a free run. Congrats WendyJ and Co, you will bury your own party as the LNP have in Far Nth Qld every time they waste a fortune in election propaganda trying to unseat Bob Katter, who currently holds about 80% of the vote in his electorate...why? Because he is what the voters want and support, he represents his electorate and we appreciate it. Go Bob Go! Amazing all the negativity, one would think that the state and nation is in great condition, face reality and accept that neither side appears interested in doing much that is different, all have policy dictated by the corporate sector and overseas interests and accept election donations that confirm that stance. Time Australians woke up that we're slipping down a very steep cliff and lack the leadership or guts in our present pollies to change or fix any of it. Bob Katter is and has proven himself more than capable as a Minister and member of both state and fed governments. He is attracting a very credible group of capable candidates and I wish them all the best for having the guts to give it a go and change the mess the country is in.
Time for voters to ask themselves if their current pollie has what it takes and have the courage to make your vote really work for a this point you have nothing to lose and a better option on offer.
Posted by Meg23, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:42:30 AM
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KaliG, spot on Katter is the centrist moderate here, the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance was taken over by closet communists decades ago.

The LNP deserted small business & farmers in favour of foriegn owned multinationals & international banksters.

And these idiots lay in bed at night wondering why long suffering aussie voters are deserting them in droves.

pelican, i said it before, will do so again, you can try to claim centrist ground as much as you like, you either support closet communist policies like gun laws or you don't.

Ruth, you are a fool, more minor parties will be merging with Bob Katter soon. There are at least a dozen centrist minor parties with almost identical policies out there, merging them together against the major mistakes is the only hope Australia's children have.

KalG, correct again.

Wendy J, the policies you outline have more in common with the LNP, join them, the last thing conservative politics needs is closet communists & perverted, social liberals.

Aspley, also correct. i suggest all of you watch this video, several times.

All policy falls into 2 broad areas, social (what type of society you want) & economic (what type of economy you want).

The LNP is both socially & economically "liberal" in that they are socially, pro choice on abortion, GLBT lifestyle & economically liberal as well in that they are pro globalised, free trade.

The country party used to be both socially & economically conservative/traditionalist in that they were pro life, straight & in favour of "protectionist" economic policy. it worked.

This is where most of the baby boomers are now, including those from a blue collar working class background, they look at the closet communist, university educated latte sippers with disgust.

Ignore social & economic conservatism at your peril.
Posted by Formersnag, Friday, 16 September 2011 12:09:14 PM
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Formersnag - the reason I chose to stay with TQP is that each elected candidate is duty bound to serve his electorate, even if at times it runs against the Party position. I think that we are in deep trouble in this country because alot of elected members stick with the party position, despite what their electorates may want on major issues.

Katter's Party is a federal based party, so no doubt will be subject to federal politics. A State based party which puts Queenslanders first is likely to be in a better position to ensure that any laws that are passed in the ACT are not injurious to Queenslanders.

Former TQP members have shown that they can ignore the constitution of their party to their own desires. If they ignore the constitution of the party, do you think these same people will heed the Queensland constitution?

As well, I am of the view that parties built around personalities like Katter (as endearing as he can be at times) are inherently weak and doomed to fail.

Ordinary people are just so sick of politicians who say one thing and do quite another.

Whilst I don't think I could possibly change your mind about whether or not I am indeed a fool, I hope that gentle readers understand why I made the decision to stick with The Queensland Party, come what may. I would not think sticking to principle made one a fool. I would think that not doing same would earn said fool that title.
Posted by Ruth Bonnett, Friday, 16 September 2011 12:41:07 PM
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Wow, way to go with ripping up Katter. Love your policies. No idea who you are.

Katter has me, because i know who he is, he speaks the same language as me and a lot of other Austalians, and he seems to be familiar in as much as we all know someone like him, unlike the yuppy scum infesting the lawmaking process these days.

Hoping he scoops up more disillusioned but impassioned Australians to help fight control back for the Australians.

Clearly the QLD party wont merge, sad that. Btw, I'm in QLD and know not who you are. Your PR might need tweaking.

CSG you say? Rally Sunday in Sydney. Dont think you should be rallying troops? Great networking op dont you think?
Posted by elli, Friday, 16 September 2011 12:57:17 PM
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Yeehaw, split that vote!

Personally, I can't wait for a Katter parliament. I have been told by Formersnag, that I would be fronting an inquiry into un-Australian activities if it ever did happen. I think that sounds like a lot of fun.

I wonder if they'll tell me I don't go to the beach enough so I must be a closet communist.
Posted by Bugsy, Friday, 16 September 2011 1:26:22 PM
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