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How the left has been left-behind by the right : Comments
By Steven Meyer, published 12/9/2011While the left chases mirages the some one the right are actually addressing issues of domestic injustice.
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Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 8:00:29 AM
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Some of you fellas are such victims!
I know I don't get out much, but I do know lots of white men who are very happy with the way the left is looking after them, including my own sons. I don't see any admiration of Hicks from 'the left' - whatever that is in your paranoid reasoning. It's more like a commitment to balance the unfair treatment with some compensation - even if one doesn't admire the stupid white man. His need to find some excitment by 'going to war', his poor judgement and his self-serving justifications for his behaviour, are typical of poor wee white men who whinge so much about 'the left'. I reckon that if he had not been a victim of 'the right', he would have been someone you victims of 'the left' would have admired. He would have been a typical bogan, a staunch Howard supporter, an Alan Jones fan and a climate change denier. Posted by Mollydukes, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 8:19:47 AM
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Bugsy, the message is simple really, we moderate, centrist, white, heterosexual men of british & european decent have had a gutful of both major mistakes parties. Obviously the only thing the LNP have going for them is that the closet communist, PC, Thought Police from the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance are infinately worse. i have never ever seen any men on any of these debates "whinging", only making fair, reasonable, complaints about obvious injustice from the 1984, matriarchal, communist regime, who are about to wiped off the face of the earth. RObert, here, here. Howler, i am stunned by your lack of verbosity, although i agree. BJelly, your missing the point. the communists have been claiming for half a century that everybody who is NOT a heterosexual, white man of british & european decent has been oppressed by the EVIL white man. i for one am tired of the continuous false allegations. RObert, here, here. Bugsy, the point is that hicks is the ONLY white man the communists care about, ALL other white men are the enemy to them. we get it, we understand that, that is why we will be voting for Bob Katter & preferencing the LNP ahead of communism. Jay Of Melbourne, i was there, the communists screamed at us for more than 3 hours with 4 megaphones. you will not see me in any of the videos though, i was wearing a t-shirt with a photo of a russian cosmonaut & the words Closet Communist Corporate Paedophiles on it, so i guess they did not want to publicise that. The police stood between us to keep them back, many were shaking with rage, spitting, kicking, stomping on feet. None of them got arrested. i am pretty sure i have shared some of my favourite links with you before but just in case will list them for you. PC in video PC in text attack christianity, replace it with the gospel according to Marcuse, Marx, Lenin & Mao.! ex KGB spy explains it all. Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 1:37:20 PM
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john kosci, you took the words right out of my mouth, all closet communists from the PC, Thought Police tell deliberate, premeditated lies 24/7/365. "repeat the lie, until it becomes the truth" Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. where else do you think Goebels, Hitler & Juliar Dillard got the idea of Spinganda from? Soviet era proverb, "the present we know, we are doing it, the future we know, we are building it, only the past keeps changing". stevenlmeyer, here, here. Bugsy, give up, you 110% wrong, just as everybody on the left is wrong about everything, stop "moving forwards", do a u-turn, look backwards with 20/20 hindsight & maybe you will get somewhere. Mollydukes, the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance will soon be DE registered, grow up & get over it. the only males who vote for the 1984, matriarchal communist regime are emasculated, metrosexual softies, devoid of testosterone & brains. The most evil man in the land of OZ would be Doug Cameron, formerly of the metal workers union, who will be wiped out by a carbon tax, but he is still promoting it, as well as importing even more cheap labour for foriegn multinationals. Why does he hate his own people? Why is he working so hard to impoverish them? Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 2:14:26 PM
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Its really quite simple. The politics of fear trumps everything else, every time.
Those on the right of the culture wars understand this. Which is to say that any seemingly logical appeals to facts has as much chance as a snow-ball in hell. The work of George Lakoff explains why this is so. Its all about framing the parameters of the "debate". Posted by Ho Hum, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 2:41:02 PM
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"i have never ever seen any men on any of these debates "whinging", only making fair, reasonable, complaints about obvious injustice from the 1984, matriarchal, communist regime, who are about to wiped off the face of the earth."
This made me LOL. Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 3:16:42 PM
Working class? check
Austrlaian? check
Man? check
I did not mention praiseworthy. I don't care about praiseworthy, I'm sure he isn't, but that doesn't change the fact that you have mentioned no less than four descriptors that the left should care about that Hicks fits perfectly.
No sense of irony indeed.
I am not being ingenuous.