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The Forum > Article Comments > Labor needs to change direction as well as leader > Comments

Labor needs to change direction as well as leader : Comments

By Leon Bertrand, published 6/9/2011

Any sober analysis can only conclude that the vast majority of Labor's political wounds have been self-inflicted.

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I suspect that what people are reacting to is not stagnant living standards but ideological baggage. Enough of us by now have caught on to the principle that the best way to run a country is to let the people do what works, sort out what doesn't, and generally keep out of the way. Fraser, Hawke, Keating, Howard and Costello were very successful in projecting this style of hands-off pragmatism; Rudd and (especially) Gillard are not, and Labor -- aided and abetted by the Greens -- has now reverted to the Whitlam-era approach of telling us what's good for us and imposing laws, taxes and rules on the basis of their ideological content rather than any pragmatic reasons.

It's no coincidence that Howard crashed and burned the moment he let his ideological convictions override his pragmatism. Tony Abbott is far less competent than Gillard in almost every respect except the one that counts: Abbott has shown himself able to listen to advice and change his mind. If that's enough to make him Prime Minister then so be it.
Posted by Jon J, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 7:44:40 AM
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If Mr Rudd can learn his lessons, I believe, his return as Labor Party leader and Prime Minister would indeed be beneficial not only for Labor Party but for Australia.
Posted by Andreas Berg', Tuesday, 6 September 2011 10:29:36 AM
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I think that the Labor Government is trying its best to help our nation, but do not know how to effectively explain or use the idea. Such as the Carbon Tax, There is not much wrong it, even thoguh it may cost us it is saving us for a better future for us to live. This party needs to thoroughly create better ideas as many plans are failing.
Posted by Sneopy, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 12:40:55 PM
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Actually I think it is the medias fault. I could go on, but why bother. This blogger has clearly never voted for anybody but the Liberals, every one of his post on olo is anti-Labor. The hyperbole in the Australian media at the moment is just plain sad.
Posted by Kenny, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 1:18:10 PM
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It is impossible for labor to change. They are terminal.

The same people who bought us Carr/ Iemma/Rees/Kennealy bought us Beazley/Latham/Rudd/Gillard. They will do anything to retain their positions within the Labor scheme of things. It doesn't matter who they foist onto us. Ther culture won't change.

And it should be noted these idiots mostly have roots in or support from Graham Richardsons 'whatever it takes' NSW Labor right and they all adhere blindly to the spin advocated by Hawker.
Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 3:24:28 PM
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Leon, After Chifly, the party changed from national to international socialism. They shifted from caring about Australia inc to weakening her for take over by a UN, NWO.

Jon J, correct communism never did & never will work, but they are still bent on destroying capitalism first, so that the "glorious revolution" can proceed.

When you look backwards with 20/20 hindsight, "the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth" always becomes the exact opposite of whatever a Loony Lefty says, the world makes perfect sense.

Andreas Berg, actually Krudd's management/leadership style was based on the fact that he knew he was surrounded by closet communists, which is why he tried to "cut them out of the loop" but even his "gang of 4", "kitchen cabinet" included 2 of the worst examples of the "Loony Left", Dillard & Forknerd.

Sneopy, your dreaming, international socialism or communism is as popular as "dog turd". Aussie workers like their jobs, as long as they are being reasonably paid, have a reasonable standard of living, the board , CEO & senior managment are not "overdoing" the champagne lifestyle, they like capitalism because it works.

Does it matter which breed of dog, laid the dog turd, dog turd smells like dog turd, which looks like dog turd, which tastes like dog turd.

"We the people" are tired of having dog turd shoved down our throuts by radical, extreme, Loony Left wing elites, who are even more evil than the radical, extreme, raving right wing elites.

Bob Katter will be a repeat of Pauline Hanson in that for every 1 vote he takes from the LNP, he will take 2 from the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance.

If the LNP play their cards right, co-operate with Bob Katter, swap preferences with him in all electorates, or form a loose coalition, the combined ANTI communist, 2 party prefered vote will be more like 70% to 30%.

There will be NO such thing as a SAFE communist seat left anywhere in the country apart from a few senate seats, OH happy day.
Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 3:40:20 PM
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