The Forum > Article Comments > The end of the Keating-Howard-Rudd-Gillard era? > Comments
The end of the Keating-Howard-Rudd-Gillard era? : Comments
By Geoff Robinson, published 6/9/2011Is Labor's dominance of federal politics coming to an end?
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Gee, I hope so. I cannot express in clear enough terms my utter disappointment with the ALP. They are obviously in the middle of an identity crisis and need a good lie down and a bex. Whenever the next election comes it will be a blood bath. Tories will win a majority that will keep them in Government for a long, long while. Goodbye Greens too I predict. Too scary for most marginal voters to tolerate. And they'll blame everyone but themselves - the "24 hours news cycle", the neo-liberal conspiracy, the CIA etc., etc. Never themselves, no real means of reflecting and reinvigorating themselves. Too much emphasis on the machine, terrible pre-selection processes, rigged branches, poisonous anti-business, anti-growth stances. End of an Era? I bloody hope so.
Posted by bitey, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 11:30:40 AM
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Is it coming to an end?
Yes, thanks to Gillard, without doubt the most disgraceful example of a politician in living memory. A fool, but a dangerous one. Unions have a lot to answer for when they can promote and support people like Gillard into such positions of power. And now, we see another one trying to make it into the ranks of compromised politicians...Paul Howes, and the media can be almost exclusively take the credit for making him feel that he is someone of value with quotations almost every day, Q & A attendances every week and following on in the footsteps of Bill Shorten, another Gillard sycophant. ( but if she goes, so do they) With the exception of Doug Cameron, all tarred with the same brush. What a pathetic group of representatives, leaking private information to the Charge d’affairs at the US Embassy whose sole function in life appears to be writing petty little reports about petty little people to his superiors in Washington. Who hasn’t received a mention in such epistles so far? What a career diplomat he must be. Sadly, putting Keating into the same boat as Rudd, Howard and Gillard is as great an insult as one could render any politician. Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 11:48:28 AM
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Can we please have Julia Gillard appear on the "Doctor Phil" show for psychological evaluation and correction!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 12:14:58 PM
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Delusional, or wishful thinking! I'm not sure which, but does it really matter? Our author merely hopes that Labor will not be buried for another decade or 2.
Rexw, you've only got one thing wrong, you've got the insult going the wrong way. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 12:31:59 PM
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bitey, you got closer than the article did. Up to Chifly, the ALP was a national socialist party. That is 1930's Germany, Italy & Spain, politically, but done with democracy instead of totalitarianism. Also minus the pogrom against minorities. While being socialists, they put the welfare of Australia, her people, first. They were taken over by "INTER"national socialists, who wanted one world government, a UN, NWO. So began the weakening of Australia inc. Stop "moving forwards", look backwards with 20/20 hindsight over the last half century or so & everything makes perfect sense. They have been "softening up" Australia inc, hamstringing it, ready for take over. Everything we held dear, or what worked so successfully, between 1945 & 1965 has been weakened &/or destroyed, by the PC, Thought Police of the Matriarchal, Communist Regime committing acts of social, eCONomic & cultural treason. an evil plan for failure of our nation, along with the USA, Canada, Britain, NZ, Europe & all of the western democratic capitalist world. rexw, dont kid yourself Doud Cameron's old union is the metal workers, they will be wiped off the face of the earth by a carbon tax/price/ETS, E-CONomic Treason Scam & he promotes it, knowing full well the total destruction of every industry other than quarrying, tourism & servicing those 2 remaining job opprtunities, is its purpose. And Hasbeen is correct, Comrade Keating is even worse than Comrades Whitlam, Hawke, Dillard & Krudd. He was better at the Spinganda, weasel words to "rationalise" the destruction of our industrial strength. diver dan, too true, all left wing politics is a mental illness, a self loathing, self oppression system. Hasbeen, your only mistake is to wish them in the wilderness for a couple of decades, the are ANTI patriotic, will always be "wreckers". We must have a royal commission on closet communism, a senate committee on UN Australian activiteess. No Australian child will be safe until ASIO hunts down every one of them, together with all their freinds, family & jails them for life in a "labour camp", never to be released. Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 2:42:48 PM
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I think Labor's fortunes declined when Kevin didn't do much about implementing the agenda he was elected on; they plummeted when he backed down on climate change. Julia hasn't done anything to repair this.
The big puzzle is why they didn't get credit for spending (as advised by even conventional economists) to insulate us from the GFC. We having the money to spend from China buying our resources - I don't think it was the genius of politicians of whatever stripe that lead to us having the money. Posted by Evan Hadkins, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 2:47:14 PM
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Hey here's what's wrong with labor.
1. They are comical. Paul Howes, just another suave labor speiler, the leader of the coup who ousted PM K.Rudd, harangued Clive Palmer for showing the PM Gillard disrespect on Q and A last night. 2. The are effective. They put a whole industry on the dole. 3. They are policy innovative, producing policy no one believes or wants. Carbon Tax, settled climate science, border protection, etc etc etc 1. They are consistant. They pledge undying loyalty to whoremongers and at the same time promote their belief in the equal treatment of women. This whole mob and particularly Julia have ensured the end of the labor party. And the author should add a footnote on why labor is suffering the same fate at the state level. They are all just full of spin and it began with that fantastic commentator, Richardson with his promotion of 'whatever it takes' attitude and with his creating the labor alliance with the 'commo' greens. Today's disintergration of labor is where those particular disgracefulness has led. They are the root cause of all labor's woes. Bet he'd disagree though and he'd have Hawker rush out with a spin to protect him. Graham Richardson is the greatest blight ever on the Labor Party Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 2:59:03 PM
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I think the Greens being the new progressive party makes a difference too. Hawke and Keating could always move to the right because they left had nowhere else to go - but now they do, and are!
Posted by Evan Hadkins, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 3:31:30 PM
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There is no denying that Labor's current woes began when it decided to ditch Kevin Rudd, in such a novel and cruel way, for Julia Gillard. It is not that Julia Gillard is a inferior leader or politician; it's the fact that Rudd was one of the most popular Australian leaders in history, and therefore it was extremely unwise to extinguish his candle and potential so quickly - a great leadership asset to Labor wasted just like that! Someone who enjoyed the longest political honeymoon of any leader in the country's history had a lot more political life than the polls of mid-2010 suggested. The end of his honeymoon in the polls was merely used as a cheap explanation for the party power-brokers to get rid of a leader who did not succumb to their control but openly challenged their power within the party. Sooner or later the ALP will have to face this fact and a showdown between the party leadership and the power-brokers will be inevitable!
Posted by Dorian, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 4:29:13 PM
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The Solicitor-General advised the Govt of likely High Court success over the Malaysian deal. It lost. If the Naurau solution was chosen, it too would have been challenged and sunk in the HC. So the Coalition would have lost and you'd all be egging it, presumably.
The Carbon Tax, whether it affects climate or not is a sensible inclusion into the tax base, given energy is at the base of the economy. Income tax will be lowered greatly, those on pensions will be compensated, export industries will be aided to maintain competitiveness in world markets. Sorry that a few like Mr Palmer may end up with fewer tax minimization options. School buildings and batts, yes some money leaked away in the rushed attempt to stimulate, but a drop in the ocean as a percentage of the package. The decision was right, despite Mr Truss getting half an hour of national air time to tell us why we are a basket-case alongside Greece et al while attacking the CT. Medicare and mental health have been addressed along with a range of legislative achievements overlooked. A mining tax might be a good way to get better value from what we collectively own while sharing market risk with miners. Don't believe that mining will die but look at the frenetic take-over and acquisition activity in the sector. The tax that will supercede royalties to the benefit of ALL Australians, not just those that live with assets below their feet. Where have Labor values have been lost in pursuit of things that redistribute income to maintain a sense of social cohesion not shared by Britain? Julia Gillard should go for broke and dump "moving forward" type speeches and communicate to the country as effectively as she shows at town-hall gatherings to explain Gov't policies. You don't see her on the 7.30 Report like you saw Keating, Howard or Rudd. I admire her courage and carriage in the face of bile and disrespect but she can avoid some of this through articulating policy at the right level and more often. Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 5:28:16 PM
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Evan Hadkins, Labour's fortunes fell when people realised, no matter how reasonable, intelligent or sensible Krudd was, behind him was the rest of the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance, caucus. A clapped out Trabant with a new paint job & a shiny "leader" mounted on the bonnet, is still a clapped out Trabant. 2 years in the Krudd government being a "labour" government appeared for all the world to be identical, as other incompetent labour governments. "if it looks like a duck...". Hence, the honeymoon turnaround. Kevin sensibly realised that the GP, general public do not like communism, never have, never will, dumping all those closet communist policies might have worked, IF he had not been knifed, had hung on till the last possible minute, he might have been able to regain popularity, but only if the rest of the idiots around his neck could have had a labotomy, RE education & stopped being communists. The money they wasted did NOT save us from the GFC, China kept buying Coal & iron ore. When the mining bust comes & it will, the depression our economy sinks into will be worse because of the wasted money. Even if China & India dont slow down some more, there are over 200 hundred austalian mining companies in Africa along with China, India & everybody else, without taking into account the enormous coal deposits in Mongolia, South America, everywhere else. With commodity prices this high there is a mining/exploration boom covering every square inch of the planet. As soon as all the new mines come on line, even if the economies of China & India keep going there will eventually be a commodities glut causing the next mining bust. imajulianutter, agreed, have a look at the links on my other comments on this & the other article, you might like them. EH, nobody in the GP wants progressive/communist politics, it is a luciferian lie, progessive, REALLY = REgressive. Dorian, now you are getting somewhere, but it is idealogy, Krudd is almost the only NON communist left in the GAYLP. Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 6:27:00 PM
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Dont forget the old saying that
"a week is a long time in politics" and there about 100 weeks left till the next election. Anything can happen between now and then. Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 11:42:55 PM
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Formersnag, is any form of income redistribution a form of communism?
Every government taxes and shells out money on the basis of its own sense of the common good. Is that communism? If nature is allowed to take its course, the rich get richer very quickly as do the poorer get poorer. What determines who deserves to control capital versus who deserves to be hard-working but poor? Simplistic, dichotomous categorizations don't cut it if you want to find solutions. You have to appreciate the shades of grey and the difference between leading a minority government full of shades versus simply taking an opposing stance. The minority Gillard Gov't is on its way towards reforms that make some majority governments of the past look tired and lazy. A carbon tax and a mining tax will help make this country great and if we resile from these reforms we will not be serving our children. We can not afford to just be "relaxed and comfortable" in the world ahead. Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 11:57:56 PM
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Hay Lucifer how on earth do you manage to get to have such muddled thinking.
From the first part of your post you appear to want to be a Robbin Hood, take from the rich & give to the poor. Not exactly sure you can get away with the claim that it is for any one's idea of the common good. More about buying more votes than it costs from what I've seen recently. Anyway, you're all in favour of redistributing the earnings of some downward to make the poor richer. Then you want a carbon dioxide tax. Now I can't know if you are naive enough to believe that it will only apply to the big polluters, or that any compensation will work for any longer than it takes for a new topic to catch the public imagination, but it would appear so. As it will end up applying, particularly when it gets to carbon dioxide trading, it will cost the poorest a much greater percentage of their income than the rich. Not only that, but the derivative trading it will lead to will make a small number of very rich much richer. Does not appear to suit your objective at all. A mining tax is very similar. The rich will decamp for pastures greener for their mining business, leaving much less wealth to spread around to your needy, 'cos it just won't be happening in Oz. I can only assume you are a teacher or a bureaucrat, if you can't understand these simple principals. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 1:47:18 AM
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"Anyway, you're all in favour of redistributing the earnings of some downward to make the poor richer. Then you want a carbon dioxide tax."
Income redistribution is something every Gov't in Australian history has done, Hasbeen. It's for the greater good A carbon tax will not change the distribution if other measures are taken. Look at the whole package, Hasbeen, instead of just focussing on the taxation of emissions part. It's for the greater good You may be happy for miners to make a killing on the back of our resources being sold off cheap. The idea that Australia can extract a fair price for resources as market prices rise or fall appeals more than the current rip-off. There doesn't seem to be any drop in business activity in the industry with aquisitions and take-overs barrelling along because mining wealth redistribution away from them will result, but it's for the greater good. We are one Australia, for richer or poorer, and its time the self-interested stopped squealing about it, for the greater good. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 10:29:08 AM
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sorry, didn't preview. After "...barrelling along." should come "The big mining states don't like it because mining wealth redistribution away from them will result, but it's for the greater good."
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 10:34:19 AM
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Rudd was most probably doing the things a real Labor Prime Minister would do, with things like the original Mining Super Profits Tax, and his environmental campaigns etc, and with his demise went the real Labor policy agenda.
Years of neglect in area's of infrastructure/skills left by the Howard Gov't, meant that money from mining super profits was needed, sensible, and could be channelled into public infrastructure, health training, education spending, etc. A perfectly reasonable idea for mine. It was Rudd's presidential style that was the problem apparently. As for Keating , he was the Architect of the modern Australian economy, and after having created the conditions for wealth, lost an election to Howard in 96, allowing Howard to step into a golden economy and spend the next 13 years re-distributing the wealth and benefits to the wealthy. Today we see Keating on the board of the China Development Bank and Howard promoting his book. That says something to me. Rudd had obviously fallen fowl of the media and Gillard has not had a honeymoon and the media bashing has been relentless. It is important to note that 70% of Australian media is owned by Murdoch (what happened to the cross media ownership laws ?), and this has been a major factor in the opinion and the viewpoint of the voters expressed in loaded polling. As for what Julia stands for, my problem is, that I find it's hard to differentiate between Gillard's views and Abbott's on many things. That is a truly worrying thing. Posted by thinker 2, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 1:00:14 PM
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Lucifer, the HC already said Nauru was OK because OUR government was running it "off shore" but Malaysia was running its own system, in its own nation, Nauru was just "renting" land to our government, not running the whole show themselves, big difference.
However i don't believe in either, "UN acompanied minors" should be humanely returned to their mothers ASAP, not detained anywhere. How could any communist or feMANazi support doing anything other than returning children to their mothers in Afghanistan, Iraq, wherever? Every single dollar of the carbon tax/price/ets will be passed on to the consumers. IF 1 SINGLE DOLLAR IS USED FOR RESEARCH, COMPENSATING BIG BUSINESS, SENT OVERSEAS TO BUY CARBON DERIVATIVES, THE CONSUMER, THAT IS YOU AND ME IS OUT OF POCKET, LET ALONE THE BUREAUCRATIC COST OF ADMINISTERING THIS MESS. Steal from the poor, give to the rich, what part of that don't you understand? Why would Dillard waste 1 second of her time "communicating" NOBODY is listening any more, the peasants are not as stupid as you think they are. They can smell a COW sh*% artist miles away. Hasbeen, i dont like to use the word teacher to describe the people who work in schools anymore. Lucifer, you talk all the right spin but have it the wrong way around. Wealth redistribution is a poverty creation system, before 1972 we had full employment, so why would anybody need the dole? Thinker 2, that is an oxymoron, everybody on the political left, regurgitates spinganda, dogma, weasel words, party lines, etc, without ever thinking. Yes Keating is helping the Chinese government to steal from our poor, give to their rich, Howard is happily retired, Keating is still raping Australia & you think this is good? What is wrong with you? Any lame stream media organisation which continues trying to feed us closet communist spinganda or say "nice" things about corrupt politicians is going to continue losing ratings, go broke. What loaded polling? i see open, honest, online polls everyday. Posted by Formersnag, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 3:29:03 PM
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Formersnag. I so look forward the true believers, i.e. believers in every conspiracy theory there ever was, running the country. Can't wait for the truth about the moon-landing, it's been annoying me for decades.
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 7:05:37 PM
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Lucifer, what have you been smoking? who said anything about conspiracy theories? we are discussing well documented, scientifically proven facts, a brief of evidence so large, complete, detailed, we are talking about forklifts rather than trolleys to wheel all the relevant files into court. after the next election when Bob Katter is PM & Tony Abbott is his deputy PM the only Loony left politician present or past to not be arrested will be everybody else is going to jail for social, economic & cultural treason. Under "proceeds of crime" legislation their assetts will be stripped. Lucifer, i have some friendly advice for you, convert all of your posessions to cash & run, ASAP, to a 3rd world HELL hole that does not have an extradition treaty with Australia or any other nation that we have treaties with. ASIO & ASIS will soon be built into behemoths far superior to Mossad, CIA or any spook network the world has ever seen. EVERY body who has ever been involved in the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance will be hunted down like nazi war criminals, no matter how old they are, along with their entire circle of family & friends. i personally guarantee it, i will be running the "rehabilitation resource" myself, see how easy it is to use PC, Thought Police language when you want to. Posted by Formersnag, Friday, 9 September 2011 11:02:53 AM
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Such a distorted view of the truth Formersnag and history, doesn't help with the way you view life does it.
ASIO was originally formed as a instrument by Menzies to eke out or provide evidence of communists under the bed in the Labor Party opposing him. It's very foundation was political. And, was the very first attempt by the Liberal Party to manipulate the course of Australian politics by clouding the separation of powers. Our very first political police force or thought police as you say FS, with powers beyond the normal police force. It/they, ASIO and Menzies, at that time, embarked on a McCarthy like witch hunt, virtually smashing a blossoming local film industry (not liking the politics of our best and brightest artists), at the same time as using a public instrument in ASIO to discredit it's political opponents. Today's Liberal Party, lobby State police forces by mail, as George Brandis has been doing to prosecute their political opponents with unsubstantiated allegations, out in the open for all to see. Oh but whoops, I forgot they are the opposition, not the Gov't. If they were the Gov't, they could be considered capable again, of using ASIO's powers for the Gov'ts political purposes if anybody, because they have the form. In fact Formersnag John Howard spent heaps on beefing up the security services and encouraging US participation in it. He even bought piles of untested dud aircraft (still on the drawing board today) in a motel room, just to get on their, (the US's) good side. Today this tragic strategic error (made against the advice of the ADF), has created a massive ongoing cost blowout problem and defence deficiency for the current Gov't. And still not a plane in the air !. No conspiracy there FS, just cold hard facts. Keating is simply an economic genius. This is why he plays an international role today, whilst Howard today (as you say) enjoys, contemplating his own navel. To spell it out. I've got plenty more if you like. Without any descriptive synonyms like Dillard anywhere to be seen. Posted by thinker 2, Friday, 9 September 2011 9:05:27 PM
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thinker 2, & next you will be telling me the closet communists are not in favour of importing thousands of Muslim terrorists into the land of OZ to distract them from Communist terrorists like you, who are promoting Muslim terrorism. the loony left has been collaberating with the filthy, stinking, super rich in their efforts to steal from the middle classes. What happened in 1945 France to collaborators? Start running, look over your shoulder for the rest of your life. the committee on UN australian activitees wiil soon be looking for you. Posted by Formersnag, Saturday, 10 September 2011 11:43:06 AM
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Wow Formersnag, I'm a communist terrorist for simply disagreeing with you and referring to historical facts in support of my case that you have largely ignored.
With regard to your own personal brand of lunacy, it is definitely not closet is it ? FS. Posted by thinker 2, Saturday, 10 September 2011 7:56:06 PM
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thinker 2, you are using the silly female debating tactics again. Your so called facts describe perfectly what the problem is. communist terrorists were merely followed around without being tried for treason & executed. unlike the USA, we did not have a senate committee on UN australian activitees. they got away with it, were allowed to white ant our nation from within. So NO you are not a communist terrorist for disagreeing with me. the entire RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance has been taken over by closet communists, has been destroying australia from within for half a century. if you know anything about the law of aiding & abbetting then you will know that supporting the closet communists in any way makes you guilty, not my opinion, L.A.W. law, as comrade Keating would say. i agree comrade keating is too intelligent to have destroyed our economy as comprehensively as he did by mistake or error. it is not possible for any human being on the planet to be that stupid. he was doing it deliberately for corrupt reasons, idealogical or financial but probably both. Posted by Formersnag, Monday, 12 September 2011 6:29:53 PM
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I'm not actually female Formersnag, and I sort of get what you mean. Are you saying that the left has infiltrated the Greens, lobby groups etc ?.
This is possibly true FS, but this is a symptom of going too far to the right in this country. Whenever highjacking of the wealth to the rich occurs, it is natural that resistance develops. I repeat my assertion that Keating was the Architect of the modern Australian economy. It was what was done with it after that, that changed its direction and destroyed its vigour, the loyalty of employees went with it, the protection of consumers and a guarantee of the Aussie way of life disappeared with it, and the incentive for productivity dissolved with it. Howard was a spanner in the works and the legal implementations of his reign, was driven by nothing more than an ideological agenda. From the destruction of the Trade Practices Act and Workplace Relations Laws, to poll driven Refugee policy and crazed and ill advised defence expenditure, the sale of profitable Gov't owned institutions such as Telstra, leaving the debacle we experience today as the Gov't tries to resurrect the situation with a new taxpayer owned asset in the NBN. And entering wars at taxpayer expense and the lives of Australian Service people, on bodgey intelligence. All the things that cause the Gov't of today to experience problems running the country now, are largely left over from the Howard contribution. And as the Coalition Senators jeer across the opposition benches "Nothing left to sell now is there ?" , there damn right the Coalition sold the lot. And no regulatory structure is left to implement in favour of the taxpayer or the nation. Thank you,(sic) Howard Costello, Andrews and Ruddock, Vanstone, and Abbott, all of whom implemented privatisation of essential services and slashing in public spending. And the dis-regulation of the business environment. And in todays news, the business sectors beys for more blood claiming that peoples wages affect productivity and lobbying for further loosening of the Workplace Relations Act. Give us a break you A**holes. Posted by thinker 2, Monday, 12 September 2011 8:43:09 PM