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The Forum > Article Comments > The proposals from both sides of NSW politics will make juvenile crime worse > Comments

The proposals from both sides of NSW politics will make juvenile crime worse : Comments

By Jane Sanders, published 11/2/2003

Jane Sanders argues that both sides of NSW politics are proposing measures that will make the problems of juvenile crime worse

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This was an old article, but once was a new article.....and given the importance of the issues, I find it extremely disturbing that none of the people you think who are concerned about values, fairness or freedom bothered to comment. There are plenty of responses from people advocating the rights of disabled persons, plenty of responses from folks who identify as religious who fancy taking the high moral ground on matters such as womens reproductive rights, homosexuality etc.

This piece was a well-written matter about experiences and matters that are closely familiar to me. Over 5 or 6 years ago at least, don't remember when, I remember I think I met the writer of the article and one of her other staff, both of which are on secondment from a top tier Sydney city legal firm. At the time I was making trips to town at night from the suburbs, but later, unbeknownst to me then, was to become more entrenched in the perilous nocturnal underworld of Sydney.

Many of which the author wrote about is real, and over 3 years later, still going on. Our so-called socially aware urban set don't care at all, they in fact lobby the Member for Bligh, Police, Council and Government to sweep us all off the street like we're some cockroaches or something threatening the value of their speculatively purchased properties.
Posted by Inner-Sydney based transsexual, indigent outcast progeny of merchant family, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 9:31:43 PM
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