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The Forum > Article Comments > National Marriage Day & the UK riots > Comments

National Marriage Day & the UK riots : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 16/8/2011

The destruction of marriage and the natural family is leading to social dysfunction and youth crime, can what happened in the UK occur here?

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"Without being in any way over-dramatic or alarmist, my prediction would be that the effects of family breakdown on the life of the nation, and ordinary people, in this country will, within the next 20 years, be as marked and as destructive as the effects of global warming"

Right on the button. Two attempts to whip up public hysteria through imaginary connections based on nothing more than wishful thinking. Truly, they are wiser than they know..

By the way, did anyone bother to record the religious affiliations of the English rioters? I'm only guessing, but I wouldn't be surprised to find a much larger proportion of theists among them than the general population.

Since that constitutes 'evidence' on a par with yours, perhaps I should write an article maintaining that belief in God causes social breakdown and chaos...

Would I get published here, I wonder?
Posted by Jon J, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 7:35:27 AM
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Congratulations Warwick on writing yet another polemic that utilises whatever tragic headline that is currently in the news to push your own agenda. And you are obviously not alone, as you appear to have recruited quotes from a number of sources that have just as little idea of what is causing these events as you do. Not that anyone could easily check, your hyperlinks are unusable and your statistics appear to be made up to suit yourself. And what the heck is a 'goal system'?
Perhaps your editor should have actually read the article instead of just using a spell checker.

Fail. C-
Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 8:29:29 AM
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I am not here to blow Warwick Marsh's whistle for him, but I could not agree with him more.

We have a homosexual socialist/communist govt, that sees our country in the grips of homosexuals. I have no issue with these people individually, but how dare they force down our throats their abhorrent way of life. Their behaviour is an abomination before the sight of God and they will answer for this themselves.

What I find to be the second worst possible form of child abuse, with the worst being parental alienation that is now going to explode in this country thanks to the govt changing the family law act, is having innocent children being raised by homosexuals. These poor innocent children will never know what it is to live a normal life with a mother and a father. How dare this Penny Wong woman flout her debauchery in the public arena and in our house of govt!
Because of her, there is not one labor politician who has the guts to say one single word about the fact she and her partner are committing a huge crime against this poor child.

This country was forged and formed on the Judeo/Christian model, which saw the whole of society built on the nuclear family unit.
Feminism, homosexuality and Atheism has caused shipwreck to our family structure and thus to our society.
Our country is now run by radical nasty feminists and homosexuals. I can only see our society following the UK, but it will take us longer to get through it. We have already made all the same mistakes.

Now I will just sit back and wait for all the nasty femmo and homosexual trolls to come here and slam me along with the author of the article. And I will laugh at their idiotic gnashing of teeth!
You know, they hate being critised so much that they become violent and they have to attack and insult and vilify anyone who criticises them. Don't believe me.
Then just watch this space!
Posted by Paw, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 8:58:31 AM
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The comments of a single "well known' Family Law Court Judge mean Nothing without objective assessment of a number of scenarios in any society. Data is key to sociological assessment.

The assertion that fatherlessness had a role in the UK riots is a bare, unsubstantiated one.

Paw - your reference to "these people sets the tone for your subsequent denigration. No-one is forcing anything. You choose to emphasise it as that and choose to get upset.
Posted by McReal, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 9:11:44 AM
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Spot on Warick. However those that have not enjoyed a great family life will believe anarchy is normal.
Posted by Philo, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 9:28:27 AM
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McReal I believe Paw may be alluding to the deceit and manipulation that is going on. Much like the Survey report that 62% of Australians want Gay Marriage. The report was so well "framed" to get that response it was just an exercise in manipulation, I could have framed the question to easily get the opposite answer.

hence, many people feel powerless in the face of this sort of propaganda and deceit as it is very well funded and the government seems to spend so much time on it.

What was the first act of this government, to consider gay marriage, with all the problems we have, lack of infrastructure and health, we got, gay marriage.

I agree with the author, our moral values have declined, and we have a government who seems not to understand the precarious position we are in here in Australia. If you remove the mining boom income, the rest of the country is in trouble, especially small business.

We have a government who lie constantly, cannot deliver a donut to a morning tea in this "year of deliveries".

We have idiot ministers, who see the taxpayer as an endless source of funds for social experimentation. Who sneer at anyone who questions their wisdom, and planned legacy.

They forget, that we only have so much we can give and remain prosperous and able to invest in the future.

We don't want more social experiments, we've had years of it with state governments and it will take years to flush out all the soft leftie judges and legal systems they have left us.

What happened to the duty of government to the people, this mob think it's the duty of the people to the government.

This government will fall because they do not understand, nor want to, the will of the people. Evidently, we're all wrong .. we'll see about that at the next election.
Posted by Amicus, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 9:47:33 AM
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