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Is the USA a failed State? : Comments

By Sam Vaknin, published 11/8/2011

Is America falling behind and/or failing as a nation?

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Is the US a failed state?

No, just a state going through a transition, although this transition may take a generation or more to play out.

The US has lost a lot of industry that has gone offshore, but wages in the US are dropping, and if other things are done, industry may return back to the US in the future, and the US will regain its prosperity.

Currently US politics and US foreign policies are woeful, or perhaps it always has been that way, except people didn’t notice that much.

Domestically and socially there are major problems in the US.

- Too high an immigration rate.
- A growing divide between the rich and poor.
- Exploitation of the poor by the rich.
- Major problems with education systems and skills base.
- Loss of national identity and distrust of government.
- Health problems.
- Decimation of families due to feminism.

In fact, the US has most of the problems Australia also has, except in Australia such problems are hidden by coal and iron ore exports.
Posted by vanna, Thursday, 11 August 2011 8:54:20 AM
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is usa a failed get serious mate
the fed can print all the fiat paper
mone-tory easing..cyber money
govt collusion will issue a bond for

we got a failed govt process
not YET a failed state

the govt sold the fed reserve to the bankers
for 44 point 4..billion...[FOR THAT SAME SUM]

it can buy back the fed reseve with 12 plate size coins
[under right of face value]

the same right..that make paper a unit of exchange
declared by fiat [royal decree]..7 cents of paper
to be equal the true worth of a silver dollar

all usa needs do
is seize back fort knox from the banks
via auditing the 'gold' quality and quantity in it

when the fort knox gold
reveals the 12 bankers sold the gold
[they bought for 33$ an ounce...THEN on sold for 200$]

systematic grand theft
[and treason]..colluded crime

THEN they seize back the mint
and return to the coin-age

reset the coin face value
BACK to true value...[ie its weight
pounds/dollars..ARE UNITS OF WEIGHT

[ie a dollars
worth of pure silver]

[inflation has deflated the real value of coin]
ading two nought's..over face value
returns its true values
back to the poor

who then spend their coins[consume]..
at true values

and the coin-age returns

with the fed holding the 12 HUGE coins
with a total value of the debt...and most govt 'bond's'

[TRUE GOVT DEBT..owed the fed]
is 44.4 billion

12 coins
can set usa free

but will the bankers
let their collusive theft be revealed?

well who knows

and fort knox

the 'gold only gold plate
and other metals...

*who stole the gold
silent govt..let the feds/bankers take it all

no need to make the rich pay

take back the power of coin
and the rest just goes away

gold/silver coin..are the only lawfull tender
[read the constitution..or resign]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 11 August 2011 9:42:11 AM
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All the US really has to do is get out from under the weight of green oppression on enterprise, & it would fly again.

Ship the government of China in, to get rid of the restrictions, & the US would leave China for dead.

It is a sad fact that the movement that did so much to clean up, & improve the west has had a rush of blood to the head. Instead of being happy with what they have done, they have now gone mad, they or those who took over their movement. Too far is no longer enough for the greenies, & the west is now suffering from it.

The US, Oz & the rest of the west had better get going, & soon. We are now slipping behind the new economies in our education standards, with far too much feather bedding in institutions. This is particularly the case in the solid practical subjects.

We now have a very large percentage of people in our higher education institutions, running around exchanging bits of fairy floss. If this continues it won't be just one lost generation, it will be a long slide into white trash status for all of us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 11 August 2011 10:07:29 AM
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Sam Vaknin,

Could you please give us your definition of ‘The State’?

It would help us distinguish a rogue State from a non rogue one.
Posted by skeptic, Thursday, 11 August 2011 11:04:56 AM
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hasbeen "We now have a very large percentage of people in our higher education institutions, running around exchanging bits of fairy floss. If this continues it won't be just one lost generation, it will be a long slide into white trash status for all of us."

spot on

the growth of USA was propelled on the values of Libertarian Capitalism

which have been flushed by the incideous influence and warped policies of leftard liberals (US definition) - and here known as the Australian Labor party, supported by the assorted Watermelons of the environazi movement and the turncoat independents like Windsor

But I am sure the people of USA have the will to reverse the trend

Just as real Australians will reverse the trend at the Next General Election
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 11 August 2011 2:05:51 PM
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A look at things from a different perpective. Same result.

The writer went back to the aberrations of the beginning of US hegemony commencing with Mexico, a forgotten chapter to all but the Mexicans.
Since then, they haven't looked back being able to cut a swath through almost every country in the world, masquerading as they do in pursuit of freedom, democracy, anti-communism, (these days, to keep up the 'isms', anti-terrorism, most of their own making) with each successive president, collectively the very worst kind of people, even Kennedy (ask the people in Laos and Cambodia), using their (the president's) private army, the CIA, as they go about their charter of creating instability throughout the world by planting false information, covertly feeding money to dictators, depressing global prices of agricultural products in order to damage uncooperative third world countries, starting wars, over 200 to date, attempting to assassinate foreign leaders and *”sponsoring guerrilla wars of insurgencies in places as diverse as the Ukraine, Poland, Albania, Hungary, Indonesia, China, Tibet, Oman, Malaysia, Iraq, the Dominican Republic. Venezuela, North Korea, Bolivia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Haiti, Guatemala, Cuba, Greece, Turkey, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Angola and Nicaragua to name a few on the public record.”

* See "Nemesis", by Chalmers Johnson an American writer for the full story, who sadly died November 2010, Perhaps the most prescient critic of American empire and its pretensions and brilliant author of “Blowback” and “The Sorrows of Empire”.

At the moment we see an empire, corrupt, hated, a compliant servant to an even more hated foreign state, Israel, losing its internal democracy and growing militarily larger by the day, 780 foreign bases at the last count, morally and certainly financially bankrupt, with a current charlatan as a leader, a previous leader who was allowed to erode The Constitution, once the inviolable document on which the United States was built.
A country that has degenerated into a government of deceitful liars, torturers, false flag perpetrators, assassins, all supported by a dishonest, foreign-controlled media. A country that no longer understands their own Constitution.

Failed state? How could one think that?
Posted by rexw, Thursday, 11 August 2011 2:55:18 PM
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Right at this moment, the US and Israel are using up their bag of dirty tricks to influence those members of the UN to vote against the statehood for Palestine resolution, due to be voted on in September.
Israel using its influence, corruption and bribery, even in places like little Tonga, while the US, with its modus operandi, through threats and economic / military penalties.

Promises and threats and there is no one better at it than the corrupt USA.

What's this to do with failed state status?
Just another example of what the US has become over the years it has taken to become a failed state and failed state it is.

When America, 'Land of the Free' was prepared to tolerate the deaths of 4,000 people on the 11th September, 2001 supported be a Clayton's investigation of the local and foreign state culprits as another example of US lies and theatrics, the bombing of one of their ships by Israel with an 'under the carpet' result by yet another lying president, then you know it is the beginning of a failing empire.

May not happen for 15 years but it is on the way. There is not enough backbone in the US people to toss out the already corrupt 80% of the Congress and 70% of the Senate whose aim, based on actions to date, is to respond to the dictates of foreigners in their quest to "own" the middle east, oil and all.

Anyone who considers that the Arab 'spring' has not had the dirty hand of the US in there is naive. Let's not even mention the agitations for a war in Iran to placate the influences of the AIPAC Zionist lobby in Washington, owning Congress and the Senate, bribing all and sundry to acheive their aims, right now to kill the vote for Palestine in September. Is it any wonder that Gillard is so determined to place Australia's vote against Palestine as she jumps to the Melbourne Jewish Council's demands.

Yes, the failed state syndrome is here as well.
Posted by Rhys Stanley, Thursday, 11 August 2011 4:22:52 PM
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If they support Ron Paul and get rid to the US Federal Reserve then the USA will rise to be far more prosperous than any time in its' history.The Fed is the root cause of the GFC and the wars of imperialism.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 11 August 2011 7:12:08 PM
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Of course you are right, Arjay. No matter how many times you say it, people in this country and propably the US as well, think that the Federal Reserve is an arm of government. An arm of ripping off the government, more precisely..

A weight around the neck of America. Rothchilds and their ilk, running unhindered and thick on the ground over there, all with dual passports, subservient to a foreign state as with Gillard is to her sponsors here in timid little Australia. A weak government makes an easy target. We do not need such a handicap here as we have Gillard's feckless crew with another even more feckless crew waiting in the wings.

What have we done?

How can a country that punches above its weight in medical research, scientific achievements, social services in the main and general academic achievements, be loaded with such political misfits?

However, on the positive side, the days of ethical behavious, decency and social conscience have now long since left America as vote-gathering platforms for politicians. A country with an absolutely staggering number of handicapped ex-military, Gulf War syndrome, permanently damaged, their plight worsens as the Congress, now 'managed' by Republicans, work for tax benefits for the wealthy to the detriment of medical services needed so badly by so many.

They all heeded the call for active service but now are an on-going cost America can do without.......and best forgotten.

Still, in an aggressive military country, being a soldier is a job and there aren't too many of those in the USA and deceasing, daily.
Posted by rexw, Thursday, 11 August 2011 8:46:18 PM
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The US was virtually on top of the world until the 1980’s, when they reduced the top tax down to 35% which surely allows uncontrolled industry CEO’s to take as high a salary as they like. Incomes of $100 million are being taken and possible higher, and that has reduced the amount into kitty as well as causing increases of all goods and services. The since 1969, the top tax has been dropping from 77% to 35% in 2003. The troubles in the US have been caused by the uncontrolled incomes which have destroyed the ability of companies to look after their own industries and employees.
Posted by merv09, Thursday, 11 August 2011 9:53:02 PM
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merv09 the troubles of the West and the USA is that private central banks are allowed to create money from nothing to equal our increases in productivity and inflation as debt.Private banks should only be allowed to loan out money that already exists due to real productive enterprise.Only sovereign Govts elected by the people should have this power.

They are stealing from you merv09 and you like most don't realise it.They are stealing your increases in productivity and loaning it back to you as debt.It is like you counterfeiting money in your garage and loaning it to our Govt.This is why you pay so much tax.You have to service Govt debt to private banksters.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 11 August 2011 11:03:52 PM
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Merv09 "The US was virtually on top of the world until the 1980’s, when they reduced the top tax down to 35% which surely allows uncontrolled industry CEO’s to take as high a salary as they like."

Yes but strangely, in the 1980s it was the USSR which collapsed...

Go figure...

IF the USA is so bad a place... why do people queue up to get smuggled in

If collective control of everything, where CEOs wages are decided by a government committee, was so great.. why were people risking land mines and bullets to escape over the Iron Curtain...

There is nothing in your proposals which have not failed in the recent past

but don't let that stop you... Julia Gizzards is following a similar strategy and in the short and long term, it will only cost us all alot of money

Bring on the next election and bring back the Liberals
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 12 August 2011 1:34:31 PM
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US and Australia both suffer from broken Federal systems that have way too many politicians in state and national upper and lower houses. These institutions are from another era.

The legislative and strategic planning gridlock we see on every major reform is destroying any chance of our governments to make a significant contibution in shaping the 21st century.

The cost of over-government is running at around a trillion for the US and $50 billion a year for Australia each year. Meanwhile the already extreme gap in wealth is continuing to widen in both nations.

It will take gifted and corageous political leaders to provide the narrative and vision to enagage with citizens to embark upon the major restructuring that we both desperately need.
Posted by Quick response, Friday, 12 August 2011 2:37:00 PM
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colour red[col rouge]..quote""but strangely,
in the 1980s it was the USSR which collapsed...""

and the people got shares

cobntrast this to when capitalism went bust
they bailed out the rich..and the people got 'AUSTERITY/measures'

but capitalists got a bailout
[or rather a long series of bailouts
while the people paid extra taxes..clever stuff eh what...!

""Go figure...""


""IF the USA is so bad a place...
why do people queue up to get smuggled in""

mate the green card is a dream for the peons
sold the 'american dream'...these hopeless fools seek hope
sold a dream they soon realise is minimin wage[or work for tips]

to wit conned
[and if they are allready rich
they love the idea..of peons bailing out capitalists

""If collective control of everything,""'
or selective control by 5%..
of 95%...of everything

same same
the commie 'party members got theirs first'
when the poor were given shares..the oligarkkk's got it

if the poor get wages...the rich get bailed out from govt lending it from those they lol bail out[how insane is that]..thanks be to fractional reserve replenishing the credit...our bailouts paid for the babnks to leverage..into EVEN more credit/debt

[too big too fail?
or the neck"

hit em in their purse*

""people risking land mines and bullets
to escape over the Iron Curtain...""

cause they swallowd the capitalist dream
they looked at their empty shops
and wanted the stuff

[but didnt realise that takes money...
the commie peons didnt know..things cost money and pride]

the only reason the shops are full
is cause each lable has its lurk[trade advantage]..
same product other 'brand'..none of which poor peons can afford

""There is nothing in your proposals
which have not failed in the recent past""

yes the elites
are like that bum fluff stuff
that floats...scum floats to the top

a pox on both their houses
Posted by one under god, Friday, 12 August 2011 3:45:29 PM
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Isn't it ironic, that the mighty US of A, should find itself in bed, with the swill & PIIGS, and sharing their legendary sticky situation for a Lifetime ? It not only comes as a universal shock, it will reverberate for yonks. The embarrassment & abysmal humiliation - like their European cousins across the Atlantic. One is judged by the company one keep. An ignominious reversal of roles for a Super Power !

Despite gurus Warren Buffet, Tim Geithner, Donald Trump etc ridiculing & defaming the credit agencies for double dealing, the fact remains, the US Economy is invariably junk status. It has a dysfunctional junkie addiction to debt. Always have. It is living beyond it's means. For decades, the Economy has been kept alive by Treasury's printing presses. Paradoxically, the American Dream is illusionary. By every measure, it caused the Global meltdown. The horrific aftermath is till to be felt. Aust Retirees with Annuities, and others in the workforce hoping to cash in their Superannuation, have suffered a 7-10 % drop in yearly earnings. Hopefully, Gillard will raise the 9 % subsidy to 12 %, so retirees can gracefully. Leave the workforce, in relative comfort. Wall St, and share markets have lost$ 800 B. Aust alone lost $ 150 B at the ASX. Commodity prices have nosedived. The AUD is back to $ 0.973, after the major currencies ie. Yen and Swiss franc.

Typically though, the overall perception in the US, is to shoot the messenger. Ill tidings are definitely NOT on the menu.

Humpy Dumpy took a great fall
Humpy Dumpy, brought down the Berlin Wall.
All the King's horses & all the World's men
Couldn't put H D together again !
The parody of the Rich & famous, maximizing and juggling their dozen or more credit cards. Pay Peter to pay Paul.

Posted by dalma, Saturday, 13 August 2011 7:39:27 PM
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Not surprising, the US Constitution ( 1792 ) guarantees Treasury & Mint produce, currency on demand ? Only Congress can appropriate money Bills, and borrow on credit. The Doctrine of Sovereignty can overrule any creditor from suing, if the Govt reneges on it's promises. The 14th Amendment actually stipulates a debt ceiling !

After weeks of deliberations, and finger pointing between the chagrined Tea Party, Dems & Reps, Congress finally approved an extension of borrowing to $ 17.0 T, over ten years. With GDP at $15.0 T & debts of $ 15.5 T, investors soon panicked, and opposed further loans. Forcing a default. China has $ 1.2 T invested in Treasury Holdings; Japan $ 12.4 B; UK $ 346.5 B; Aust $ 11.2 B. It's patently obvious, the US is on a downward spiral, out of control, and resembling a banana Republic Sovereignty.

The US defaulted in 1930, during the 1929-32 Great Depression.

Throughout it's History, from the Civil War, and all it's numerous conflicts, War reparations have been a costly exercise in frugality,and a painful drain on the Economy. It has virtually drained Fort Knox's 20,205 m/tons Gold Reserves to less then 22 % holdings, today. Depleted it's Treasury consistently, but encouraged the proliferation of printing indiscriminately, more fiat currency, to meet it's voracious appetite. It made America's competitive Industrial & Manufacturing might.

There is little doubt, a double dip recession is now underway. Under the current dynamics, with Congress & the President's unchanged Fiscal and Monetary Policies, the position is irreconcilable and unsustainable. in the short term.

Under the present regime, the Fed's owe $ 60 B in actuarial liabilities eg. Welfare, Medicare, civil and military salaries. Fed & Veteran Retirement Benefits etc. A whopping 85 % of States in the Union, are suffering Budget blowouts. 10-15 % unemployment. Breakdowns in Municipal services: Health, Police,sanitation etc. Operating at only half capacity. Business confidence is waning. Consumers are disenchanted, and not spending. Preferring to ride out the dismal outlook and crisis. Source: CBO ( Congressional Budget Office )

No matter how you view the crisis, the status quo,

Posted by dalma, Saturday, 13 August 2011 8:21:18 PM
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status quo, has irrevocably changed, and no amount of obfuscation, denials, hyperbole, etc will restore the World's Super Power to it's former glory and edification.

You may fool people, some of the Time, with smoke and mirrors. Hype & hubris etc. Comes a time, the chicanery simply loses it's mojo magic !

More's the Pity.
Posted by dalma, Saturday, 13 August 2011 8:26:11 PM
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