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The Forum > Article Comments > Banana-nomics > Comments

Banana-nomics : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 3/8/2011

Australian housing supply and demand, compared to the expensive pricing of banana's in the wake of cyclone Yasi.

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...Ross Elliot questions…
“The burning question, of course, is how long can it last? If supply costs elevate prices beyond the capacity or desire to pay, people stop buying. Economies slow down. The music stops”.

...Well my own reading of the housing price “bubble” would answer the above question with a “now”.
I have always suspected the cost of housing equated to the level of immigration. As immigration decreases so does the demand for housing and education; both these areas are crying “poor” as immigration levels have fallen dramatically, which proves the point that neither education or housing is available for the fundamental purpose of housing and educating, but “primarily” for the business of money making…There is the fault!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 3 August 2011 8:36:34 AM
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