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Palestine - testing the world's patience : Comments

By David Singer, published 6/7/2011

The PLO is after regional hegemony claiming the areas of Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza

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If one were to adopt the diverting principles of Mr. Singer, his comment would invoke a response from anyone who may choose to list the UN Resolutions that have been ignored by Israel over time as seen on

Giving a brief explanation of each would exceed the allowable word limit on such comments. However as is known by ever fair-minded reader of these pages, excluding the Melbourne sayanims, the September vote in the UN may have a chance to succeed regardless of the conflicts in the Palestine management.
In the meantime, the US using its weight to pressure the wavering states, captive as the US is to the dictates of the parasitic state of Israel, currently trying to influence little states like Tonga and other Pacific countries with promises of tourism and trade.

That’s how it is done these days.

Australia, as we all know is a lay down misere for the anti-Palestine vote as the Melbourne Zionists have held Gillard captive for years and shown their support by assisting in the ousting of Rudd through those factional leaders we all know so well. Gillard, is now possibly an honorary citizen of Israel following her visit to “Leadership Conference” charades in Israel. She knows that Palestine is ‘somewhere’ but she has no interest or compassion for their plight, totally against the wishes of the great majority of real Australians.

A major step towards her demise.

So have a good look at the list of Resolutions that have been totally ignored by Israel, with the compliant veto of the morally bankrupt US, fast on its way to seeing out “The Last Days of the American Republic”, according to the greatest of all the US writers, Chalmers Johnson, sadly no longer with us. Look at the nuclear weapons held by Israel, just itching to exert their total dominance over the middle east, the supplying of all the lethal weapons used by Sri Lanka in their massacre of civilians, the acts of instability wherever they cast their net.

How could any human being not want to save Palestine from that fate.
Posted by rexw, Wednesday, 6 July 2011 10:25:42 AM
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Hows things in the propaganda dept Dave, still getting your cheques from from the information ministry,your losing you know it everyone else knows it so get used to it, but you keep banging away with the predigested opinions.
How many settlers have US citizenship so when it goes pear shaped they can bolt back to America.
Posted by John Ryan, Wednesday, 6 July 2011 11:01:03 AM
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Dear David Singer,

Back to previous tiresome form I see, 'Palestinian Arabs' indeed.

But there is a 'tell' and it has me a little excited. I had thought we were getting the benefit of your 'pearls of wisdom' a touch more frequently and indeed we are.

The average time between articles posted by you on OLO had been about 18 days apart. But the last seven have come in very quick order at a spacing of half that or 9 days apart. That is shrill in my book.

This has to mean there is something that has you beating that little drum of yours far faster than before (although with little sound as there are so many holes in the sucker). You must see a very real risk of the Palestinians achieving statehood and thus stymieing Israel's designs on the rest of Palestine.

Perhaps “the world has bent the knee for far too long trying to do appease the” Israelis.

You have me excited.
Posted by csteele, Wednesday, 6 July 2011 11:11:52 AM
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#To rexw

You mislead OLO readers.

UN General Assembly resolutions are not binding on member states. The 57 Islamic countries with their majority in the UN General Assembly assured by other member States dependent on Arab oil validates the creation of the veto powers in the Security Council to prevent their campaign to delegitimize a member state from having any legal consequences whatsoever.

The UN's pathetic record in recent years in regard to Tibet, Rwanda and Sri Lanka has been nothing short of disgraceful and indicates what a paper tiger this organization really is.

Should the UN now stick its nose into the long running conflict between Jews and Arabs in contravention of the Montevideo Convention - another fiasco is assured.

If the UN acts to recognize a Palestinian State - how can it reject a similar call for Tamil self-determination?

This conflict - like all others involving movements for self-determination around the world - can only be finally resolved by direct negotiations and agreement between the parties to each conflict.

#To John Ryan

Pity you choose to abuse me rather than address my article. Does that mean you agree with the contents and can find nothing in the article to criticize?

#To csteele

Can I get you more excited by shortening the publication time for my articles from 9 to 5 days? Are other readers getting similarly excited?

I note that like John Ryan you have nothing to say about the content of my article.

Keep up the monitoring. Guess you will get on to spelling mistakes next.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 6 July 2011 4:12:28 PM
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Actually UN GA Resolutions 'can' be binding upon member states, IF by acting to overrule or accept such actions members take military action. UNGA Res 181 (1947) is such a resolution, it mandated the specific requirements of the two state solution. It was accepted (and defended) by Israel and rejected (and military action was taken to overrule it) by the various Arab States. Having acted based upon the Resolution, the Resolution is binding upon the actors. The relevant part of that resolution describes where Arab and Jewish people residing inside the Jewish State can CHOOSE to live once the State is recognised.

Now, to those who are lampooning Israel for ignoring the UN, what about HAMAS/Hezbollah? Goldstone's original report was pulled by Goldstone ( vindicating the IDF and damning Hamas as the only party SPECIFICALLY targeting civilians, while Hezbollah has refused to even contemplate acting in accordance with International Law/the UN (

Maybe actually have a look at what is going on, instead of kicking the hell out of your personal pet rant
Posted by Custard, Thursday, 7 July 2011 12:35:52 AM
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Forget about the Palestinian morons and their absurd demands. A UN vote against* them, recognizing a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders will do 3 good things:

1) Will make the Palestinians more vulnerable and accountable, should they continue using force against Israel.
2) Help Israel rid itself of the occupied territories and embark on the process of rehabilitation, both internally and in world-opinion.
3) Be a step forward towards an independent Tibet.

Looking forward to September!

* "against" is not a typo: A Palestinian state would be of disadvantage to most ordinary Palestinian men and women.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 7 July 2011 12:14:30 PM
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No Dave I don't believe a word you write you have been running the same BS for a while now,its called belling the cat,your a propaganda artist I am sure the information ministry loves you to death,I think you have run out of Lies so go elsewhere
Posted by John Ryan, Thursday, 7 July 2011 4:23:26 PM
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What would be interesting is seeing Hamas try and force the issue with the Hashemites. Give them the west bank subject to border requirements in the North and South and let them try their crap on Jordan. Get rid of all crossings, true Palestinians are too high and mighty to 'need' work in Israel (surely)... Let them employ each other and live in peace with their Muslim neighbour
Posted by Custard, Thursday, 7 July 2011 5:46:45 PM
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I thought David's last 2 pieces on this issue were the best he's written on the topic. There's no good reason for the UN Gen Ass to grant the Arab palestinians any more than they have already, but they just as likely will, on the strength of Arab oil politics.
And will it help resolve the situation? I was fascinated with Yuyutsu's comments, because I've long thought that it's the palestinian Arabs which are the problem, not the Israelis. If the spotlight can be thrown onto the palestinians and their leaders, so that they start to take some responsibility, and some flack, for their actions, then that might be a good result.
But only if people are prepared to see what is in front of their eyes, which is not often.
Posted by camo, Monday, 11 July 2011 10:35:13 AM
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Its the lack of logic of the Palestinians that is the problem. If they want to make Palestine cover the whole of the area occupied by the British mandate, then clearly they do no accept the 2-state solution supported by most of the peace-seeking rest of the sensible world. However Israel is here to stay and so its recognition by the Palestinians is an "unfortunate" but logical pre-condition before anyone can begin to take these Palestinians seriously.
Posted by Macrocompassion, Tuesday, 12 July 2011 1:54:31 AM
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Its the lack of logic of the Israelis that is the problem. If they want to make Israel cover the whole of the area occupied by the British mandate, then clearly they do no(t) accept the 2-state solution supported by most of the peace-seeking rest of the sensible world. However Palestine is here to stay and so its recognition by the  Israelis is an "unfortunate" but logical pre-condition before anyone can begin to take these Israelis seriously.
Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 12 July 2011 2:28:32 AM
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To csteele

I don't really know what goes on in your head.

Israel currently exercises sovereignty in 17% of the area occupied by the British Mandate. 5% of the area occupied by the British Mandate comprises Gaza and the West Bank. The remaining 78% comprises Jordan.

The PLO Charter says this entire area is an indivisible territorial unit.

Abbas heads the PLO as he does the Palestinian Authority and Fatah - the largest faction in the PLO.

The PLO has long coveted taking control in Jordan, tried to do so in 1970 and got thrashed. It has not given up its ambition to do so as its unchanged Charter still clearly expresses.

Israel in 1994 signed a peace treaty with Jordan in which each recognized the others sovereignty.

Macrocompassion is completely right in his assessment.

You are completely wrong in yours
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 12 July 2011 9:26:02 AM
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