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Why I stopped being Jewish : Comments

By Ron Witton, published 20/6/2011

The first reason has been to oppose anti-Semitism. The second reason has been to support the Palestinian cause.

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Dear Lexi,

I did not say that Jewish teachings are a venom - some of which are actually quite good and even worth following. The venom I mentioned is in the Jewish IDENTITY not in the Jewish teachings (obviously other than those particular teachings that promote Jewish identity).

"I believe that Judaism is the religion of over 18 million Jews"

That number is only if you count every person whose mother was Jewish (and her mother, etc.), even atheists; those who follow a different religion; and those who are not even aware of their mother being Jewish.

"the first religion to teach the belief in one God."

Judaism is not as old as its myths claim, only about 2500 years old.
Not much was committed to parchment earlier, so information about earlier versions of monotheism was probably lost, but one did remain from about 900 years earlier:

"That unlike the other major religions, Judaism is the relgion of only one people - the Jews"

Exactly, because it is not a religion at all, it is a identity-group in the guise of religion.

"Both Christianity and Islam developed from Judaism. These religions accept the Jewish belief in one God, and the moral teachings of the Hebrew Bible."

I admire Jesus for his great effort and personal sacrifice to purify and separate the good and moral teachings from the racist and immoral ones. He was crucified for taking the reality of God ["too-"]seriously while his contemporary Jewish leaders only considered Him as a business-opportunity.

"Jews are the descendents of an ancient people called the Hebrews"

Read Sand's book, it's very interesting on this point.

"You can give up a religion and still be Jewish - can't you?"

Yes, half the Israelis are atheists, yet call themselves "secular Jews".
In fact, most Israeli-Jews, even atheists, believe that they have no choice because no matter what you do, there is no way to cease being Jewish in this lifetime (some believe that it is possible to reincarnate as a gentile, others not even that). Such deep is the brainwash.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 22 June 2011 8:24:22 PM
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I would like to address Mr Singer,

it is highly offensive to make statements such as "No people with a distinct identity lived in Palestine."

Have you ever been to Palestine or ever read any history books about the region? Have you met any Palestinians? Or are you simply relying on the incestuous scholarship of Bernard Lewis?

You have made it clear to us readers, after making that statement in particular and many of the statements that you have in your arguments above (that clearly disregard facts and reason) it is quite clear that you are a person of extreme ideological bias- an ethnically based ideology at that- who is interested in perpetuating a re-writing of history in favour of Zionists and to the demise of a people who you refuse to acknowledge exist.

I was glad to see that the majority of people, who commented on this article are in fact informed people who are interested in justice and humanity for all people, (and looking at CURRENT facts on the ground not selectively choosing outdated laws and facts) not just in supporting a minority of people to the expense of hundreds and thousands of people who miss Palestine and feel homesick from their denial of the right to see the home they were born in.

It was interesting to read your discussion today, so I wanted to let you know Mr Singer that I'm happy to send you some academic 'peer reviewed' literature so that you can refresh your knowledge instead of referring to unscholarly internet sites.

At the end of the day, its ludicrous to perpetuate this awful situation at the suffering of the refugees all over the world that long to return to the place they called home and their history to it. Most people can see that, and that is why state after state in the world is in fact acknowledging Palestine - it is well founded
Posted by Rose Anon, Thursday, 23 June 2011 12:02:55 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

Thank You for responding to my post. I will have to read Sand's book
before I can make any further comments. I must admit however, I still find it disturbing - your feelings on this topic. I feel sorry reading such negativity coming from anyone. Still it's what you've experienced. I on the other hand have had many positive experiences
in my inter-action with Jewish people, both firm believers and secular Jews, Holocaust survivors and Israelis. My husband and I lived and worked in the US for ten years. Our children were born in the US. I have tremendous respect for what I found their culture to be. I hope that one day I shall travel to Israel - we have friends in
Tel Aviv. One can only judge from what one experiences.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 23 June 2011 10:50:26 AM
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Dear Lexi,

It's not the Jewish people (in general), it's not the Jewish culture (in general), it's not the Jewish state (in general) and it's not the Jewish religion (in general). It's the Jewish identity which is the problem.

Obviously, not being born-Jewish yourself you were able and lucky to enjoy the nice aspects of Judaism without being exposed to the Jewish identity. Just note that even good things can be used as a honey trap.

I am not asking anyone to give up anything good and nice, but if the Jewish culture is so great, then why should it be limited to Jews?
For example, the Jews gave the world (and Christianity) the ten commandments, including the fourth and indeed a 7-day week with at least one day of rest is observed throughout - but did you know that according to Jewish law, a gentile who observes the Sabbath should be put to death?

Or did you know that according to Jewish law, it is forbidden to continue sifting through the rubble of a collapsed building on the Sabbath, searching for survivors, once it becomes clear that no Jewish (but perhaps some gentile) survivors can possibly still be buried there? Or that if a gentile (but not a Jewish) shop-keeper gave a Jew too much change by mistake, then the Jew should not return the difference?

Such distinctions between a "Jew" and a "Gentile" should go quickly down the rubbish-tip of history. However, that's one thing which Jews will not give up, because it's at the core and there would be no Judaism without it, just a collection of nice customs (plus others that are not so nice).
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 23 June 2011 12:40:17 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

According to Jewish Law? Well there's many things in the Bible that also leave a lot to be desired as I'm sure there are in the Koran and other Holy books as well but who takes them literally except perhaps for fundamentalists. And fundamentalists exist in all religions.
I don't mean to be contentious here but how we inter-act with each other are decisions that we can make for ourselves. Whether it be a Priest or a Rabbi - we don't have to necessarily pay much attention to an individual's rantings. I ignore much of what Cardinal Pell has to say because his version of God is different to mine. Mine is an inclusive God. Pell's doesn't seem to be. I've been fortunate to meet some outstanding Rabbis in the US who taught me so much about loving your fellow man and our combined humanity. You seem to have had some bad experiences - I only wish that I could have changed that for you.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 23 June 2011 1:15:52 PM
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To Giovanni della Mirandola (Part 1)

You continue to claim the Palestinians have a distinct Palestinian identity but refuse to give any basis or specific authority for your claim.

I posed the following question for you to answer in relation to that identity which you have so far avoided doing:

"No people with a distinct identity lived in Palestine. As I pointed out Jews, Moslems and Christians lived there. What distinct identity do you claim this population shared other than the same postal address? How would you compare their identity to say the Kurds or the Copts?"

Fill us in on your thoughts.

Of course Ben Gurion had reservations but the bottom line is he accepted the UN Partition Plan. The Arabs did not. Had they done so they would have had their state (in a larger area than they say they are now prepared to accept) and 63 years of death trauma and suffering on both sides would never have occurred.

You seem unable to grasp that the lines drawn by the Peel Commission and the UN Plan were proposals only that were never accepted by the Arabs and became extant on their rejecting those proposals.

The 1949 armistice lines were agreed between Jordan and Israel and have remained unchanged since then. They are not permanent borders but only mark where the opposing forces ceased hostilities.

Keynes and Freud are indeed dead. The Mandate is not dead by virtue of article 80 of the UN Charter for the reasons I have given you. You advance no argument to the contrary.
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 23 June 2011 5:54:43 PM
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