The Forum > Article Comments > The future of Australia’s food: Who’s calling the shots? > Comments
The future of Australia’s food: Who’s calling the shots? : Comments
By Claire Parfitt and Nick Rose, published 13/6/2011The only ones to benefit from biotechnology are the companies who own the rights to it.
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1. Peak oil/phosphate
2. Unfulfilled promises to end hunger
3. Mild anti-capitalist rant
4. Corporate control/evil companies
5. Appeal for 'democratic food system/Food sovereignty'
As you can see none of these arguments even come close to discussing potential solutions/problems of using biotech to produce food. What it does however is attempt to argue for a vague new system, where 'decisions about producing and distributing food must be driven above all by human and environmental need, and not by profit' and 'decisions about food production, distribution and consumption should be made by the people who grow and eat food, not by the corporate sector.'
Well, as far as I know, it is people who decide to grow, sell and buy food. This already occurs at each stage of food production and distribution. Monsanto et al does not force anyone to buy their seeds, nor do food producers force any particular food product to be eaten. So you can see, we already have a 'democratic food system'. It just didn't produce the result that you wanted.