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The Forum > Article Comments > Have you seen the Treasurer’s copy? > Comments

Have you seen the Treasurer’s copy? : Comments

By Michael Hitchens, published 10/6/2011

Perhaps the Treasurer has a different version of the Productivity Commission’s report, Carbon Emission Policies in Key Economies, to that published on the Commission’s website, but nowhere can I find two of the results that the Treasurer claims are key.

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Yesterday was the coldest day since 1916. We've had the earliest snows in years. The sea coasts are still intact and not one of the global warming alarmists is claiming these events are evidence of global warming. Why? Their usual bleating is about extreme events.

Could they be wrong?

All of Australia is watching and shivering and thinking increased power bills for heating are not going to be pArt of their the answer.

Why are the idiots in Government still persisting in championing global warming strategies in the face of extreme cold in Australia.

Watch the support for carbon pricing and these idiots in Canberra plummet when Australians choose lower power bills ahead of freezing go death.

Tony Windsor I doubt anyone in Australia now takes you seriously.
Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 11 June 2011 8:38:43 PM
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The "Deals" in Oz government(s) - a bit sickening aren't they. Just how far are our pollies willing to go to get into or stay in power?

Of course, getting fibre-internet in Tamworth had nothing at all to do with Tony Windsor's decision to back a carbon tax, did it. Of course not. And getting the Greens on side to form government had nothing to do with Julia back-flipping on a C tax, did it. No, of course not. What can we be thinking?

Pokies. The big money-spinner for clubs - and, incidentally for revenue (that dirty, un-Labor untouchable - ugh, get rid of it, give it away, begone, out damn spot). What is our lifestyle, our culture, our heritage coming to, if the best we can do is to build clubs and provide questionable "entertainment" on the backs of heartache, destitution, loss of family, of fortune, or even of life? The dreaded "pokie". Still, the best government foresight can do is reluctantly make a deal with an Independent to make a feeble attempt to "limit" losses, by requiring a decision before starting the soul-destroying "fun" of chucking money down the drain. Good on Wilkie, fie on Julia. The lot should be banned. Just how low are we willing to let Oz culture stoop?

Bet on a horse, or buy a Lotto or a lottery ticket, ok. But sit, chucking money down the throat of a machine, for the inestimable joy of watching little wheels spinning - all the while in hope; hope of friendship -no; hope of fortune - no, not really. How Alone! How Sad! How utterly destitute and pointless! Just too, too sad.

And, just how much is an individual's vote really worth anyway? Maybe we should have "first past the post". The "preference distribution" system certainly can act to distort where any one vote may eventually land. if it could only go to your first preference, at least you would know where it went. But no, too simple, and could end up with a million-to-one dead-heat occasionally. Phooey.
Posted by Saltpetre, Monday, 13 June 2011 4:45:22 PM
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