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The Forum > Article Comments > After Bin Laden: next steps to winning the long war > Comments

After Bin Laden: next steps to winning the long war : Comments

By James Carafano, published 3/5/2011

The assassination of Bin Laden is not an end-point but a way station.

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Hi Poirot,

Yes, you're right, but a lot of that is neither here nor there. US capitalists of course want to exploit everywhere and everything, that's not news. Everybody wants a steady oil supply, as TRTL points out, and if they can make a buck out of it, all the better. I'm sure that there would be many US firms who have been playing both sides of the street, slipping funds to all sorts of groups whenever they think it might profit them.

But there are also other evil forces in the world - there's probably an extremist wing of Opus Dei for all we know. Mugabe is evil. The Chinese have hard-labour camps holding millions of prisoners, mostly without trial, I'm sure. The Russians are incredibly corrupt and probably also slipping funds and arms (as China probably is too) to all manner of vile terrorist groups, just to keep their particular pots boiling. In India, there are powerful fascist Hindu groups. Well, duh.

The Islamists are unbelievably reactionary, from a Marxist point of view - can you deny that ? The current major battle is thus between:

* forces that (often begrudgingly) allow people to express themselves, to have a say in their government, to champion equal rights for women and minorities, forces that allow for people to develop some of their potential, that have mechanisms for soften the impacts of exploitation (at least in some countries such as ours) and so on: you can loosely call these democratic forces; and

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 9 May 2011 6:12:29 PM
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* Salafism, extreme forms of a pre-medieval philosophy and economic system of distribution, tarted up as religion, whose adherents seek to extend their rule over the world, the entire world, here and elsewhere, by force (since it is highly unlikely that you or I or billions of others would accept this philosophy to rule over our lives), an ideology which would ban the rule of law except that imposed by the Koran, ban equal rights for women, ban free speech (goodbye OLO), bring back the most archaic forms of punishment for breaches of this Book-imposed law - and not stop until the entire world has been 'converted'. In the name of this evil force, market-places, schools and hospitals are bombed, random killings are exploited to yes, strike terror in our hearts - no means are ruled out in order to bring about this heaven on earth for its believers, and to hell with those who don't believe.

So take your pick - one relatively minor evil or a major evil ? The time to fight other evils is later, but when these two forces get into the ring, so to speak, who are you going to barrack for ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 9 May 2011 6:15:00 PM
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we need to get away from the them and us thing
lets face it...any docter has more in common
with other docters
than mearly the same colour face

those oppressing..their people
have only in common
with the others,,also..oppressing their own kind

i suppose why i blog is to hear from others who care

anyhow i noted this one earlier
in case either side thinks they are just too clever by half

""Conspiracy Theory Nutters
Why Can't They Be Normal Like Us?,527.0.html

""How dare they have the nerve
to draw different conclusions..from the fairy tale news/stories
we the masses have to swallow..and digest without question?

Why can’t these conspiracy theorists people
just be normal like everyone else and
accept what our government tells us all decent normal citizens do?

After all,..we are the good guys,
our western governments are the good guys,
we only go to war and kill millions of men woman and children
...for democracy,..freedom and capitalist/humanitarian reasons.

It’s these bad Muslims
and Al Queda terrorists
that...*make us...*have to do it.

We are the good guys.
ahhh men?

hey joe

""an ideology""
""which would ban the rule of law
except that imposed by the Koran,""

yes we convert them into the holy bible?
we dont got any of that murder stuff our values

""ban equal rights for women,
ban free speech..(goodbye OLO),
bring back the most archaic forms of punishment
for breaches of this Book-imposed law..and not stop until the entire world has been 'converted'.""

hey your revealing the freemasons plans
and opuss dei*...etc etcc ..[dont you read the his-story?

""no means are ruled out
in order to bring about this heaven on earth...""

yes sure sounds like the xtian adgen-duh

""for its believers,
and to hell with those who don't believe.""

first yelled in a xtian church
in the backwoods of usa

its..pot '
kettle stuff

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 10 May 2011 10:10:53 PM
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""So take your pick
one relatively minor evil""

""or a major evil?""

the good one..that srves all living
is the right one

any who kill
are decievers..abusing propgate disbelievers

""The time to fight other evils is later,""

no we fight it first within ourselves
then once we are at peace..peacefully reveal the peace in your heart
by doing good works

""but when these two forces
get into the ring, to speak,
who are you going to barrack for?...

mate im with make love/peace
all the way

the day of war
pieces] OVER

if we resist
the ourself

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 10 May 2011 10:11:16 PM
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Yes, OUG, ordinarily we shouldn't have to accept either pot OR kettle, but there are times when we have to take sides.

In the struggle between philosophies or ideologies, democracy or medievalism, which do we support, for all its defects in practice -

* the democratic adgen-duh, with the rule of law, equal rights for women and minorites, rights to free speech, etc., OR

* the rule of the Book, interpreted by emirs and sheikhs, no more equal rights for women, no more free speech, no rule of human-derived law, no elections, no representation ?

There are no neutrals in this fight. None. Take side A or side B, it's up to you.

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 10 May 2011 11:01:18 PM
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joe/quote..""the rule of the Book,""
all books*..have been edited

thus are corrupted

"" emirs/sheikhs""

popes kings queens/

mate..if they end-up..*serving death
let the dead..tend the dead..with dead words..

[and thats more true..than you could possably grasp] a created fiction..created by..the many
yet govts mainly..*represent only the few

by a stroke of a govt-servant..pen
artificial 'persons'[fictions]..are created[licenced]..
[ie big business indentity]
cocacola/macdonalds/racv/tab/woolworths/agi...bmf fi

who's..govt accorded right..SUPERCEEDS
and exceeds*...the right..of the ordinary living being

that also...*NOW needs licence
to travel..or do ANYTHING
[passports/auto licence/marrage licence/pool licence]

[ permission to..*do that..otherwise
...without licence
would be illegal....[for a non-living/ do]

the same..OFF LIVING BEINGS..!

but..because created fictions..
have the same rights of..*person
the whole of govt..serving its people..has gotten twisted

persons arnt people

""no more equal..rights for women,""

religions..dont do this
did this

lest we forget...only..from the late 60's
did we..*even let them vote

barefoot and pregnant
[that older generation..thinking
stil rules...*demom-autocracie's..current pub-clic* service]

""no more/free speech,""

yes julian..learned freespeach means
can condem you...casst you out

[like the baly their own govt]

""no rule of human-derived law,""

law must be HUMANE...!

gods laws cast no stones
criminaliing no one...[who has not caused REAL injury

[if read..through the filters/of love,grace...mercy}

""no elections""

elect-ions are over/rated

see applying..[means\begging] vote
gives govt...the higher lawfull/standing..
[over us/over..*abouve..]
OUR rights

us chosing WHO..will represent us..
ACCORDS THEM..a power of atourney,* tell us..[now]..what to do
and ask THEM..if we are do it

""no representation""
is what we allready got..!

a dictraiter..could easilly be benevolent..!

we need protect the LIVING-person
[all living-beings..belong..
only to god]

and protect
the common weal/commonwealth
[common acces
to a fair share..of gods bounty]

""There are no this fight.""

fighting for peace
it's like fu/king...for virginity

Take side A
or side B,

they are two sides..of the same coin..

it's up to you...if you get slapped
with the left
or the right wing/hand..of the 2/party machines

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 9:38:42 AM
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