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Extrajudicial killings exclude justice, by definition. : Comments
By Alan Austin, published 2/5/2011The murder of Osama Bin Laden perpetuates the cycle of international terrorism, not ends it.
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Advocacy and activism exhibit two key characteristics, languaging and adopted values.
The suspension of normal language and substitution with key words is always evident.
In your case we can point to the substitution of “American Soldiers” with “armed squad”, the use of “killing” changed to “assassination”, that they “believe are guilty of past atrocities’ to both raise a question mark over BL’s culpability and to try to pretend that such atrocities are not longer occurring, that it is a question of “moral philosophy” and that it was our western values that “caused” AQ to attack us, you then to suggest only “military targets” were attacked and that this only happened “ten years ago”. Really?
This stuff is “languaging” straight out of the terrorist propaganda manual, were BL still alive he would say to you, Sunflower, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
These are the best examples of “adopted values”. Your opinion is not actually your own, it is “adopted” from the links to which you subscribe and the similar opinions you seek as ideological reinforcement.
Do I “think we in the West these days should value the rule of law and fair trial above retribution?” Firstly, you can cut out the “we”, I don’t think for others and have no interest in imposing my values on group western thinking. I’ll leave that to the progressive HR advocates.
Were I to adopt Christian values I might say “vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord”. Were I Judaic I might say “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Since I’m neither I’ll make my own judgments but I most definitely do not share your intellectualized and adopted interpretations.
The most powerful weapon international terrorism has is propaganda. Their greatest joy and delight comes from western “progressives” mouthing the stuff they feed you. It is just “languaging” and it identifies you with those who challenge our values.
Words like justice, murder or retribution are only semantically relevant to those whose trade is “languaging”, HR Activists.
No one else gives a “rats”, another mass murderer dead, get over it.