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BDS is about ethnic demonization, not ending the occupation : Comments
By Philip Mendes, published 20/4/2011The BDS is a trojan horse aimed at destroying the state of Israel, not reforming it.
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Posted by LEGO, Friday, 22 April 2011 11:52:36 AM
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Leggo, you are just not very bright.
"Islam is, and always has been, a warlike, intolerant and expansionist religion, which is noted for persecuting religious minorities. So I am not going to shed a tear for them when somebody does the same thing to them." Before the crusaders attacked Jerusalem Christians, Jews and Muslims lived together without many problems at all. Jews lived without problems in Muslim occupied Spain until the Christians took it back. Those who went to Morocco were safe. Those that stayed in Spain and did not change their name and gave up their religion fell into the hands of the inquisition. Historically Islam has been one of the more tolerant religions and was willing not to interfere with any religions even of the countries it conquered. They lived side by side and conversions were mostly voluntarily. Of course there were exceptions, but we are still also dealing with humans and all their general fault. "Warlike, intolerant and expansionist religion." Anybody been reading the Old Testament lately? Posted by Joaquin, Wednesday, 27 April 2011 3:03:03 PM
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What is it like dancing with the fairies down the bottom of the garden, Rhys-Jones?
There is no "negotiated setlement" in the Arab/israeli conflict. Either the Arabs win and obliterate Israel, or the Israels stay put and keep fighting to exist. I think that you and your friends are incapable of understanding that the Arabs really do hate the Jews. They hate them because because they were a conquored people who have the effrontery to re-establish themselves on land conquored by Islam. You live in a fairy tale world where the Arabs just want justice for thir Palestinian friends, and want nothing more than peace, love and mung beans with their Jewish neighbours. Of course the Israelis are going to persecute the Arab minority in Israel, and try to get them to get lost. They represent an unacceptable internal threat to the survival of the Jews in Israel. You can hardly blame the Jews for doing to the Muslims, wheat the Muslims themselves have been doing to everybody else for the last 1400 years. If the Muslims want to dislpay to the world that they share the same humanitarian ideals that you do, then they should let the Christians and Jews build Churches and synagogues in Arabia. But the only thing that the Muslims want, is the continued expansion of their religious caliphate, and Israel existence is an unnacceptable backward step to that end. Israel exists, and it is not going to go away. The Jews have suffered enough pograms, expulsions and exterminations and this time they mean business. They will release their Jericho missiles and turn the whole Middle East into a giant sheet of glass before they allow themselves to be exterminated again. And if the Arab armies try to invade them again, I hope that the Jews retaliate by taking even motre land from them to make their tiny country even more defensible. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 28 April 2011 4:03:22 AM
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To Joaquin:
You obviously don't know much history. Jewish people living under Moslem rule had a very mixed experience depending on the time and place. Some of the time they had many rights and prospered and at other times experience persecution and pogroms. More often than not they paid extra taxes as part of the privilege of living in Muslim majority countries. This occurred right up until modern times even before the establishment of Israel. Including pogroms on Jewish community in Iraq during WW2. Look up "Farhud". Note that this was before there were "occupied territories". Joaquin also read up on the history of Islam. It started amongst a small tribe of people in what is now Saudi Arabia. It did not spread by missionaries convincing people of the merits of Islam and handing out sweets. It was a war of conquest Posted by Olduvai, Thursday, 28 April 2011 1:08:48 PM
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Joachin, for God's sake, go to your local library and pick up a history book. The Crusades came about because the Ottoman Turks banned Christian pilgrims from visiting their shrines in the (so called) holy land.
And this after hundreds of years of Muslim invasions of Christian lands from Southern Russia to France. All of North Africa was once Christian, but you won't find many Christians living there today. Muslims are experts in ethnic cleansing, just ask the Iraqi Jews, the Syrian Christians, or the Armenians. As for your claim that Muslims were tolerant to other religions, you are wrong again. The only tolerance that Islam has for other religions, is some degree of tolerance for Christianity and the Hebrew religion. This is because Muslims regard these two religions as earlier forms of Islam who's adherents have not got with the modern word of God. All other religions are "pagan" religions and people from these religions must either convert to Islam or die. This explains the legendary hostility between Muslims and Hindu's (who the Muslims call "cow worshippers"). In addition, Muslim jurists are pretty well united in their belief that people who turn from Islam should be executed. But don't believe me. Start doing a bit of reading yourself. I am not afraid of what you will find, but what you will find will hopefully start a bit of neuronal activity going within your head. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 28 April 2011 8:18:21 PM
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Joachin & LEGO,
For people who want an understanding of the reality of living under Islamic rule I recommend Andrew Bostom’s well documented: The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims Now available on Kindle. See: This book exposes the lie of the politically correct myth of Islamic tolerance. Yes, there were times and places in Dar-ul-Islam where kafirs could live peacefully. Spain was briefly an example. But mostly life was pretty miserable for non-believers. If you are especially interested in Muslim treatment of Jews I recommend: A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism* from Antiquity to the Global Jihad by Robert. S. Wistrich. It covers anti-Semitism generally but has excellent chapters on Muslim anti-Semitism. See: One point that strikes me when reading Wistrich’s book is that Jews may have been better off living under Islam than under Christianity. Adherents of both religions despised Jews of course and the lives of Jews could be pretty miserable under both. But the Muslims seemed to have been less well organised in their Jew hatred. On average anti-Jewish riots in the Ottoman Empire produced fewer Jewish casualties than similar occurrences in Europe. I suspect most people would prefer to stick to their politically correct myths. *Although, as is often pointed out, Arabs are also Semites the word “anti-Semitism” means hatred of Jews. It came into use as a euphemism for Judenhass (Jew hatred). Posted by stevenlmeyer, Friday, 29 April 2011 9:13:21 AM
I could counter by saying that many people who call themselves "Palestinians" were born in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Europe and Australia. And if you think that people with white skin are not really Israelis, then you and I might have some common ground. I don't think that Muslims are "Australians" either, for the same reason.
I see that you are just as big a racist as I am.
Islam is, and always has been, a warlike, intolerant and expansionist religion, which is noted for persecuting religious minorities. So I am not going to shed a tear for them when somebody does the same thing to them.
And it is nice to see that like me, you do not believe in multicultulralism, and advocate the separation of mutually hostile religious and ethnic groups into separate countries.
Of course, the Jews have done just that, but the Muslims will not leave them alone. From the very beginning, they have done everything that they could to destroy Israel. So if the Israelis have pushed them back and taken some of their land to give them selves more defensive manouvering room, then tough titty.
You know, and I know, that the Israelis will never give back the Golan Heights. Because if they were stupid enough to do so, the Syrians would have artillery and rockets lined up wheel to wheel, tossing their entire artilery inventory into Israel.
And why should they give back Jerusalem, their ancestoral capitol? The Muslims had no qualms about ethnically cleansing "the jewish quarter" in Jerusalem when they owned the place, so why shouldn't the Israelis return the compliment?