The Forum > Article Comments > Labor and the Greens on the Carbon Tax debate > Comments
Labor and the Greens on the Carbon Tax debate : Comments
By Tristan Ewins, published 8/4/2011Emitters, just like the miners, can afford to pay more tax, and we can use the proceeds for social equity.
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Then you need specialised care, which means there's a market demand (which means incentive for workers to train, and employers to hire) which mean incentive to offer training (private education).
You expect all this to be provided by the state? Why?
"At the moment many facilities are understaffed."
Why? If there's such a demand, wages should be high enough to give incentive to workers.
If this is not happening, it is BECAUSE of public provision, not in spite of it.
Demand = High Pay = Incentive to Train = No lack of skilled workers.
"Quality of aged care, health care, education - should not depend on the size of your bank account..."
Did you even read my comments?
I said you could provide state financial assistance for access to essential services, rather than providing the services directly.
Then YOU have a choice. Will I use this service at all? Will I pay for the cheap, mid-range or luxury model?
"And families with their own work and kids don't have the time or training to commit to *full time care*."
That is a choice they make.
You live with the consequences of your choices (and pay for them).
If your career as a smarmy marketing executive is more important than your own parents (who you offload) and children (who you never see), then I don't really care about you.
LEGO: "I am very angry about the fact that our governments keep importing poverty into Australia"
Only 60% the immigrants from the last decade were "skilled".
(05-Mar-2001 to 04-Mar-2011)
456,826 "family" and 126,227 "humanitarian".
Half a million people of no possible use.
rpg: "Why not get the government to live within its means, to manage on what it gets now"
For starters they could cut all those touchy-feely grants (you know the type: $53,000 for the Left-handed Lithuanian Lesbian Association).