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Smear campaign against Greens in Marrickville : Comments

By Pip Hinman, published 4/4/2011

Labor smeared NSW Greens candidate Fiona Byrne for instituting a policy that they had also supported.

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You have just brushed up against the rest of the world we all see.

It's not all sharing and caring and being able to slag off at whomever you like, without repercussions.

The greens have for years been able to say and do what they like, and now a little more attention is being given and a few more questions asked, and it's all foul play?

Dear me, get over it and harden up a little. how do you think the people who are the brunt of your bile feel?

Why are you surprised people bite back, I guess after years of being ignored you all felt you could spray anything you liked and get away with it.

It's not a conspiracy that has been organized against the green or socialists, it just that independently and without being goaded, people realize they don't like you .. that's life.

Oh and Maggie Thatcher's favorite quote "Socialism is great, until you run out of other people's money"
Posted by Amicus, Monday, 4 April 2011 9:19:11 AM
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The economic policy of the Nazis was to leave industry in nominally private ownership, but for the State to direct any and every aspect of it, in its absolute discretion.

Sound familiar?

Since the Greens' entire policy consists of threatening to lock people in a government cage if they won't submit to having their property commandeered, and every detail of their life dictated by government with total control over production, the least you should have to complain about is the insensitive remarks of those who fear and loathe you.
Posted by Peter Hume, Monday, 4 April 2011 10:02:55 AM
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'pro-Palestine stand'?

Come-on, I thought it was an anti-Jew stand.

You just shouldn't mess with the Jews. Ask Mel Gibson.

Did it EVER occur to The Greens that generally people think that local councils should be fixing pot-holes not pretending to have an influence on a foreign country.

Miss-use of rate payers money, Grandstanding, Loony left. Out!
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 4 April 2011 10:26:44 AM
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The emergence of the Greens is either a short-term anomaly or a long term trend to permit a 3rd electoral force to enter the political main stream. My guess is the former as the 2 party system seems the historical norm and I don't see the ALP or the LNP going anywhere in a hurry. I used to support the Greens as a protest vote but now I see them on the cusp of asserting some real influence (post July 1 will be strange days indeed) I agree that they need to be heavily vetted by the electorate and some good old fashioned skepticism applied to their policies - and especially - to their people. Bob Brown is untouchable - I love the guy and think he's a national treasure - BUT I am deeply concerned by his team, deeply concerned. I doubt I am alone. Pip, welcome to the majors, grow a few extra layers of skin, you're gonna need it.
Posted by bitey, Monday, 4 April 2011 10:31:26 AM
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No-one needs to smear the Swampies masquerading as Greeens, they do a great job of that all by themselves. Interesting to see Norm Sanders, hero of the Save the Franklin campaign, lamenting the take over of the Greens by the Socialist Workers Party in a recent letter to the paper.

What will happen when Bob Brown retires is anyone's guess but a return of the Greens to the bottom of the garden seems pretty likely, given the Swampies have already tried to remove Christine Milne from the deputy's job. A pity really- raising awareness about the environment is worthwhile work. Sad that the global warming scare has allowed the socialist faction to link the environment with their anti-capitalist fantasies.
Posted by Senior Victorian, Monday, 4 April 2011 11:05:15 AM
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Thanks SV, did not twig to SWP subterfuge, one guaranteed way to see the Greens ousted from mainstream. Maybe ALP and LNP need new factions to absorb all the (likely) disaffected once they get a dose of SWP fanaticism. Won't life post July 1 be interesting?
Posted by bitey, Monday, 4 April 2011 11:31:41 AM
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