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Scattered observations from an independent candidate : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 1/4/2011

Regular contributor Kellie Tranter won an impressive 20.6 per cent of the vote in Maitland. This is what it looked like from the inside.

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Well, mate, you tried.

There are some useful observations here. Fight on. We need better politicians....and journalists too. Part of the problem in NSW and in Sydney is that the media are so appalling. It's all about them and their little concerns- someone was rude to them while buying coffee, or pushed them in the grocery aisle.
Pity so many independents were squashed.

I think so many people wanted to vote "Anything but Labor". And the Greens are on about their own precious little causes like gay marriage and global warming. Ordinary mums and dads are worried about their kids, education, health and rising costs.
Posted by Bronte, Friday, 1 April 2011 12:34:28 PM
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Even though I am outside the age of those males who were seen as "aggro", you would have certainly had my vote being one who considers Independents to be a worthy breed, feeling as I do about the most frightening of all politicians to hit the Canberra Club on the hill, Gillard and not being disposed to ever throw any weight behind Abbott.

So my vote would have been yours. Shift to Canberra and I will oblige,

The “aggro” to which you refer is likely to remain for a long, long time. Gillard has probably reduced substantially the opportunity for any woman to be elected in this country so strongly is the population’s feelings against her as a person, what she represents, her compromised allegiences and her abysmal performance. Based on word of mouth responses, historically reliable when based on just one question, in this case “do you like Julia Gillard as PM?’ (which unlike the commercial Opinion Polls often steering the respondees in certain directions to suit their objectives), 87% have nothing but dislike for her. Even allowing for a hefty error margin, that is very high indeed. Yes, that includes 40% rusted on Labor voters. Still some around so it seems.
But as is obvious to all, no one can think of Abbott as a leader but the Coalition is stuck with him.

Sadly, removing the Liberals in NSW may take until 2023 but you can still make a mark as an Independent. A worthy effort, Kellie, for a first-timer and I hope that this experience will not colour you interest in running again.

As I said, shift to Canberra. All we have here are party hacks from both sides in a city that still votes predominantly under some mistaken idea that Labor looks after the public servants. There is an active union representation here but there hasn’t been a decent unionist that has made it to the corridors in Canberra since the worthy elevation of Doug Cameron in 2007.

Perhaps now is the right time for a new political party
Posted by rexw, Friday, 1 April 2011 1:12:33 PM
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John Hatton's endorsement would have certainly helped your vote. However, your opinion that the 18-35 yrs male group are "aggro" is a gross and unsophisticated generalisation and a misunderstanding of the country town (city) constituency you seek to represent. You may be finding some difficulty relating to your area's male constituency.

This difficulty has also been reflected in your previous articles portraying men as heartless neanderthals who wish to retain their dominance and advantages over women and women as their naive and innocent victims.

Local members need to relate to all sections of their community.
Posted by Atman, Friday, 1 April 2011 2:03:37 PM
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I'm not a great fan of independents and I consider people like Xenophon a complete time waster who has done nothing for SA.

Yet I'm attracted to the notion of an independent as portrayed by Ms Tranter. Her views are considered and articulate.
Posted by Cheryl, Friday, 1 April 2011 2:48:14 PM
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I wonder Kellie if you would become another Xenophon or Oakshotte or Windsor once you got into parliament?

I'm sure so many Australian politicians start out the way you are talking about, certainly over the years I've seen so many who want to make a difference, even within the party machines.

The reality is you get in, you've invested enormous energy and time and want a return for it, and if you drop out of parliament, will you have a job paying as much?

So you go for a middle ground that pays the bills, pays the mortgage and puts food on the table while you're all over the place - most of the politicians I know have families to nurture as well.

While you sound genuine now, I'd be interested to see if you became a John Hatton type or a Rob Oakshotte type.

Oakshotte sold out so he could feed his family, he is reviled for it and a standing joke in the community. I wonder what he will do when he is thrown out next election. The electorate would be a laughing stock if they re-elected him and they know it.

The only way I can see our system working, is if the federal parliament sits for 4 years at a time the senate the same, they are both elected at the same time.

Additionally, no one gets more then 2 terms, ever.

I doubt independents will get the run they have again after the Oakshotte/Windsor behavior, right up till we forget what they did.

Guys like Hatton were unique, and you would need awesome strength to reach his mark.
Posted by Amicus, Friday, 1 April 2011 3:02:23 PM
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Well you wouldn't have got my vote, if you had expressed the sentiments you produced here, before the poll.

The whole article sounds as if you were eating sour grapes, & sucking on a green lemon for the entire time at the keyboard.

It does help to offer a little positive vibes, if you want to attract & enthuse others to your cause One continual gripe is not attractive.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 1 April 2011 4:33:05 PM
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It’s just a job Kellie; even the major parties face a life of compromise. For minor parties it’s just that much more difficult to avoid selling your soul. Sorry, not difficult, impossible.

Minor parties enjoy irrelevance and obscurity. They can spout absolutely any ideological or populist sentiment they like, I’ve even heard them say they represent “the people”.
This only ever changes of course if they become “relevant” and that only ever happens in the event of a hung parliament, otherwise they would not be minor parties would they?

So, on the one hand it’s everyone else’s fault that minor parties don’t get up, dancing girls, lots of money and the media. On the other hand this painful journey towards “relevance” is destroyed upon arrival with the odious option of “compromise”.

The choices are stark, compromise and be part of the mainstream whilst it lasts, or stick with principles and return to obscurity and irrelevance. Are these not the choices face by Windsor, Oakeshot and the odious Willkie? Why anyone in their right minds would actually choose to be an independent is beyond me?
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 1 April 2011 4:45:31 PM
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Oh My God,

Whinge much Kellie?

If you are that depressed and disgusted after a single election campaign then THANK GOD (and I don't believe in him/her/it) that you didn't get up. How would you have been, if you had actually been called on to serve in trying circumstances, (like the Japanese officials would be currently) rather than merely blather on all high minded. Fallen at the first hurdle, thats how.

I'm actually a 30's bloke, (for a little while yet anyway) but I cannot stand the volunteers who thrust their crap at me on my way to the polling booth. Anyone who hasn't decided how they'e going to vote after months of campaigning, doesn't deserve a vote and the idea that a stiff tart with a flashy pamphlet is the answer is beyond imagining.

Is it not indignity enough, that the candidates are so poor, that I have to be assaulted by the zealous party spruikers thrusting unwanted how-to-vote cards in your face.

20% of the vote, in Maitland? The proverbial dead drovers dog would have polled at least that much in a an election with so little talent, and so much disgust, to go around.
Posted by PaulL, Saturday, 2 April 2011 2:42:21 AM
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I agree, the hope of the side DOES spring from Y Gen, Kelly. Most of the others cling like limpets to the major parties in a righteous but sadly misplaced sense of security.
Posted by freddington, Saturday, 2 April 2011 6:02:40 PM
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Good try Kellie. With the present political donation system it would be difficult to be elected as an independent.
Welcome back to OLO, the rednecks have had a rest while you have been away.
Posted by Peace, Monday, 4 April 2011 8:26:00 PM
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