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The Forum > Article Comments > If freedom of religion is the question, secularism is the answer > Comments

If freedom of religion is the question, secularism is the answer : Comments

By Chrys Stevenson, published 1/4/2011

The HREOC report Freedom of Religion and Belief in the 21st Century subliminally accepts Christianity as the default position.

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I'm for secularism; separation of Government, Judiciary, and Religion. I think Obama put the case pretty well.

There is surely much to be derived from an understanding of the teachings, practices and mores of a variety of the world's mainstream and not so mainstream religions - Christian, Islamic, Hebrew, Hindu and Buddhist, etc. It could serve our students well, and hence our society, to be exposed to the tenets of behaviour upheld, and the foundation of these. Hence I believe a well-founded course in Inter-faith studies is an essential mandatory addition to our national curriculum, and should include ethics and philosophy.

Whatever set of social mores is practiced in Japan has got to be worth studying - the stoicism of the survivors of the recent hell on earth demonstrates an enviable outlook on social behaviour. Their school system also, given the quality of its output.

It is certain that there needs to be a system of social norms established to govern acceptable conduct. In Oz we are sadly lacking.

I agree that religion has played this role in the past, but, as has been pointed out, that influence has been losing sway in leaps and bounds. Also, in an increasingly multicultural mix, there is need of greater sensitivity to diverse needs, but an equally great need for a standard set of rules to apply to all. Such rules therefore must be established in law and by, and for, government.

There is a decision to be made:
.Whether individuals should be expected to make choices in the common good and national interest, even though contrary to their own individual self-interest; OR,
.Whether "dog eat dog" and "survival of the fittest" is to prevail.

There is an increasing need for order in the world, and it all has to start at home, in school, in our streets and workplaces. From there the long climb to the halls of government and the international scene.

Someone had a view of "get your genes out there" being his great life philosophy. I say to them "get your brains off your balls" or p-off.
Posted by Saltpetre, Sunday, 3 April 2011 4:20:22 PM
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I'm new here.

On the topic of freedom of religion and secularism being the answer; for my mind, this speech given by former High Court Justice Kirby at Tedx Sydney last year sums it up perfectly.
Posted by Chance, Monday, 4 April 2011 10:06:27 AM
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Welcome to OLO, Chance.

Micheal Kirby's speech provided an excellent summary of the protection that secularism provides to both the religious and non-religious alike.
Posted by Ammonite, Monday, 4 April 2011 10:34:57 AM
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>>Posted by lockhartlofty, Friday, 1 April 2011 11:28:22 AM

>>This country needs "freedom FROM religion" incorporated into our Constitution, not just "freedom of religion">>

Amen to that brother!
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 4 April 2011 10:59:54 AM
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Welcome Chance.

I agree with Ammonite - Kirby's speech beautifully encapsulates the spirit and protections inherent in secularism.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 4 April 2011 11:09:01 AM
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The article is useful but not respects the tradition of belief.
People enjoy their wills is before the grave. But I am strongly believe in Christian so that I will not ;
rename my religion name to Islam,
use to call Allah as my God,
accept Prophet Mohd as Jesus,
retitle Kuran as Bible.
No human could compromise the religious guide-lines by interpretation or other means.
Posted by Barrracudaaa, Tuesday, 5 April 2011 1:59:05 PM
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