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Obama - confronting the killing culture in Palestine : Comments
By David Singer, published 22/3/2011Abbas’s attempt to justify some kind of moral equivalence between land disputes and the murder of Jewish civilians must be categorically rejected by President Obama.
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Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 6:03:32 PM
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Dear David,
As you have used the word Palestinian in your piece I almost feel as though I owe you a response. I would first like to express my horror of what happened to the Fogel family. Anyone who has read about the killings must have turned their thoughts to the two surviving children. They witnessed the slain bodies of their family members and now face a life as orphans with unimaginable memories. May their future care and counselling afford them a measure of peace in the future. May I draw your attention to your line; “Abbas’s attempt to justify some kind of moral equivalence between land disputes and the murder of Jewish civilians must be categorically rejected by President Obama.” However given the announcement by the Israeli government that; “The ministerial committee on settlement affairs decided Saturday night to approve the construction of hundreds of housing units in several West Bank settlements, a move that came in response to a deadly attack on a family of five in the settlement of Itamar on Friday.” Could not your line just as easily read; “The Israeli government's attempt to justify some kind of moral equivalence between land disputes and the murder of Jewish civilians must be categorically rejected by President Obama.” They have no problems with the moral equivalence you have so soundly condemned of Abbas. Are they to suffer your pen as well? Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 9:38:14 PM
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Everyone was so shocked by this gruesome murder - even in heaven, so God made a special dispensation for the Fogel family and sent down his angel to revive them.
However, as the angel approached, the settlers told him: "That's very nice of you, but tell your boss no thanks, we rather have our new building permits", and so he left. Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 10:44:18 PM
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What happened to the Fogel family is exactly what the Arabs have in mind for all the Jews in Israel, and the Israelis know it. THAT is why the Israelis fight so hard, because they know what will happen if they lose.
It has happened before in their history and they are not going to let it happen again. I think that the Israelis are one of the reasons why I decided to become a racist. If anybody had to be antiracist, it had to be the Jews, as nobody has suffered more from Racism than the they have. But the Israelis soon figured out that when surrounded by a race of enemies who make no bones about their desire to exterminate you and your entire family, then racism is indispensible if you wish to survive. So, the Israelis are unopologetically racist, and I don't blame them. Of course, the western activist class are appalled that the Israelis are racist, and that is why the activists are so racist towards the Israelis. The Arabs are racist, the Israelis are racist, and the anti racist western activists are racist. Everybody is racist. Situation normal. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 4:07:18 AM
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How convenient it is to ignore the bombing by a US-supplied Israeli "drone" on the very day that Singer had this article published.
A civilian area in Gaza full of women and children and in the dead of night for absolutely no military reason the Israelis unleashed inhumane death from the air, yet again. Their answer to everything. What a courageous state, fighting families in Gaza and then continuing an illegal blockade of the materials required to repair the roofs, windows and structures that they bomb with monotonous regularity. All with the general agreement of the US, subservient and weak. When Israel goes just one day without killing Palestinians, Mr. Singer, perhaps we might read what you have to say. Until and your country have no credibility. Posted by rexw, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 8:46:57 AM
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And there is also the issue that this may not have been "Palestinian terrorists". We occasionally have massacres in Australia that are entirely unrelated to politics. Why not in Israel? It may simply have been the act of a mad man or some unhinged family member. Or perhaps some fundamentalist Zionist who wishes to make political capital from it.
I personally don't see the moral difference between the killing of civilians by the IAF, (which they do in great numbers on an almost daily basis) and the killing of Israeli civilians by Palestinian militants. Except that the Palestinians are living under a military occupation and so have some moral right to resistance (though of course not to the extent of killing civilians) whereas the Israeli's are the occupiers who have no moral right to kill any Palestinians. Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 10:23:01 AM
The murder of the Jewish family is a crime. If Obama is confronting the "killing culture in Palestine" his false interest comes a little late in the piece. He and Presidents since Johnson have stood by while Palestinians were murdered by the thousands, year after year and without a sound from the likes of the current incumbent, Obama, a Zionist stooge, as were the others.
As for Mr Singer, can anyone recall any displayed agitation over the deaths of Palestinian people by his home country as they strived to remove by force the real owners of the land? Never.
Sayanims do the bidding of the Israeli state, without question.
As for Abbas, his compromises over time were recently disclosed in the media and should be understood in the terms of the great charade, the "peace process". What a misnomer that has been. With Clinton, a mouthpiece for Israeli policies, Mubarak, until recently the darling of the US and the evil and hated Netanyahu, Abbas didn't stand a chance. He thought that Clinton was impartial, Mubarak a friend. Naive? Yes. So his credibility has gone forever and has been for some time.
So what he has said in relation to the killing of one family when compared to tens of thousands of Palestinians, is coloured by history. But he, like the rest of the world expects to see some carefully engineered result to this matter as just another Israeli false flag exercise to be used for their purposes or ignored as with the Goldstone report on the inhumane Gaza war by the Israelis, the whitewash investigation into the Gaza flotilla, the 1967 as-yet uninvestigated USS Liberty scandal and the dancing Israelis after 9/11, with 4,000 deaths .( )
Israel is, after all, the fantasyland of the middle east where things are never what they seem and the spokesmen for their causes here, even against the interests of this country, are thick on the ground in Melbourne.
The Sword of Damocles is hanging over Tel Aviv.