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Flicking the bean on screen : Comments
By Evelyn Tsitas, published 11/2/2011Black Swan is Gothic to its core.
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Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 8:52:27 AM
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I like you Killarney,
You related to pynchme at all? 'every female-from-hell cliche to pour forth from the patriarchal psyche: frigid bulimic nutter descending into madness; control-freak neurotic mum; slutty corrupting rival; and embittered, discarded primadonna.' I just don't see it. I mean I see the cliché, but I don't see it as a broad ranging attack on women via cliché from a patriachical-fear perspective. I'd like to see you try making a film without cliché. Especially in Hollywood. Ever seen The Player? Even those oh so delightful European films are flooded with cliché. Even the wonderful Betty Blue. Oh no I shouldn't mention films with a psycho woman in them it might evoke another gender studies lecture. I'm sure you rather enjoy your Under the Tuscan Sun, Unfaithful, or Eat Pray Love clichés better where the dissatisfied wife leaves her patriarchal husband (Good little provider that he was.. even leaving the kids too if I remember) and explore their unique femininity by travelling the world to shag those wonderfully exotic European lovers with their adorable dark eyes and accents (Who aren't really macho culture misogynists of course). Me, I like the comfort of the CSI predator pervert of the week. SVU is especially good. I also like the man from hell clichés like the narcissistic wall street trader, the stoic emotionally distant dad, the failed footballer jock who drinks too much and beats his wife, the sex obsessed frat boy and the wonderfully camp, bitchy but loyal gay friend to the fag hag. All in all this movie has woman leads and all the significant characters are women, and the human frailties (which are what films are about, nice people are boring didn't you know) and themes are much more intricate than your average rom-com. What's not to like? What movies would you set up as an example? Thelma and Louise? Beaches? Bad boy Bubbie? Geez feminists are hard to please. PS: Did you see Natalie Portman get her kit off? whoar! Nudge nudge wink wink, say no more! She's so... nubile. Ha ha ha ha ha Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 9:27:31 AM
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Now, now Kilarney
Don’t be like that. Don’t be a feminist. I don’t intend seeing the film, and after considering descriptions of the film by a number of people, it does seem that the film has gratuitous blood and violence. So far as “women’s movies”, here is a verified list of movies that women like, because very large numbers of women have voluntarily gone to see these movies. Interestingly, most of these movies have no sex in them, but most of these movies are violent to very violent, with people being shot at, blown up, hacked to death or dieing in a violent way. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 4:53:16 PM
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MeanZ SceneZ Rusty. Posted by Rusty Catheter, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 5:44:27 PM
What makes you think that an all women production team would not have done similar. Many all women production teams have highlighted the maltreatment of women in various circumstances to make a feminist point including scenes such as described in the article above. Why is it different if a male production team highlights same?
I am quite over the one-sided feminist and masculinist nonsense that comes out on this site, blaming and shaming with little self reflection. I tend to make no friends in both camps because some of them tend to be too self-obsessed although I am one of a minority that tends to agree with much of what MTR posts in relation to sexualisation of women and children. So please don't downplay my contributions as appeasing men.
The situation for men accessing children after divorce has improved with changes to the Family Law Act but for a long time it was a very one-sided negotiation. How would you feel as a mother with only an every second weekend access and then having to gain permission for every visit outside this arrangement. Fair's fair. You can't have a 'revolution' if the winners take all, you just create another underclass.