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The Forum > Article Comments > Managing the recovery: podcast > Comments

Managing the recovery: podcast : Comments

By Edward Blakely, published 31/1/2011

Ed Blakely, the architect of New Orleans recovery, discusses what Queensland needs to do after the floods.

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Hold your hosses there Edward.

Wait for the super-cyclone to hit Queensland in a coupla days time.

Then re-evaluate - especially regarding areas vulnerable to storm-surge inundation.

Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 31 January 2011 9:43:20 PM
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Our political parties will not do anything that is a permanent reprieve from floods and fires, even what they do can hardly be called sufficient. I would like to see a new party formed which has a constitution covering its conscience and plans of its intention of properly controlling against obscene incomes, ensuring our own factories are looked after, not destroyed by the export of those non renewable, non value added resources, requireing the import of those goods we are experiencing and destroying our own manufacturing industries ie. clothing, tool and goods to aid in repair and maintenance work, and much more. This should be the demand for the admission of all members, not just that wishy washy "I promise to agree with the decisions of the majority" that people with no integrity and little intelligence, sign. But with all this, they should have a disaster fund system with a reserve to cater for repairs from fires and floods, but we would need politicians who could see that reserve and keep their hands off it, not use it for their perks, local and overseas trips etc.
Posted by merv09, Tuesday, 1 February 2011 7:46:34 AM
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People can not live in houses that are not insured. We need a new national insurance scheme. Moneys paid into a govt; fund for House and Contents insurance. This cover will cover all eventualities. Fire, Flood, Cyclone and what ever else you can come up with. Every body AU wide will pay the same premiums, on a sliding scale according to property size and valuation. With the climate becoming more agitated in nature, normal avenues of insurance are not going to supply the type of insurance cover required.
Gigantic infrastructure will need to be addressed as far as rising sea levels go.
Rivers will have to be realigned.
New property will have to be developed away from flood prone areas.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 1 February 2011 10:23:26 AM
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