The Forum > Article Comments > Co-operation, not collision, with Israel is the only route out for the Palestinian Authority > Comments
Co-operation, not collision, with Israel is the only route out for the Palestinian Authority : Comments
By Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz, published 13/1/2011In recent years, with Israeli help, the Palestinian Authority has started to civilise Gaza, but aggression towards Israel could bring this down.
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Posted by Danielle, Saturday, 15 January 2011 3:43:40 PM
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Rhys Stanley,
Instead of intoning a whole lot of horse feathers in support of your confirmation bias - the scientific definition ... ... and instead of Passy and Joaquin's rushing round like chicken licken holding their wings over their eyes and ears , screeching ‘fifth column ... PA piece ... aparteid ... bantusans’ ... Let’s have sensible debate. Firstly, go point by point over Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz’s article and demonstrate with supported fact where he is in error. ‘Supported fact’ necessarily involves referencing. I’ll throw in the first ball - a survey undertaken last November by Pechter Middle East Polls in partnership with the Council of Foreign Relations and supervised by Dr David Pollock, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute. Here we go Let’s not have emotive and empty screeching, nor clouds of horse feathers. You three explain the results, then I will provide experts’ analyses. Only one thing is asked of you. Give credit to the Palestinians for having agency - the ability for independent thought . Posted by Danielle, Sunday, 16 January 2011 12:54:48 PM
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It is sad that an intelligent, thoughtful article such as this is derided by persons as ignorant of the Third Reich as Rhys.
There are no marauding militias, gangs of uniformed thugs,concentrations camps and a total ban on information inimical to the leader in Israel. I suggest you read a bit about the Third Reich then you may discover the lack of similarity with Israel or for that matter Gaza or the West Bank. Posted by Seneca, Monday, 17 January 2011 10:51:34 AM
Produce proof.
There were enough investigations done to establish the facts; this despite the hysteria on the ground leading to extraordinary disparate claims of the numbers dead, and also hysteria from elsewhere by those who are more than prepared to blame Isreal for this horror - because it is a Jewish state.
You deliberately ignore the fact that Israel's Kahane report found Sharon personally responsible for enabling the Phalangists to enter the camps. No white-washing of Sharon's actions.
Do you believe that Israeli troops should have fired on Lebanese Phalangists killing Palestinians? What a blood bath!
I draw you to the fact that UN Peace Keepers are not permitted to intevene when one group is killing another. They are effectively 'paper tigers.' This leads to PTS found in many Peace Keepers.
At least you have the decency not to deny you are an anti-semite in the classical sense.
I must assume you also believe Arabs are incapable of agency, and therefore need a "keeper'". The colonial view.