The Forum > Article Comments > Flesh eating coffins and women in masks: it’s the silly season > Comments
Flesh eating coffins and women in masks: it’s the silly season : Comments
By Jennifer Wilson, published 23/12/2010It's not all over, but I'm out until next year...promise.
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Given that it has been effectively given a best-read-by date by the author that is only now, if you include this day, Friday (already half gone), eight days away, I felt such a, dare I say meaty?, article should be put upon the Index. The Index OLOarticlensis, that is, not the Index Vaticanus. (Jennifer Wilson's by-line to the article title is 'It's not all over, but I'm out until next year...promise.')
An article title can be so determinative in attracting, or repelling, viewer interest. It is in a perverse way pleasing to see the elements of an infinite regress put in place with the author's statement that this article was written in response to an MTR piece titled 'Who says female corpses aren't sexy?'. Something to really reflect upon: again and again and again and .....
I must admit that when I saw the article had four, yes FOUR, pages I experienced an instinctive reflex to click right out of there. Then the spirit of Christmas got the better of me, and I thought to myself, "If Jennifer Wilson can use the one word thrice in a six-word article title and attract 116 comments (not all of which remain on view), and I can use the word 'page' five times in succession in a sentence and have it (the sentence, that is) still make sense, then I should give her four page offerring a go. So I did.
It brought me validation!
Not long ago I responded to another OLO user's general question "Who is MTR?". My answer can be found here: . I was feeling a bit guilty about having said what I did, as I hardly ever read MTR's articles.
I am not feeling guilty any more!
Sometimes, when in a target-rich environment, it is very hard to resist taking a quick, instinctive, shot. I was always pretty good at that on the MTR.
Merry Christmas!