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The Forum > Article Comments > Flesh eating coffins and women in masks: it’s the silly season > Comments

Flesh eating coffins and women in masks: it’s the silly season : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 23/12/2010

It's not all over, but I'm out until next year...promise.

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It is a shame to see this insightful article languishing in the uncommented-upon limbo of OLO.

Given that it has been effectively given a best-read-by date by the author that is only now, if you include this day, Friday (already half gone), eight days away, I felt such a, dare I say meaty?, article should be put upon the Index. The Index OLOarticlensis, that is, not the Index Vaticanus. (Jennifer Wilson's by-line to the article title is 'It's not all over, but I'm out until next year...promise.')

An article title can be so determinative in attracting, or repelling, viewer interest. It is in a perverse way pleasing to see the elements of an infinite regress put in place with the author's statement that this article was written in response to an MTR piece titled 'Who says female corpses aren't sexy?'. Something to really reflect upon: again and again and again and .....

I must admit that when I saw the article had four, yes FOUR, pages I experienced an instinctive reflex to click right out of there. Then the spirit of Christmas got the better of me, and I thought to myself, "If Jennifer Wilson can use the one word thrice in a six-word article title and attract 116 comments (not all of which remain on view), and I can use the word 'page' five times in succession in a sentence and have it (the sentence, that is) still make sense, then I should give her four page offerring a go. So I did.

It brought me validation!

Not long ago I responded to another OLO user's general question "Who is MTR?". My answer can be found here: . I was feeling a bit guilty about having said what I did, as I hardly ever read MTR's articles.

I am not feeling guilty any more!

Sometimes, when in a target-rich environment, it is very hard to resist taking a quick, instinctive, shot. I was always pretty good at that on the MTR.

Merry Christmas!
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Friday, 24 December 2010 10:51:56 AM
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Jennifer, thanks. An interesting piece and a little bit gratifying (sorry not personal) to see that it's not only "bitter men" copping that junk from the extremists. It's very difficult to engage in meaningful discussion with extremists on either side of the gender wars when you happen to disagree with something they say.

MTR's version of feminism is an odd one, on the face of it very much afraid of sexuality, occasionally making worthwhile points but generally loosing them in a mess of extreme conclusions and contortions to try and blame men for what is human.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 24 December 2010 11:14:08 AM
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Wow, how did I only just discover this piece? It is brilliant! A serious and relevant point disguised by wit. Nice work.
Posted by Otokonoko, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 12:20:38 AM
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Jennifer, I'll add my own congratulations for this piece.

I think it's incredibly funny that MTR has become a "feminist icon", for no reason other than that she is producing a line that religious fanatics and redical feminist lesbians can both get exercised about - women being sexy for men. Funny how they never get too excited about near-naked men with dog-collars around their neck and a wmen in high heels and black latex holding the lead, as was run a few years ago to advertise a brand of perfume.

It's a terribly serious business being a Catholic, especially one that has an identity crisis and thinks she's a radical feminist with hairy legs.
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 6:56:58 AM
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Ease off on the self-righteous hypocrisy, Jennifer! As one of the commenters to that Drum article you are writing about, it’s not too hard to work out which poster you were, and I really have to laugh out loud at all your protestations at how badly you were treated.

While it might be a source of comfort to you to believe that you were under siege from a bunch of ‘pro-Melinda’ fanatics, the fact is that many of the posters could barely hide their disgust with your outright rudeness, willful distortions and provocative misinterpretations of their comments.

In addition, your views on feminism – ie, that the only decent feminism is the kind that agrees with you - left a lot to be desired.

In a society that supposedly values free speech, the right to challenge the content of creative material is every bit as important as the right to make it, especially when that creative material contains what many consider to be horrendous messages about being a man or woman in this society – eg, a man enjoying a smoke sitting beneath several dead women hanging by their necks, a man ‘making love to’ dead women in a bed, and a dead woman served up with legs spread either side of a man’s meat dinner.

Instead, the author was subjected to literally hundreds of ad hominem attacks on her sexuality, mental health, religious affiliations, professional credibility and personal integrity, as well a lot of psychobabble about her supposed hatred for men – and YOU, my dear Jennifer, were far and away the principal cheerleader.
Posted by Killarney, Sunday, 2 January 2011 7:06:38 PM
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Do I know you, Killarney?

I can swear on my grandmother's grave that I indulged in no ad hominem thrusts on the ABC comments site, though I agree with you that there were plenty, mostly coming from the pro Melindas, who addressed any dissent with very personal retorts.

There were suggestions made about MTR's sanity, psycho sexual health, etc, but not one of them was made by me.

I'm not sure who you think I was in the comments, it is not as easy to identify me as you may think -

I don't think anyone was concerned about creative material being challenged - the issue was the censorship MTR and her followers were advocating, plus their complete lack of trust in any male's ability to choose for himself whether or not the 30 second video clip was OK or not.

It was only 30 seconds, and as many of us pointed out we preferred to watch the whole thing before rushing to judgement. Always a wise move.

The only decent feminism is one that is based in the recognition of our common humanity.
Posted by briar rose, Thursday, 13 January 2011 6:53:19 PM
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