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The arrest of Julian Assange - a reality check : Comments

By Marian Dalton, published 9/12/2010

Why would anyone believe that the Swedish charges against Julian Assange are part of an international conspiracy?

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Like I've said before,
I can't wait for the movie.
Posted by talisman, Wednesday, 15 December 2010 8:21:24 PM
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Well write to the Swedish Ambassador in Australia. email: And complain - politely of course.

I'm waiting for tomorrow's court case to hear if the Swedish prosecutors
appeal is upheld or dismissed. I feel it will be dismissed, and Julian be left to retreat to his protector's estate in Suffolk. And enjoy roast pheasant and good wine with his family and friends for Christmas. And stuff all those Swedes who appear to be dancing to
the US of A's dictates.

The Swedish complaint is absolutely stupid. Not wearing a condom? How many cases do they hear in Sweden of this same complaint. Being a country well known for over 5 decades as being sexually liberal and approving abortion before other countries legalized it, it is a joke!

And when in the western democratic world has any man or woman been held in solitary confinement when no charges have been laid officially, (and can't lodge a formal defense?) isn't the rule of law
innocent until proven guilty. Maybe not in the US of A, but certainly in Australia and UK.
Posted by Bush bunny, Wednesday, 15 December 2010 9:10:56 PM
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Bush bunny posts on Wednesday, 15 December 2010 at 9:10:56 PM:

"And when in the western democratic world has
any man or woman been held in solitary confinement
when no charges have been laid officially, (and can't
lodge a formal defense?) isn't the rule of law
innocent until proven guilty. Maybe not in the
US of A, but certainly in Australia and UK."

It would be helpful to the making of whatever point it is that Bush bunny wanted to make on this fairly important subject to first read the thread before posting. So far as I can make out, this poster is trying to express some naive faith in what is being held out to be the quality of British justice in the present day, saying such things as: "Look have faith in the British legal system". If Bush bunny had read my post of Friday, 10 December 2010 at 8:25:03 AM, s/he would know that a UK citizen was arrested in the UK and held in custody WITHOUT CHARGE for over 200 days in 2008, simply because the US had requested his extradition to face charges in the US for something that was quite lawful in the UK.

Bush bunny, if you truly do hold high hopes as to the quality of justice in the UK in relation to this matter, reading the post I have referenced should show the extent to which the 'political establishment' within the UK, through the Extradition Act (UK) 2003, has so thoroughgoingly betrayed Britain's legal and constitutional heritage. It must be galling in the extreme for Brian Howes, a UK citizen in his own country, to not even have a right to an extradition hearing of the like to which Assange, sought at this point by Sweden rather than by the US directly, appears entitled.

All that being said, I believe individuals within the justice apparatus in the UK have been doing all that they can within the law to 'give the finger' to their political masters.

I, too, hope Assange gets bail today.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Thursday, 16 December 2010 10:21:41 AM
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Fox news interviewed a spokeperson from the Getup petition two days ago after. They accused Assange of "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity".

A very suspect self duplicity is needed to believe Assange's arrest is simply the innocent machinations of the Swedish legal system.

An even greater duplicity is necessary to argue against the release of these "sensitive" documents. We remain involved in two wars in the middle-east. Both dubious wars with no clear objectives. In our name children continue to be orphaned, maimed, and dismembered. The documents reveal continuing complicity in torture by US troops.

We are now allied with a rogue state which has entirely abandoned its own constitutional principles. This is a state in relative decline desperate and over-reaching to sustain its hegemony.

The Assange arrest is a symptom of this over-reach by the US, and its craven allies. J. Gillard's comments on this are not errors or misjudgements, they are policy. Any watering down of these conclusions is merely putting your head in the sand.

The author of this article has attempted to protect the US relationship by promoting: move along people, there is nothing to see here. But the disconnect between what our media protray and what people think is becoming an ever larger chasm.

The authors of spin when confronted with raw data from "wikileaks" files become disorientated. The prepared scripts and narratives don't fit the reality. Now that is why they are really angry with Assange.
Posted by YEBIGA, Friday, 17 December 2010 11:33:15 AM
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He's out. He's able to walk the streets. Get used to it.

Damn, there goes a potential martyr >:(

So justice seems to be taking its course. What's that, he still won't get a fair trial ? All trials are rigged ? Down with all trials ?

Meanwhile, Liu Xiao Bo can only dream of a trial, while he spends the next eleven years contemplating his request for freedom of speech.

Is that one of the freedoms that Assange is still free to practice ?

Perhaps, if you are looking for a martyr, you could try looking in Liu's direction :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 17 December 2010 11:53:32 AM
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Dear Loudmouth

Guess we should be grateful that we're all not incarcerated like Liu Xiao. Is that the point you are making?

I guess we should all be grateful for our daily bread and our shelter because we and our children aren't being dismembered in Iraq, Afghanistan or many other parts of the world.

Because you know those terrorists could be next door, around the corner or under your bed. But the truth is there are terrorists, really bad terrorist. We can never find them because the global terrorist are our allies the USofA and us - its us all along!

Cry treason
Posted by YEBIGA, Friday, 17 December 2010 1:19:20 PM
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