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The Forum > Article Comments > Family Law Act: too little, too late > Comments

Family Law Act: too little, too late : Comments

By Patricia Merkin, published 7/12/2010

It is likely that child protective amendments to the Family Law Act will be significantly watered down for political motives.

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ChazP:"The tactic of alleging mental illness of Chiara is rather a worn out ploy now, don't you think, and tends to be the last desperate tactic used by sociopathic fathers "

Do you think that I was alleging mental illness? I simply suggested she needs help that we can't provide. Interesting that you took it that way. Even more interesting that you went on to accuse fathers of being sociopaths for wanting to see their children.

I noted this morning a puff-piece by the ever-dependable puffer Nina Funnell in the Fairfax press. The grrrls club is really throwing everything they can at this in their effort to defend the indefensible. It's all a bit risible when their "chairman" is a TV game show spruiker.

happy, your repetition of outdated advocacy "studies" does your case no good at all. I find it interesting that you respond only to vanna, while ignoring the many good and sensible posts from R0bert, benk, James and myself that simply prove your claims to be untrue.

It is not a good look for you. It suggests that you are not a reliable witness of good character, but are motivated by a desire to produce an outcome, ignoring anything that may be inconveniently contradictory.

If I were using my own name, I should think I'd want to be seen to be more rational. Of course, I'm not an advocate for the primacy of maternal rights and I have to make my own living while looking after my children and dealing with a severely personality-disordered ex, so that might explain some of that...

I suggest you take a walk around the back blocks of Nerang and Southport and similar areas and look in some of the backyards of the women you so unthinkingly and uncritically advocate for.

And here's a question for you, Patricia: just who is the National Coalition of Mothers Against Child Abuse? What membership does it have other that you and Marie Hume? It's just a fancy name you made up to make yourself sound important, isn't it? Dear me...
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 10 December 2010 8:05:14 AM
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Great article! thanks to the author. Same old gender wars comments. Yawn.
Posted by mog, Sunday, 12 December 2010 11:22:19 AM
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mog:"Same old gender wars comments"

That pretty much summed the article up, really.

I've been thinking I should invent a nice important-sounding "Coalition" or "Council". I wonder if she gets any funding through OSW?
Posted by Antiseptic, Sunday, 12 December 2010 11:49:31 AM
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I am not the one painting all men as abusers, but it is clear by the rhetoric from people like you and vanna that you believe that ALL the fathers in FC cases are innocent good fathers and ALL “fathers in the FC are discriminated against.”
Quote: “the family law act which directly discriminates against fathers”- Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 7 December 2010 8:44:38 AM
Quote: “The commonly understood narrative is that false allegations are a commonly misused tool in family court proceedings and that women are the main people making these allegations” - Posted by benk, Tuesday, 7 December 2010 9:34:57 AM
Quote: “The changes have more to do with feminist propaganda designed to vilify and denigrate fathers”- Posted by vanna, Thursday, 9 December 2010 3:48:46 PM
Posted by happy, Monday, 13 December 2010 10:09:44 AM
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By the way benk, you stated that “Repeating something doesn't make it any more true.” Denying that it is true does not negate its truth either.

You stated- “Much of what we hear about child abuse implies that fathers are the main risk to kids.” Posted by benk, Thursday, 9 December 2010 3:52:27 PM
The implication is correct.
You also stated- “Fathers groups point out that mothers are responsible for about half, merely to defend themselves from an unfair accusation. “ Given the research, most of these accusations against fathers are not unfair, they are true.
“Claiming that father's groups claim that all abuse is done by mothers is dishonest.”- Given the research, most abuse in FC cases is committed by fathers, only a very small percentage is committed by mothers. As a result of the changes to the Act and the culture in the FC, only the worst cases of physical abuse by fathers OR mothers is acted on. This is to the detriment of both protective mothers AND fathers, and to the detriment of the children whether the parent is male or female.
Posted by happy, Monday, 13 December 2010 10:11:24 AM
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Antiseptic- I DO NOT get any funding from anyone in any way, shape or form.
Posted by happy, Monday, 13 December 2010 10:13:39 AM
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