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Climate change hits the west : Comments
By Peter McMahon, published 2/12/2010In WA temperatures soar, rains fail, climate change is palpable, yet the government pumps out more CO2.
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It is shocking to see such stuff coming from a member of the Academy. So it goes in the crazy world of Warmerland.
You claim: "the increasingly weird weather WA is expereincing fits the general predictions by climate scientists."
Nothing could be further from the truth. There are no established laws of climate change, nor will there ever be such laws. It's irreducibly complex. There can, therefore, be no genuine predictions - merely guesstimates.
Once upon a time, folk attributed such phenomena to either (i) acts of God or (ii) the work of the Devil, depending on whether they were considered beneficial or malevolent events.
Fortunately, we have moved on from such primitive beliefs, where they projected their fears and anxieties about the future onto Nature. We have instead alarmist climate astrologers (with their obscenely expensive supercomputers) and moralising AGW evangelists, who attribute the cause of all our - present and future - woes to "climate change".
This expression has morphed from a descriptive word about what the climate has done ever since the Earth acquired an atmosphere - namely CHANGE - to alarmist code for something bad that is happening or about to happen - and that is invariably OUR FAULT.
Peter, if your still have an open mind on this issue, and can stand a tussle with what climatologist Judith Curry calls "the uncertainty monster", go to and check out OVERCONFIDENCE IN IPCC'S DETECTION AND ATTRIBUTION: part III.
Alice (in Warmerland)
ALICE'S FIRST LAW: "Whenever scientists are funded from the public purse to study any phenomenon - but especially climate - it always increases in the worst possible direction."