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Labor is more liberal than the Liberals : Comments

By Andrew Leigh, published 15/11/2010

Modern Labor represents the liberalism of Deakin better than the Liberal Party

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Well said, but Labor is not far behind.

A fine litmus test is the use of the non-scientific, manifestly false, photo-shopped graph containing, and plagiarized anthropogenic climate change denial-fest book "Heaven and Earth" by Ian Plimer.

It's a favourite of "endorser enforcer" Tony Abbott [now advised to distance self] and Howard's moral dictator, Cardinal Pell. The Australian - I kid you not - the petulant 18th century focused National Farmer's Association, Catter, Ron Boswell, Howard, Browyn Bishop and Pyne.

Documented as misrepresenting sources at least 28 times, scurrilously abusing IPCC reports [15 times], their authorship, the IPCC charter, and outrageous data misrepresentation 10 times it remains Christopher Pynes 2nd bible.

Sound bites constructed from this conspiracy type slur upon science and it's methodology are kept buoyant by the Liberals for the sole purpose of suffocating progressive and liberal climate policy. Only Fielding was transparently more ridiculous.

Howard sabotaged the 1997 heroin on prescription trial on orders from Major Brian Watters - renegade "Salvation Army Officer".

"The Law and The Prophets" [Luke 16:16] would dictate Howards policy on our vulnerable and in need, he boasted. Bowing before the Fatherhood Foundation he amended the marriage act to ensure discrimination. At the ACL's request, he funded the psychological damaging Chaplaincy programme and ensconced ACCESS ministries in our childrens classrooms. "Jesus loves you more than mummy or daddy", they claim. Abbott himself funded Biblical Creationists Drug Free Australia, who advocate jail and removal of children for pot smokers and Bishop designed predetermined senate inquiries to promote this human rights abuse. They are, in effect The Christian Liberal Conservative Party.

This all fell down, of course, when Kevin From Heaven took up the Christian baton increasing and continuing funding. Gillard - our first fully fledged, full on, fornicating, freethinking, female PM has damaged the brand even more discriminating against same sex marriage and euthanasia. All that really keeps them separate is Abbott's throwing of his toys from his pram and his destructive pathology.

Thank logic for The Greens.
Posted by Firesnake, Tuesday, 16 November 2010 6:55:12 AM
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Well said Firesnake. The government, banks, corporations and foreign invesers are in reality a cartel. The damage and harm they are doing to our country and the people is a treacherouse crime against us. We the people are enslaved to all the above. The Parliament continues enacting or altering Statutes to steal more money from the people. What does the opposition do? nothing, they could block or at least attempt to block in the senate but they don't, reason being they stand to gain as well. The people have very little if any financial security. Wages are well below the price and fee increases. Now you can see why none of the political parties or politicians are worthy of my vote.
Posted by gypsy, Tuesday, 16 November 2010 7:56:12 AM
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I don't know enough about the 'liberalism of Deakin' to make an informed comment about it. But I do know about the liberalism of J.S. Mill & his ilk, and I know that the freedom-hating conservatives of the Liberal party have about as much love for liberalism as National Socialists did for Judaism. Of course, there are freedom-hating conservatives within Labor's right-wing faction - but the so-called Liberal party is home to more of these nasty little toadies.

Why don't the Liberals just own up to the truth and call themselves the Australian Conservative Party? Nobody will think any less of them for it - some folk might even reward them for their honesty.
Posted by Riz, Tuesday, 16 November 2010 11:03:34 PM
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There has been little 'liberalism' within the Liberal Party since the day in 1944 that 'Pig Iron' Bob Menzies founded this Australian version of the British Conservative Party. You could not find anyone with more conservative views and values than Menzies, unless ofcourse you looked at his old coalition mates in the Country Party.
The Liberal Party should stop the pretence, they are a conservative party, always have been, always will be. When in government they are in coalition with the ultra conservative National Party, another mob who need a name change!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 November 2010 1:14:44 PM
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