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No cause for alarm : Comments

By Cliff Ollier, published 11/11/2010

There is still no proof the Earth is experiencing 'dangerous' warming.

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"Riz and Riz Too: Tweedledum and Tweedledumber."

Same person, actually. But my, what an original and clever witticism.*

"I do not appreciate being called a liar. Whatever my failings I am not that."

Double liar. When you make a demonstrably untruthful claim, which you know to be untruthful when you are making it, you are most definitely a liar. If you like, I can use the term 'sophist' instead. That way, you can pretend that your lies make you sophisticated.

"There is a world of "evidence" out there, both phenomenal and documented, for you to consult for yourself(selves), but I sense your state of blissful ignorance is not disposed to be educated.
So a big Raspberry to you!"

So despite there being a 'world' of evidence out there, you're just too lazy to produce even a fraction of it? I find that difficult to believe. It would mean you're even lazier than me, and nobody is lazier than me. I rather suspect that the reason you're not producing evidence is 'coz you haven't got any to produce. But feel free to prove me wrong.
Posted by Riz Too, Thursday, 18 November 2010 12:56:32 PM
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Looks like the graffiti walls of sesame street are in fine order today:) That to last set of posts got a laugh out of me:) Leo, as I said earlier the vote is still out. But here is another theory model.

1. Now on one hand we have the natural change of our world.

2. On the other hand we have the effects of the industrial age.

3. Over-Population puts an untold pressure on all life supports.

4. Planet has cycles which it follows regardless of mans presence.

5. The cooling and heating are what I call, the pendulum affect.

6. As the cycles continue,the pendulum affect make us think humans are at fault.

7. Facts state, that the pendulum affect will always continue until it stops on one or the other. ( hot or cold )( ice age or tropical bliss ) right now until recently, worlds climate was in the middle.
Hence the next line down.

8. Also this is the longest period of peace and tranquility. World overdue for change.

9. Change usually takes 10,s of 1000,s of years. ETC.

10. In this century, change has happened at a rate not seen before.

11. White seals once sat on ice covered rocks in winter, now white seals sit on black rocks and now sticks out like sore thumb.

12. Leo lane has evolved not to see changes, and climate scientists are now warning of pending danger:)

1. Leo...extinction rates are up...........why...........answer please.
2. Global change right through-out the earths history has never been this fast.................why....................answer please.
3. Climate change maybe a contributing factor to all these invents.............if not...............please supply proof.

Posted by Deep-Blue, Thursday, 18 November 2010 6:38:03 PM
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Here is a few more links that show scam or fact.

Now its plain and simple maths on this so to speak. Volcano's cause rapid climate change. right. Humans at this point time and probably all time, will never come close to what if all of what is excepted in the links, and if all were to erupt at once, and its looking highly likely, we will all see rapid climate change.

Just some food for thought.

Like I said, the votes are still not in. ( Mother earth is waking up )

Hold on to your sits. It might be a bumpy ride.

If not, tell me why.

Posted by Deep-Blue, Thursday, 18 November 2010 10:05:16 PM
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From the Horse’s Mouth as relayed on Andrew Bolt’s Blog this morning.
Senior IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer*.spells it out:

“The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War … one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.”

• “Ottmar Edenhofer was appointed as joint chair of Working Group 3 at the Twenty-Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The deputy director and chief economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Professor of the Economics of Climate Change at the Berlin Institute of Technology will be co-chairing the Working Group “Mitigation of Climate Change” with Ramón Pichs Madruga from Cuba and Youba Sokona from Mali.”

Comment: The more I read and learn about the IPCC, the more I become convinced that the IPCC is just another climate activist association with a political agenda; but no scientific credibility or integrity.
Posted by anti-green, Friday, 19 November 2010 12:58:10 PM
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Deep Blue

1 Extinction rates are not up, except in the lying assertions of the greens.
2. Climate change has been far faster at different times in the past. Over the last 110 years there has been mild warming, and mild cooling. At 1998 there had been a net warming of seven tenths of one degree. A tiny amount, and certainly not fast, by any stretch of even a deranged greenie’s imagination. There has been mild cooling since that time.
3 Climate change is real, and if those events had occurred, which they have not, then climate change would no doubt be a factor. Human emissions have no significance in climate change. AGW, despite an expenditure of $100 billion dollars in research, has not been shown to exist.

Human beings progress through trial and error, but you have contributed sufficient error to warrant you being excused from any more contribution for this life and the next

You are incapable of being correct about anything, going by your efforts here, which puts you way ahead of anyone else in producing error. (with the probable exception of the fact challenged Squeers)
Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 19 November 2010 2:30:17 PM
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Anti-green, there is a difference between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Ottmar Edenhofer (Chair of Working Group 3, IPCC) is correct - the upcoming UNFCCC conference in Mexico will not be about the science. The UNFCCC conferences are like that, always have been, always will be.

Cast your mind back to Copenhagen, Bali, and further. The UNFCCC meetings are a conference of the parties (COP). They deal with 'how and when policies' to address a changing climate. They do not 'do science' because the politicians and economists can't change the science. Neither can they when the IPCC reports are issued.
Posted by bonmot, Friday, 19 November 2010 5:37:10 PM
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