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The Forum > Article Comments > Building cities is Australia's next export industry > Comments

Building cities is Australia's next export industry : Comments

By Edward Blakely, published 4/11/2010

Australia does a lot of things well, and one of them is building world class cities.

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You do mean a public sector (Public service union) green labor politically supported doctrine, don't you?
Posted by Dallas, Thursday, 4 November 2010 10:28:45 PM
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I think this bloke is living in the clouds like most academics & handsomely supported by our tax money via incompetent bureaucracy.
Posted by individual, Friday, 5 November 2010 6:36:45 AM
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Sorry, this article is garbage;
"Competition" should not, ever, EVER mention in a discussion about Australia's urban planning- nor should the Macquarie Group.
Those two elements will guarantee the cities of Australia become an unlivable circus.

We should only be accepting proposals from public-hired institutions THAT advocate planning for convenience of residents' living and their access to businesses, along with the different sectors of the city, with some mention of open space and (public) expressways, and NOT spending more time attempting to gloss about superficial credentials.

Otherwise, no actual propositions- just superficial rhetoric.
I'm quite alarmed this man was actually part of a planning consultancy board.
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 5 November 2010 9:23:16 AM
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This article could so easily be satire.

The author is clearly living in a sheltered workshop somewhere, since he fails to demonstrate any understanding of the words "export" or "industry".

Let's imagine for a moment that I were given the opportunity to sell this "product" - building cities - to an overseas audience. I'd obviously use Professor Blakeley's material in my presentation - all that great stuff about the weather, our design engineering and construction firms, our project financing capability etc. etc...

The first question from the audience, I suspect, would be "can you provide any examples from your own country, Mr Pericles?"

Let me think. Sydney, from its harbour-defacing Cahill Expressway to its endless, soulless, McMansioned suburbs? Melbourne... Federation Square... Brisbane... err... Canberra-a-a-a-agh...

Do you know, I cannot think of a single instance of an Australian city that would pass muster as an illustration of how brilliant we are at building cities, Professor.

Can you?
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 5 November 2010 9:48:25 AM
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He wants to remodel our cities to cram us in more along our transport corridors. He then suggests we export our new found sardine cans to other nations. His lies are that we have no competition in this arena. He can say this because he fails to tell you that all the other cities are being force fed the same tripe.

It's classic Agenda 21 spin and is full of BS to cram you in like sardines along growth corridors and take away your right to own private property.

It's already happening but most aren't seeing it. Already in Victoria all rural land along our rail lines has been re zoned residential(The Urban growth corridor). A $95,000 tax has been levied on any sale of property for every 2 hectares sold, raising more money for the state to implement its agenda, whilst also reducing the wealth of the property owner. Remaining rural lands have had new laws placed on them to reduce their value over time to nothing via native vegetation regrowth. The Murray Darling Authority's report was based on nothing but lies. They had no intention of fixing the rivers, it's purely a means to remove self sufficient people from their farms and move them into these new found cities.

This mans vile propaganda must be seen for what it is, a vile sinister plot to take away our rights to own private property and to cram us in like sardines where we can be better controlled and culled!
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 5 November 2010 3:38:08 PM
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//Australia does a lot of things well, and one of them is building world class cities.//

WOAH... but I read the article and suddenly it's all about CLIMATE CHANGE ? ? ?

*scratches head*.....

In short mate... if you want to know about building good cities.. Australia is the LAST place you go... try Kuala Lumpur or Singapore.

-Fast Trains.
-Mass rapid transport
-World Class Airports (connect directly to MRT and FAST TRAIN)

"We"....are 3rd world.. sorry but true.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 5 November 2010 6:59:08 PM
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