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The commodification of green : Comments
By James Carman, published 29/10/2010Just because a product says it's green doesn't mean it is - it could be just another way of separating you from your cash.
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For the last 24 years of crisis warnings, the IPCC climate scientists have continued to agree that the consequence of Climate Change on the planet Earth is still estimated to be anything from “catastrophic” and “unstoppable” warming, to negligible consequences if any, and may or may not include more extreme weather events.
In other words, climate change was Liberalism’s WMD-ridden Iraq War of fear mongering and lying.
Meanwhile, the UN had allowed carbon trading to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 24 years of climate control instead of population control. Nice! History is watching.
NOW. who’s the neocon?
System Change, not Climate Change