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Dying with dignity : Comments
By Neil Francis, published 8/10/2010Eighty-five per cent of Australians want choice over how they die.
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Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 October 2010 1:16:32 PM
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some/of the other links/i posted
are rather fullsome-longreads/but good reading- ie going into detail..from a personal perspective here summerises/things its not so-much..about death/dying/rebirth..from a personal perspective but more a summation of a few..pointing out common points/problems/ some of the issues arrising the next-stage..of life its not much issues as we all..have our opinion.. trouble being/opinions..are like rectums..[we all got one] please let this topic be knowledge.*..! and/ reveals.. there just might be other dimentions lets call them heaven./hell..till we know..for certain cant/be created*..nor destroyed [for the athiest]... be extinguished but it..can another dimention for those/ of religious/believings recall..the law thou..shalt/not kill dying..[for those..who have/seen..the process] is far from dignified dying with an oximoron even dying the eyeballs totally insens-able...compusmensus? so a/drunk.. and often..dont/even realise..your presumed..dead we put our/ men but what..god-head./beliefs/opinions..are they serving that of..the flesh...? or worse decieved-spiritualisms/doctrane.. love? or..the..ever-living/good.. [love-thy/neighbour..due to all that gives/ all those... ...only god can live give those..suffering cure/remedy..from their suffering not simply/put-them...out/of..our* missery and by ignorance prolong-it some-one said..about putting..down-pets then walking away but where/did it's..soul/life-force..go? dont we need/ yes its..material/suffering..seems ended but what/of..that living..[life-force].. that trusts you/..loved-you... but..that can/never end? Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 October 2010 2:58:03 PM
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one under god: I stopped reading after "you atheists believe you only get one life"...well actually I take issue with that!
I do not subscribe to Theism, nor do I believe we only have one life. It is easy to dismiss alternate philosophies if you impose your own limited false views on the world and fail to learn what people actually do believe...the old straw man technique. Good for the ego I guess but it doesn't help people get along! Back on topic: I, and my family *will* die with dignity regardless of what the minority churchy authoritarians want. You can threaten and cajole, but unless you lock us all up it cannot be prevented. Just as with the "war on drugs" you impose unrealistic ideals on folks that don't want, nor need your ignorant stunted moral imperialism. Yes its a tricky "political" issue, but as an ethical one it is simple: Do as *you* and your loved ones want, stay out of others lives. It is simple respect. Posted by Ozandy, Friday, 8 October 2010 3:05:43 PM
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".... resort to fear and smear campaigns, distorting and misrepresenting the truth about how such a law works in other jurisdictions. For example, in his recent On Line Opinion piece Gillard’s conflict on euthanasia more than justified Jim Wallace said in as few words that Dr Philip Nitschke admitted that he had “probably breached the law”. Dr Nitschke did not admit that, and to represent so is a willing distortion of the truth."
I think my favourite to date is the mock news cast, in which Jim and his pal lied that Hockey's absurd "In defence of god" speech was about christian values and reinforced the value of christianity. Read the text. In his speech to the Sydney Institute, Mr Hockey said Christianity's declining popularity in the West was a result of many church leaders interpreting the Bible too literally. "By encouraging literalist analysis of the Bible, many churches have inadvertently invited people to question the validity of a faith that seems to be based on questionable facts of outdated prescriptions," he said. Read more: Posted by Firesnake, Friday, 8 October 2010 3:57:29 PM
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Yes, Ozandy and the same goes for those of us who do NOT want to get topped. As a 67-year-old, I suggest that euthanasia, voluntary OF COURSE, should be an unquestioned right of all those aged 66 and younger - those aged 67 and older should require a special permit.
And should all of those 85 % who are so happy to support the deaths of others put their names on the lists, and be first to stand in line ? There ARE some of us who are not too enthusiastic to give away our one-and-only life, just yet. There are roses to smell, places to see, children to annoy. So, Ozandy, if you want to top yourself, give yourself a pat on the back, you're a hero - now go off and do it. But leave the rest of us alone. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 October 2010 3:59:29 PM
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David G, "It's interesting to note the difference between putting our pets out of their age-related misery and our own kind."
Agreed and that is why the broken aged care system has to be replaced with a new system that works. Reports of maltreatment of the old in nursing homes would automatically result in prosecutions and large fines if they were pet dogs, cats or even rats. 'ELDERLY patients in nursing homes are being fed cold and inedible food, left sitting in urine and faeces and subjected to cruel and at times inhumane treatment from overworked and underresourced carers. The Sunday Telegraph worked undercover inside two metropolitan nursing homes for three weeks and found that some of Sydney's most vulnerable citizens are being mistreated and left to die inside sterile, cold and smelly aged-care facilities. The high-care homes - run by Bupa Care Services and Domain Principal Group and overseen by the federal Government - advertise superior aged-care offering personal support and respect for the elderly. However, many miserable, despondent and desperately lonely residents, who pay 85 per cent of their $671.90 fortnightly pension, live in often despicable conditions and are treated with disrespect. Frail but mentally sound residents talked about being "scared", "lonely" and "waiting to die".' and this, and this, The seniors who are indisputably the main targets of euthanasia are also the most discriminated group in Australia, yet they do not even have a Commissioner to champion their rights. However the politically correct 'isms', such as racism and sexism, still retain enormous political clout and special Commissioners and advisory groups attached to them, despite the fact that these issues have largely been successfully dealt with and long ago. Multiculturalism has an special, expensive council to advocate its interests, Why aren't those who are as keen as mustard to represent the right of the aged to end their lives also stumping up to end ageism, the most prevalent discrimination in Australia, and demanding that government act to replace the broken aged care system that is so embarrassing internationally to Australia? Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 8 October 2010 4:01:27 PM
but lets try to summerise/that discussed there
[last-time..i looked
two athiests were..debating/about this dying/thing..[ie/one-life]
[and/not an after-life]
so for athiests...its important consideration lot think..
you only got one life
so why..chose to cut/it..short...!
then there are.those/who get the/whole thing-wrong
like xtian./jews/even maybe..those following the messenger/mahomoud
im those the deciete/lie/deception
of judgment/and reserction-day
as..refered/to there..
there is no such/thing-as a'day'..of judgment
nor a...'day/of..reserction....for most..its instant/change
[as jesus revealed/
to...even..a thief...on/a..cross
['this heaven']
then/*/..AFTER*...his death
[this..clearly rebuts/refutes..waiting for a day/of-reserection
as well as..the.."day of judgment"]
its possably..the biggest thing/
even his to get..!
as many links..i poted/prove...
one second..we are/here/
then in/ we are..there...
many actually totally unaware/..they have passed-over
i will remind/too of the complications...
[all dependant upon/freewill...laws]
ie gods/ordainment..
that we to believe/..disbelieve...AS WE CHOSE
thus many/good-true..lie sleeping..{self/..a-coma-tised} heaven/hell...thinking their-dead..and acting accordingly
if your going/to..kill some-one
by their own ignorance
as revealed would be better/
to put those...'in pain'..into a coma..HERE/now...
better than..for eternity/there
than to/ignorantly..send them into perpetual..spiritual/stasis...
this is a huge..issue/there
[as the links..reveal]
yes/it is dump/RUBBISH..
thinking..its gone
but put/some..thought into the issue
your be ending/physical-suffering
when your..only..making MORE-spiritytual-suffering..!
by ignorance..of the facts
so clearly the writings/from beyond
read..gone-west...that covers many of the issues..
were ignorantly/chosing to
remember..there is a law-of/karma
every/action...has its equall..and oppisite re-action
go look upon a 'dead'-person...realise..the law
ENERGY..cannot be..created/nor destroyed
WHERE DID/your'energy'..go?
would you...[lol...85%}..ignorantly..send your hell? some thinking..on this people
it you..sleeping away/eternity..!
for what?
simply believing decievers..wanting an empty/bed
trying to save..a few bucks?
you only
WILL AFFECT A GREAT-lot..of the/quality..
of it
think/...what would jesus/do
now/what..can/you do?