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The Forum > Article Comments > Military prosecutions: Parliament must act now > Comments

Military prosecutions: Parliament must act now : Comments

By David Flint, published 8/10/2010

It is unacceptable that the Director of Military Prosecutions should have sole discretion to launch a prosecution against military personnel.

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like the police investigating police brutality in their ranks, or
corrupt judges 'investigating' spurious and calumniating claims
against one of their M'Lords....

aren't civilians still in charge of the military, or was that all just window dressing for public consumption?

Like parsley on dog food is a military vendetta against enemy suspects...
Posted by SHRODE, Sunday, 10 October 2010 12:39:18 AM
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This issue like every trial and tribulation that this incompetent government has put us through displays a lack of forward thought that we have come to expect from these self serving clowns. The legislation under which the boys will be tried comes straight out of the U.N. human rights charter, one of a thousand protocols that our politicians have signed off on that diminish or negate Australia’s right to judge its citizens under our laws, laws that have served us through two world wars and many smaller conflicts. Rudd appointed this politically correct "lesbian bitch in uniform" with a law degree because he wants to appease the U.N. and get a gig there after he has finished with Australia.

Australians are stupid, gutless and certainly not the ones to have on your side if the dung hits the air displacement machine given we hang our own out to dry and die for the sake of a U.N. mandate that America told them to stick where the sun don't shine.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 10 October 2010 9:36:05 AM
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mikk:>> If these soldiers did nothing wrong, as they assert, then they have nothing to fear from the court as they will be found innocent.<<

Mikk you’re a three meals a day suburban comfort dwelling imbecile. Innocent as they F…ING assert you say. I remember you lot when I got back from Nam . You are below despicable, a keyboard warrior with a fridge in the next room and a pub on the corner.

Close quarters contact is like nightmares except you have to see it through to the end and whether a professional soldier or an Afghan kid with a Kalashnikov you can bet neither of them started the conflict. Once again, you’re a despicable imbecile.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 10 October 2010 10:11:09 AM
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The only imbecile here is sonofgloin.
How would you feel if Afghan soldiers came to your house in the dead of night and killed your entire family? Would you not think that they should be held to account?
You obviously think our soldiers should be allowed to kill everything that moves, including babies. Maybe that is what you did in "Nam".
You may well feel OK about Aussie soldiers killing babies in your name, but I sure don't.
We should not be sending our soldiers to kill people that have never threatened us. But if we do, then we must ensure that they don't run amok killing innocent people, and if they do, that they are held to account.
Of course these soldiers may have done nothing wrong. The only way to ascertain that is through some kind of judicial process.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Sunday, 10 October 2010 1:32:42 PM
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skeptic, read the article again. Mr Flint didn't say anything positive about the war, only that our diggers are there now & should have our support.

As for the rest of your comment, voters do it in the vain hope that our alleged leaders will do the right thing by us.

Have you joined a REAL minor party? The Red/greens always were in coalition with the Clayton's Communist party.

How about a protest/lobby group? like

David G, i do pity you.

Try reading my comments next time. I have always condemned "The Raving Right" just as much as "The Loony Left".

I am politically, a moderate, middle of the road, centrist, like 90% of the population. Religiously i am a mild mannered, agnostic, who is just trying to protect children from people like You, who are the "out of step" weirdo.

There is also no need for violence. There is truck loads of evidence available to support real "Prima Facie" charges against the entire Red/green/getup/labour Communist Coalition for all manner of crimes. The Politicians, Bureaucrooks, Plus the Academics & Journalists that supported them. The "Organised Crime" & "Proceeds of Crime" laws could be used to seize all their property. Which would mean that we would no longer need "Asset Sales".

All we need is a Non Communist government to act on the evidence available.

Arjay, near perfection again.

I am well aware that Muslim Terrorists are only a symptom of the
REAL problem.

Connect some more dots.

Socialism is the "Royal road to Power for the Super Rich"

The Orwellian UN NWO of which you speak is only half, Corporate or "Raving Right", the other half half is "Loony Left".

Stop "Moving Forward", Look backwards with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight at some of the worst examples of "Extreme Capitalism" that was & still is, being done by the Red/green/getup/labour Communist coalition, during Whitlam's, Hawke, Keating & Krudd's time, in the name of "reform".

Mass Immigration was designed to create racial & ethnic tension followed by ever tighter "Hatred" laws, to try & stop you complaining.
Posted by Formersnag, Sunday, 10 October 2010 2:31:52 PM
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SCRODE, be brave enough to use plain simple English, as i do. Those big words of yours may confuse poor David G as to whether you support or denigrate our troops.

sonofgloin, Agreed, but don't be too hard on the GP, General Public. They have been growing tired of the "Politically Correct Thought Police". That is why their popularity began falling off so quickly. They are awake up to the "Musical Leaders, Face Changing Game".

"Same S*%#, Different Flies".

I was just talking to a male teacher this morning. They are treated the same way in all states & territories. He just got back from teaching English in China because he & his wife got sick of seeing their colleagues tortured over baseless allegations which are often proven false, but the Male teacher gets demoted or sacked anyway.

sonofgloin, Spot on again. I was only about 12 at the time but i can remember seeing it on TV news when these "Peace Protesters" were throwing buckets of red paint or animal blood on diggers coming back, Disgusting.

Many of those scum are now "Academics" in Uni's teaching our youth.

The sooner Tony Abbott sets up a "Committee on Un Australian Activities" the better.
Posted by Formersnag, Sunday, 10 October 2010 3:07:24 PM
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