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The Forum > Article Comments > The importance of GRACE > Comments

The importance of GRACE : Comments

By John Le Mesurier, published 7/10/2010

Data provided by GRACE and other satellites warns us of the consequences of our activities that cause or contribute to global warming.

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OZANDY- Gives a proof list of 7 that the earth is warming

O.K. but is there any way of determining scientifically if the sun may have moved closer to the earth and may move away again at some point. Or is it impossible to determine this.

It must be understood also that Global Warming is hugely political in motivation. I don’t thing it’s a coincidence that as soon as the Hick’s issue was no longer a political weapon political forces started to immediately wield the Global Warming stick.

On a very recent TV program, David Attenborough said that the ever-increasing world population is the biggest threat to our survival and that of other species on the planet at this time and that the threat of it is becoming increasingly urgent . It is also the biggest driver for the ever increasing demands for the goods and services provided by using carbon fuels.

Now I know someone will write in about how someone in the West consumes much more than people in developing countries. The fact is the West is only increasing it’s consumer population in such numbers by the ever-increasing amount of people immigrating or fleeing from overpopulated countries. Like the millions of Mexicans flooding over the border into America, the millions of Muslims swelling the populations in Europe. Hence an even bigger carbon footprint in Western Countries. Without immigration the homegrown population figures in the West are down to Zero population level. In other words when the old ones die out there would be less people than there were before to consume and create carbon footprints.

Zero population growth is what is needed for quite a long time the world over to dramatically bring down the consumption rate that results in carbon emissions, destruction of other species, less water and human genecide. The Global Warming lot though. only ever talks about making the West pay which makes me suspect that their motives are political
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 14 October 2010 1:14:47 AM
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