The Forum > Article Comments > The importance of GRACE > Comments
The importance of GRACE : Comments
By John Le Mesurier, published 7/10/2010Data provided by GRACE and other satellites warns us of the consequences of our activities that cause or contribute to global warming.
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Posted by Ken Fabos, Thursday, 7 October 2010 4:15:58 PM
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Alas, my computer doesn't seem to be able to pick up the 'clear evidence', so I don't have anything in Ken's post to respond to.
But in general, I can only repeat what others have said. Relying on one piece of evidence here is not sound. One of the many troubles with the whole AGW issue is that there are many measurements, the figures are not large, they don't all agree, and causation remains mostly a matter of correlation and reliance on models whose basis in 'real science' is not great (see Table 2-11 of WG1 in the last IPCC report, which shows that the level of scientific understanding of a number of the elements in the models is 'Low'). Now of course you may be right, and Grace rules OK. But sea levels appear not to have risen very much at all in the last fifty years, when all the CO2 has been pumped out — and so on, and so on. We really need a sober, sceptical and honest assembly of all the data, papers and other evidence for AGW, and analyse it first without reference to policy, in my opinion. Posted by Don Aitkin, Thursday, 7 October 2010 4:32:13 PM
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Correct Don.There are too many interest groups in AGW theory all pushing their personal agendas.Truth has become a casuality of environmental zealotry.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 7 October 2010 9:15:27 PM
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If you think GRACE is great, check out its successor, GOCE. Hot off the press today:
Posted by Mark Duffett, Thursday, 7 October 2010 10:16:35 PM
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It seems the jury is still out on Global Warming.
Why should mankind assume that the weather patterns, oceans, ice masses and land masses on this planet are set forever. The planet may go through it’s own patterns of cleansing and renewing. When the water clears away again after many centuries or even thousands of years, life may begin anew sort of like the Garden of Eden scenario. Man may have little or no control over it. He likes to think he does though. Who knows by what exact rules the universe operates. Tear down and rebuild, destroy and regenerate would seem to be one of the obvious rules by which it operates Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 7 October 2010 11:59:25 PM
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Don Aitkin,
You say*But sea levels appear not to have risen very much at all in the last fifty years* I know it is unscientific but…. I live on the sea, I have been here for 14 years now, I can clearly see where the sea has risen (in a normal storm) enough to undercut concrete steps that the sea has never reached before. This has happened in the last 2 to 3 years. One of the bits of information that I have picked up is that; Rise in sea level is not uniform around the world, it varies from place to place. Why that is I have no idea. CHERFUL You say *It seems the jury is still out on Global Warming*. It would depend which Court you are in. Another sliver of evidence in the Court that counts. What is happening before your very eyes. Montana’s melting glaciers Posted by sarnian, Friday, 8 October 2010 7:54:22 AM
Hope they replace those satellites before their use-by date and we continue to monitor climate with as many tools as we can deploy.