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The Forum > Article Comments > India: fast growth does not mean a strong economy > Comments

India: fast growth does not mean a strong economy : Comments

By Derek Scissors, published 23/9/2010

India’s present growth is not a sign of economic prowess.

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The bizarre situation occurring in India with its preparations for the Commonwealth Games says everything about India's "prowess", economic and other.

Tourists being machine-gunned; bridges falling down; roofs caving in, and filthy conditions in athletes' quarters. Then there is the the Australian journalist being able to walk past so-called security guards with a simulated bomb.

India, like China, will always be run by arrogant people who treat most of the population like dogs. It is riddled with corruption and corner-cutting and is clearly a good example that all cultures are not equal.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 23 September 2010 10:42:44 AM
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[mainly because its much/in the news]

its clear from your statement
quote..<<..the fast unsurprising
because it/is..the result..of both
fiscal and monetary...hyper-stimulus.>>

what many/who dont...get...economic-speak..dont realise
is this..hyper the result..of govt/lending

in other words...govt lending..from the
who dosnt...have..the it simply runs the presses

its a double/shock...double-burden..on the poor
because as you means inflation

[tomorrow..your rubal/yen/dollar..will buy..more of their money]
because the govt...flooding the/market..with borrowed money
[plus intrest..on top]...

has weakend..the bying-value..of all..indian-money
[ok doing it too]

but the point/real issue being..the intrest
govt is..obligated to/give to the 12 bankers...
who own..the fed/reserve-system

as/you..point out..that means govt..must/ taxes
just to pay-off..the ursury/intrest...

let alone..the principle..[they gifted to their mates]..
to build..things like that..'common-'lol-'wealth'-games stage

..falling to/ we speak

thus the rich..get richer
and the poor...well...put-em...[ejected,,from their homes/business
[to build the back-drop for the elitists..and their..elite-wealth-games...while the poor...are re-housed,..on/a flood-plain

then open...the dams...and flood them-out
which is egsactly...what they have done

then get the media...going
and say..shoddy/work-man-ship
when it could*..simply-be sabotage
done by elite terrorists...setting-up india[indians]..for a fall

please note...all terror is done
[ie paid-for] elites..seeking to keep control

be it mineral-wealth...[like the 3 trillion afganastan]
or the trillion dollar..oil-industry in iraq..nigeria..etc

these elites also seek a
so they can re-build..their factories in india

recall the uk..steel-works..closed down..
[gaining green..[greed].carbon-credits..for the closure
then using..yet further..'carbon[greed/green]..cedits'..
to build..a new-one in..india...[this they allready..done..!]

anyhow..the india..
is the root/of their..problems/rot

but heed and pay attention..
the india/ a town..near/you

will you/be with the elite/spoiled..casts..[in hell]
or the great..unwashed/unclean...who refused to get-soiled
just like they refused..a tax on salt...with brother ghandi

its hard/to judge..karma

but clearly if you/can buy a ticket
you got credit...and only elites can/acces that

just wait and see
will the given/back the home-sites..
the elites..built..sub-standard/housing..on


[you..should/have..put-em/ a card-board-hut..
on a...flood/plain]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 23 September 2010 3:02:33 PM
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