The Forum > Article Comments > There is too much edu-babble > Comments
There is too much edu-babble : Comments
By Michael Zwaagstra, published 14/9/2010Definition of 'edu-babble': the use of a term that alone puts its advocates on the side of the angels.
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The inevitable result of the frontier world-view that energizes the USA (in particular) was portrayed in the recent Avatar film. Never-ending imperial conquests.
One of the Navi said of the (frontier) techno-barbarian invaders. "It is almost impossible to cure you of your insanity"
I had a conventional old-time "fact"-based education in the 50's and 60's. Learning to think and critically examine any and every thing was NOT part of the program. We were essentially empty vessels to be filled with the contents of the then curriculum.
It turns out that most of what I was taught just plain old aint true, or at best only partially true.
It was all taught within the rigidly reductionist frame-work that was an extension of the then, and now, dominant scientific-materialist world-view of father-knows-best white western northern European males.
You know the white-man was born to rule with our christian "religion", culture, and civilization being the epitome of human achievement up until then.