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Election fiction reveals political reality : Comments
By Justin George, published 6/8/2010Both the ALP and the Liberal-National coalition are the political parties of corporate Australia.
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Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 7 August 2010 12:29:27 PM
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you will think different once you grow up & you're expected to pull your own weight. Posted by individual, Saturday, 7 August 2010 12:46:24 PM
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We have a Two-Party system. And as to checking out your local Independent members as King Hazza, had suggested will not make a huge deal of difference in our Political system. The votes will either go to either major party (Lib's/Lab's) at the end of the day.
However though, by voting for an Independent member, your vote will help him/her's gain a seat in parliament, a good job or either save him/her job Posted by SONYA2, Saturday, 7 August 2010 9:36:33 PM
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As John Howard has now entered the election as the representative of the Liberal Coalition and big business, it is timely to point out that this man, Howard, was also responsible for bringing Australia into an illegal war in Iraq which has resulted in the deaths of millions of men, women and children in that country and has reduced that country to a compete ruin. If Australia has any pride it will prosecute this man and his then war ministers for war crimes. The way is now open! Posted by Raise the Dust, Sunday, 8 August 2010 9:26:37 AM
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Chris Lewis- not such a Lefty myself but you make a fair demand in asking us what we should do ourselves- unfortunately I have quite a long list of simple 'don'ts' to start with. I would:
-NOT have sold Telstra, transport, roads, Sydney Airport, Qantas, nor even contemlated selling Lotto, Sewers, Electricity, or mental hospitals and schools on prime real estate. -NOT Deregulated the banks -NOT Introduced compulsory Super -NOT give huge donations of taxpayer's money to "struggling" industries with no strings attached -NOT Participated in the Iraq and Afghanistani Wars (or at least, have withdrawn by now). -NOT have done anything so dodgy as the Lane Cove Road getting most of its lanes closed down and decelerated to 60 zones so people are forced to use the private-owned tunnel. -NOT criminalize Euthanasia, Abortion, Gay Marriage -NOT take political donations -NOT give money to the Exclusive Brethren -NOT introduce a mandatory internet filter -NOT overturn the deportation of a hate-cleric to try to get his followers to vote for me next election to mention a few notable improvements Oh Miacat sorry to dissapoint- but you should pay closer attention to NSW politics, and in particular Bob Carr- and compare him to his colleages, before being so fast to assume that Labor is not beholden to NGOs and private companies- especially once they leave parliament. Lorry- could you list on pragmatic idea the Rudd government had? They're very much like the Liberals you described, don't you think? SONYA- only if the other parties ultimately lose out- once they get more votes, they do indeed get launched into main government. Posted by King Hazza, Sunday, 8 August 2010 9:46:09 AM
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Our political leaders are all controlled by large corporate interests patricularily the international reserve banks.This is called an Oligarchy.They finance the our Govts thus arms dealers,big pharma, toll roads etc.
Large Corps love socialsist Govts since they tax us to the hilt and our Govts give them lots of money.When Kevin Rudd borrowed $40 billion for stimulus and the schools fiasco,the RBA saw inflation coming so increased interest rates.Hence the stimulus did very little.Big British companies like Leightons got contracts for the Schools debacle and local contractors saw very little of this money.The RBA also sucked much of this money out via rate increases and we got left with the debt.It was just another a scam forr the big end of town.Kevin did not have to borrow all this money,just keep rates low. Remember when Kevin Rudd jumped up and down when rates were falling and he was asking the banks to pass on rate decreases? They ignored him and virtually told him to suck eggs. Western Govts have lost their sovereignity.We have sold off all our income earning assets to pay for debt because we have given away the right to create what is rightfully ours, ie our GDP and the inflationary money which devalues our currencies. Ron Paul has a campaign to End the USA Federal Reserve.Unbeknownst to most people there are 12 private banks that own the US Fed.The own their currency and keep them in perpetual debt from which they cannot escape.Ron Paul a few months ago was on equal polling with Obama for president. see "Fall of the Repulic" This will give you an idea of how he oligarchs control us. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 8 August 2010 9:58:15 AM
Lorry, In another thread I used the same premise as you to justify the good works of past Labor governments. When you read down the list of positive, socially beneficial achievements the Labor party easily beats the Libs hands down.
I can still recall the one and only political discussion I had with my father shortly before my first vote. He proffered that we vote the Libs in to sort out the economy, and then we vote Labor in to sort out "us" by giving something back to the community not just the nation. That is how Labor use to be, although not an "A" student on the economic front they were humanistic and competant in their governance of the electorate. In a land of plenty we could afford their over spend and they did not throttle the goose that lay the economic eggs.
Lorry those times are gone, that generation has gone and we have a hedonistic society led by hedonistic MP's. Given that politicians of all persuasions have no forward vision beyond the next election, all I ask for is competency, and not even private sector competency, something close will do. This government are not competent and they cannot be ascribed the vision or achievements of previous Labor governments.
We reap what is sown, and the current crop of Labor MP's are a product of the 70's left wing uni campus protected species that are Fabians in ideologue. Their prime concern is about the movement, not the electorate, we a not the "end" just a means to get to their "ends".
We must judge this government by their track record, and it is as abysmal as it is evident. So I personally will not cop "quality by association" as you infer in your post.