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The end of politics : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 30/7/2010It is not the role of the church to govern but to generate people who can govern. We need politicians with an inspiring vision.
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Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 30 July 2010 1:19:42 PM
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Some assorted one liners and paragraphs too, re our inherent urge to self-transcending ecstasy.
All of which are totally anathema, and even incomprehensible, to both the usual dreadfully sane exoteric religionist, and the scientific materialist. Eternal and total freedom, Wisdom, and boundless happiness are the primary needs and ideas of Man--male and female. ALWAYS remember that your inherent heart-disposition wants and needs Infinite, Absolute, True, Eternal Happiness. Therefore, true religion must retire to Light! The heart must be permitted to achieve a universal feeling-ecstasy! Happiness IS the Conscious Light of the world! Happiness is the now-and-forever Mystery that IS the Real Heart and the Only Real God of every one. What would Happen if all of humankind were--now, and forever hereafter-- allowed complete, unobstructed, and Perfectly ecstatic access to Inherently egoless Truth Itself? What would Happen if--instead of access merely to gross-"realist",or scientific materialist, or exclusively exoteric, and traditionally "official: and anti-ecstatic, and anti-magical, and anti-metaphysical, and anti-Spiritual ego-"truth" and pseudo-"ultimacy"-- all of humankind were, from now on, allowed complete and unobstructed and Perfectly ecstatic access to Inherently egoless Truth Itself? What would Happen if--from now on--the political, social, economic, and cultural totality of humankind were allowed to establish and perpetuate itself entirely and only on the Perfectly ecstatic basis of the Inherently egoless Truth That IS Reality Itself? Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 30 July 2010 1:26:27 PM
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The white-men's brand of Christianity, especially the Anglo-Saxon, was based on racism, colonialism, drug trafficking of opimium to the countries they colonised, or tried to colonised but failed. The current generation of white Europeans have abandoned Christianity (we're not sure whether they've understood what Christianity is, in the first place) for atheistic secularism and Islam.
With the collaspe of the capitalist system of economy and the current negative birth-rate in all European countries, especially among the white population, the white race would soon be an endangered species. This pattern is replicated in the East-Asian countries that adopt Western atheistic secularism (and capitalist-style economy) e.g. Japan, S.Korea, Taiwan, China. Singapore and Hong Kong. All these countries (or city states) have negative birth-rates). In the final analysis, the meek and poor shall inherit the earth. Posted by Philip Tang, Friday, 30 July 2010 1:43:04 PM
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Of course one of the most controversial bits of recent Christian propaganda, and hence the Christian world-view altogether, was the snuff-splatter film The Passion by Mel Gibson.
At the time it was widely admired, and promoted as an excellent missionary tool by right wing religionists both "catholic" and protestant. These references provide a much more realistic assessment of the world wide cultural implications of this horribly vile film. Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 30 July 2010 1:53:37 PM
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The shallowness of this article is indeed very deep.
Mr. Sellick seems to be in need of direction for which he turns to one of the innumerable gods or one of the similarly countless kings or some of their substitutes; the politicians. Mr. Sellick, what do you think is a political party if not a temporary alliance of scheming vagabond crooks and what is a church if not an equal alliance of likeminded obscurely intentioned, self appointed priests? If you were to open your eyes, you would find that the parlous situation of man on this planet has been brought about precisely by the two categories of individuals from whom nothing can be obtained but the chaotic disorder in which they thrive. No priests, no politicians, but only magicians can probably raise our hopes of survival. Posted by skeptic, Friday, 30 July 2010 2:28:26 PM
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Agree Hasbeen and Ho-Hum, I feel nothing else needs to be said in this thread anymore, although I felt this deserves to be said again
"You know, I have never seen someone, with a dream, or vision, who was not a ratbag. Think on it." In conclusion, the days of needing to be "led" by someone (if such days were ever necessary) are long dead, and what we actually need are managers of infrastructure and assets, and servants to follow democratic principals and public needs. To say otherwise just shows how archaically backward, out of touch and all-round ignorant Peter Sellick truly is. The only thing left in this thread I would like to see is someone try to answer your posts (besides Runner, there is a greater chance a giant red man will magically materialize in his room than he himself coming up with a thoughtful rebuke) Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 30 July 2010 2:30:19 PM
"vision". I hope Runners god will protect us from that, the worst thing to befall any country.
The best examples of Pollies with vision in living memory would be Hitler, & Churchill, & between them they cost the lives of millions of ordinary folk.
No, we can do without vision. I have no desire to be led, I merely want someone to manage the country, & strike a reasonable balance between the competing desires of the population.
You know, I have never seen someone, with a dream, or vision, who was not a ratbag. Think on it.