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The new warlord of Oz : Comments
By John Pilger, published 23/7/2010'The Order of Mates' in Australian political life unites the Labor Party with the rich elite known as the big end of town.
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Posted by rexw, Friday, 23 July 2010 12:17:10 PM
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rexw,I don't have the time now but we should all be attacking this from the financial view point.The thing that gave the neo-cons so much power was the theft of money via the fractional reserve banking system.
People understand counterfeiting and the resultant inflation.I knew Gillard sold her soul when she made proclaimations from the Lowy Institute.Attack the deception of the Global Reserve Banking system.Ron Paul has created a lot of awareness. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 July 2010 1:07:47 PM
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Liked the point about the internal corruption and deceit that goes on in our country (especially in the LAbor party and what we have to thank Keating for), and where it lands us.
However, I am struggling to come to terms with why John, nor many commentators could care so much about Israel/Palestine, or what is arguably the mainstream stance on refugees as if it were political scandal. Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 23 July 2010 3:10:50 PM
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King Hazza
Why John would be so concerned as the whole world is at the moment is that to date we have one disastrous Israeli-induced war, in Iraq; 1,566,350 Iraqis dead and 4730 Americans. Now we are engaged in the second war based on false Israeli intelligence and deceit and so far 1947 Americans dead, 17 Australians and more to come, Dutch, British and on it goes,and who knows how many Afghans. Israel is doing all it can to make Iran the next and the 85% of corrupt US politicians will vote it in when the time comes. It is 'support the war of lose you seat'. Don't just believe me, King Hazza, see the web. See the real story of 9/11, See the infamy of the USS Liberty with 200 casualties and 34 dead sailors, US of course, all killed in a deliberate attack by the Israelis. See the cover up by President Johnson, at the time enamoured with Mathilde Krim, an Israeli spy. See John McCain's father's involvement in the same cover up as the investigating Admiral. See the number of dual-passported Israelis living and spying in America, (and here) See AIPAC. Now there is some good reading. See a book called, 'Guilt by Association' written by Jeff Gates and you will never have to ask that question again, I assure you. As a matter of fact, just go and see anything on the web on USS Liberty, in 1967. Don't dismiss it as years ago because it was then that the Israelis realised how well they understood the American character and how they could, from that day on, control the US foreign policy and they do, totally. Look at a map of Palestine in 1967 and then look at one now. It becomes clearer by the second. Hard to tell a 60 year story in 350 words. It is all part of the "holocaust" marketing campaign. Very successful but more deadly in the last 60 years than Hitler ever was in WWII. Just look it up. Posted by rexw, Friday, 23 July 2010 5:03:50 PM
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Sorry, King Hazza, but I seem to be monopolising the page today.
Today, on my Catbird Seat, Jeff Gates has an article on the same subject, that is the organisation of the Jews that enables them to do their dirty work. Here it is..... Now you will be impressed as you see why they are successful in the US and heading that way here. For these people, it is a war for control and they hate anyone who is not a Zionist and that includes you and me. It is never too late to know what the real world is all about. I am only four years ahead of you. Posted by rexw, Friday, 23 July 2010 5:37:05 PM
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Well said, Rexw.
The ignorance shown in Australia to the Israel/Palestine disaster is because the Australian journalists have been dumbed down on this subject by their bosses, and it is left to people like Rexw to do their work for them via the internet of course, because you will never read the facts in an Australian Newspaper. Posted by Raise the Dust, Friday, 23 July 2010 5:52:45 PM
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This is it, but it is worth a look, believe me
Anthony Lawson - Gaza in Plain Language Anthony Lawson - Treason by Members of the United States Congress Anthony Lawson - The Voice of America - Part 1 of 2: The Orange and The Pea Anthony Lawson - The Voice of America - Part 2 of 2: The Treasonous Dollar Drain Enjoy and understand my friends. Posted by rexw, Friday, 23 July 2010 6:23:04 PM
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rexw " the treasonous dollar drain?" We should at least explain to the people of Australia how it happens.This sap sucking pariah of a bankster system has always been with us.They create money from nothing via the fractional reserve banking system.It is the banking system that is the source of inflation,thus diluting the value of our currencies.
Reveal this monetary deception,and we take from them,the tools of war and oppression. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 July 2010 11:19:14 PM
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Although most of the stuff on this thread and what Pilger said is known and not disputed, I had not clued on to the possibility of a foreign hand dealing the cards behind events leading to the demise of PM Rudd.
The intrigue is fascinating, were the key Cabinet players acting in the interests of this nation or that of the puppet master? Was the closeness of events regarding a diplomatic expulsion followed completely out of the blue by the removal of a Prime Minister merely coincidental or was it orchestrated? Is that foreign reach so deep, so omnipotent that they can whimsically remove the head of a gov’t? The question simply has be to asked. So what then would be the general consensus (amongst the learned posters on this thread), did PM Rudd’s expulsion of Mossad’s number 1 in retaliation for the forged Au passports, play a part in or is it the main reason for his own downfall? Posted by Westralis, Saturday, 24 July 2010 3:07:59 AM
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I would be surprised if Zionists would bother removing Rudd because of anything to do with their passport forgeries, because on two occasions prior to that I heard Rudd declaring Australia's unshakable friendship and support for that warmongering, racist little nuclear armed country, Israel.
Posted by Forkes, Saturday, 24 July 2010 8:50:53 AM
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I agree with Pilger that Julia getting into bed with Israel is a worrying development. We should be boycotting and condemning Israel not lauding it!
But Australia's attachment to Israel is not as dangerous as America's. Warmongering America is the one to blame for Israeli transgressions and war crimes against the Palestinians and their neighbours. Anyway, when Israel nukes Iran people will see Israel for what it is but, when that happens, it might well be too late. Kiss your children! Posted by David G, Saturday, 24 July 2010 9:48:46 AM
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Problem with condemning Israel too much (and for any reason OTHER than trying to frame Australians for the assassination) is that it would endear us to the opposing force- who I've found make much better trade partners (and more distant neighbours) than if they were to feel more welcome and motivated to set up shop in our backyard.
Also, can you people seriously NOT perceive the benefits the USA (and OTHER middle-eastern states) gain from Israel being exactly where and exactly WHAT it is? OR, for that matter, the wars in the middle east so far? That is just missing 3/4 of the puzzle. Because you actually have motives of clear GAIN. Israel, if anything, stands to lose somewhat from each war so far. Also, if Israel had all the cards to itself, WHY would it not just retain all of its territories and completely displace all the Palestinians? The opposite isn't doing it much good. Posted by King Hazza, Saturday, 24 July 2010 9:59:36 AM
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Westralis, on Saturday, 24 July 2010 at 3:07:59 AM, said:
"Although most of the stuff on this thread and what Pilger said is known and not disputed, I had not clued on to the possibility of a foreign hand dealing the cards behind events leading to the demise of PM Rudd." You do well to ponder along those lines, Westralis, although whether it should be in the precise direction in which the thread appears at this point to be headed, I am not quite so sure. It is interesting to read Pilger's article referring to the time when Hawke was PM. Not since the day when Bill Hayden, as Leader of the Opposition in 1983, was toppled from the leadership in favour of Bob Hawke, have I seen such a swift, decisive, and bloodless coup take place. I draw from these two events the conclusion that there must be some enormously pursuasive influence capable of being brought to bear that overrides all other loyalties or considerations, such that none demur. I have to feel that it is in some manner perceived as being to do with the relative electoral certainty of the survival of both individual members, and the parliamentary party collectively as a government, that such events take place. The first such took place just around the time when the centralization of the keeping of the electoral rolls was taking place, at a time when full, or maybe even over-full, enrolment existed. The second has only just occurred, and that against the background of proposals floated in the Electoral Reform Green Paper. I am beginning to suspect there may be a Swiss connection, and that of a type to which the Swiss themselves are starting to wake up in their own domestic politics, in relation to matters of foreknowable relative certainty of electoral outcomes in Australia. I would very much appreciate hearing your take, and John Pilger's if I could be so lucky, on what I think I am seeing here: , especially in the light cast by the Swiss refusal to extradite Polanski to the US. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 24 July 2010 1:51:04 PM
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John Pilger had a word coined to describe his work. It was said to pilgerise a victim, and Julia has been pilgerised. There is a much more interesting factor in play in Australia today, and that is the fact that Rudd recognized the way that Christianity was a key factor in Howard’s reign, and that to get back power, he had to court the Christians.
He was most successful in that, insofar as he conducted almost 18 months of campaigning, in order to do so, painting Howard as an uncompassionate and unChristian Prime Minister. As an Anglican regular his credentials were impeccable. The Atheist tag proved fatal for Latham. The key marginals, where the Christian swingers live, have only to swing the 2.5% that Anthony Green says it will take to change the government, and it only needs 8 of those marginals to swing. This factor will not come up on polling radar, because there is a margin of 5% error, so add 5% to the Liberal Vote for the Christian swinging vote, when reading a poll. The sleeping tiger, that Yamamoto did not want to wake, when ordered to bomb Pearl Harbor, will open its one eye, and blink. Almighty God is nobody’s fool. The Unholy alliance between big business and atheism, and the tentacles of the Jewish lobby, have extended into the Labor Party, and it is unhealthy. Seven weeks out in 2004, Latham led by the same margin as Gillard, and Rudd in 2007. Tony has four weeks, and is courting the women’s vote. He is already equal 50/50 Australia wide in the men’s vote, and the women can be wooed. After all that’s what men do. I am most interested in the results in the marginals, Leichhardt in FNQ and Calare in Southern New South Wales could go either way, and will probably go one each. That will kill their litmus test status, because they have swung, with whoever wins government every election since WWII. If they split and the government changes, it will be from the strong influence of Christianity in Leichhardt, based on Cairns. Posted by Peter the Believer, Sunday, 25 July 2010 7:48:25 AM
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julia/loves israel..or rather...FEARS..its lobby...but*
the joke/falls..upon the BOTH/of the two parties with their destractive..spin..all the while..serving big-business/AND special/intrests...the..public's money...via gifts../corperate-welfare we hear/that the cost of action/ big-spending less'than the cost..of not acting... is..the joke we are overtaxed...with revenue/raising..running all levels of govt..[its because of/things like jonny/ half a billion/ a run/..or rather..not run...a magnesium-plant/gladstone....THAT WAS NEVER BUILT then peter/beatup/beaty...who promises..cheaper electicity..[what a joke]..and...gave half/a the same con artist/two party jh.. [seems..the half a billion/ to pay shareholders..their dividend...which reveales/the big lie] see that/the two party system...serves..its big-business..[take the subsidies..on medicine...50 thousand for a cancer-drug..that dosnt work...per..'treatment'.. or a billion/corporate-subsidy..for 'stroke-medication'..that is no more affective..than inhaling..a puff/..from a joint...according to studies i wont..get into/the war..on drug-users... but/see..this cost of doing big/money-grabbing spin [take the latest/..from julia...who will/lose..this election...mainly because of..un-thought-out..policy/..on the run like this/latest..2 for 200,000..poor* buy new*cars... think about the bus...! even if you gave me 5000...i still cant BUY/..a NEW CAR...get it julia? see how..2 billion...COULD have taken-off..a few of the..30 year old BUS'es...doing 1000 times/more..road miles..than us poor...who only use our cars..once a week..! [julia COULD have..given 20, get 10,000 busses/..OFF THE ROAD...[see we poor/ in busses as well]10,000..NEW HOMES...thats WIN!WIN!..not whine!/win but/..look at..what a carbon-tax would do... [give subsidy for growing more gmo make subsidised ethonol..for ever more cars [or subsidise the tearing up of rain grow palm oil..on palm island govt/ run by..big business..SEEKING TO SUCK THE max/TAX..OUT OF THE PUBLIC TROUGH/..leeching off..the public*purse.. its far easier/ get the poor to account..than bring big-busines to heel yes big business wants to MOVE FORWARD.. but is..on the edge/of a cliff [moving forward...THE WAY WE HAVE called suicide... moving for who/ where?...the autro industry? [its unthinking/ the powers that be..that makes you loose..this election julia]..think..before you step over the cliff! the two/ run/ big-business...! WHILE OPPRESING THE POOR..WITH EVER MORE/NEW TAXES.. ever more cost for less public service.. ever more petty rules for the people... while big business goes forward*..with big/ usual Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 July 2010 9:05:46 AM
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"The government claims it is “protecting” black Australian children from “abuse” and “neglect” within their communities. Official statistics show that the incidence of child abuse is no different from that of white Australia "
John while sharing concerns about the likelihood of other agenda's influencing the intervention I was intrigued by your claim regarding the rates of incidence of child abuse. The stuff I've seen suggests massivly higher incidence rates for indigenous children than the general population. "In 2008-09, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children comprised 4.6% of Australian children, and 25% of all confirmed reports of abuse or neglect. This means that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were more than 7.5 times more likely than other children to be the subject of a confirmed report of abuse or neglect than non-Indigenous children (see Table 1)." Various other sources I've seen appear to suggest similar ratio's. I can't recall where but I have seen material pointing out that indiginous children in urban area's are subjected to similar rates of abuse to the national average and the more regional the child the greater the risk. Factors such as poverty, parental unemployment, substance abuse etc play a massive role. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 25 July 2010 9:15:58 AM
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The Church I attend today gave a sermon on the same prayer Julia would say if she was present at the start of each day in the Parliament of the Commonwealth and was not an Atheist. It was pretty good and given by a woman. That prayer is the Lord’s prayer. It should be mandatory at the start of the day in every court.
The taxman should abide its provisions, and those of you who are having trouble with the taxman, should be told by your accountant about S 340 of the Tax Administration Act 1953, which used to be S 232 of the Tax Act 1936 but got shifted and hidden on Peter Costello’s watch. It is the hardship provision, and if you are suffering Mortgage Stress, you should apply for a full refund of all your last six year’s tax, because the Commonwealth has pledged to provide just terms, in every acquisition of property from Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second subjects. That is S 51 Placitum xxxi Constitution and it applies to taxation. Don’t say that blogging is a waste of time. Now my second tip of the day is to ask Tony and Julia which one of them will give us back our freedom of religion. We used to be able to go to a court, and have our prayers answered, and the passage from Luke 11 Verses 1-13 was treated as law. The Judge was forbidden on pain of excommunication, until the Constitution became our New Testament, in 1900, from deciding any question of fact. The request to the Supreme Court in Victoria on an Originating Motion, is still called a prayer. The Tipstaff, who still has a Golden Crown on each lapel, starts proceedings with God Save the Queen, and says the same thing when it’s all over. The Parliament of the Commonwealth is prohibited absolutely from changing that system. So too are State Governments, by S 116 Constitution. We are now forced to worship one of the State Gods, who call themselves Magistrates and Judges. This is what Jesus Christ came to end Posted by Peter the Believer, Sunday, 25 July 2010 10:51:47 AM
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The Parliament of the Commonwealth is a court (of Our God). So said Justice McHugh in 1996, during a hearing that gave us the “ Kable Principle”. The “ Kable Principle” was that the States cannot create arbitrary courts, and lock people up without due process of law.
Due process of law was a form of worship, incorporated by the English into everyday life, by the Parliaments of the day. Every sinner was called to answer to Almighty God in a court comprising a representative of Almighty God, called a Justice, twelve people gathered together, in the name of Jesus Christ called a jury sitting on the right hand side of His Honour, with the Holy Spirit deemed to be present doing the judging, through the collective minds of the twelve. No one had to be a compulsory sinner, and all could with a clear conscience take Holy Communion, in another Church on Sunday. The only unforgivable sin in Christendom, is blasphemy, and it is in Luke 12:10. No Parliament should force a man or woman to sell their soul to the State (Satan) for thirty pieces of silver. They can’t all be atheists. The Holy Spirit is the judge in a court created by Ch III Constitution. It can have a single individual in it exercising the power to give directions, and that is what Magistrates can do in Victoria, and why S 100 of the Magistrates Court Act 1989, is an illegal enactment. We almost got a Supreme Court Justice to declare that, last Friday, but he chickened out. He scuttled out of the court probably knowing he had failed to do his public duty, under the Constitution. Christians are told to forgive him, for he knew not what he was doing, having been misguided by the lawyer for the Commonwealth who was the respondent. The Queen, like Almighty God under English law never makes a mistake, but she sure as hell gets led astray. Quick and Garran in their annotated Constitution, on Page 689, says assent is a separate co-equal and independent branch of the Federal Parliament Posted by Peter the Believer, Sunday, 25 July 2010 1:08:16 PM
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What really irked me was that after Kev was knifed and disposed of,Julia Gillard announces her new platform from the Lowy Institute.This is an ultra right wing organisation connected to the Zionists.Throughtout this week,we hear on our media reps from the Lowy Institute giving their version of reality.
Tim Mathieson Julia's boyfriend,then gets a job with Dadon a Jewish Lobbyist. Both the major parties have failed to condemn the behaviour of Israel during the flotilla debacle and their treatment of the Palistinians.Here we see evidence of powerful lobby groups who are a minority,flexing their muscles and setting the agenda. Israel wants to attack Iran and destabilise the Middle East.Julia has rolled over to powerful forces of the global elite. It is time for a new political party. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 25 July 2010 8:06:50 PM
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We almost have a choice of Liberal Leader, in the Australian Liberal sense, which really means a right wing conservative slave of big business. If we have to have a Liberal leader, we might as well have the one who is openly Liberal. They are as dishonest as the day is long, and in truth the most damage that could be done to Australia was done post 1970, by a series of Liberal Leaders, who were seriously in bed with organized crime, organized crime so entrenched that it could buy the Supreme Court and Justice in New South Wales, and bought the Labor Party there when there was a change of government.
Rudd’s crime was to believe that he could do something about that cartel. He was rolled because he would have moved against the State Labor Governments, had he been reelected. It may be too late anyway. However the current regime is not too dishonest, the Australian Federal Police are not openly political as they were under Howard, and there are some young firebrands in Labor who would have done a lot to fix the imbalances in wealth and prosperity that were causing the society to creak and groan, and make us ashamed to be Australians. The thundering silence from Tony Abbott on homelessness and injustice, echoed by Julia Gillard, as they almost kissed and made up, onstage, after the Big Debate, highlights the tweedle dee and tweedle dumb, state of Australian Politics. Have we got to consign Labor back to Opposition, to get a liberal government. Please note the difference between Liberal and liberal. Liberal means utterly conservative, and utterly subservient to big business, albeit with a bit of pain on them, to fund some token and very necessary social justice issues, but not homelessness as yet. The homeless and mentally disadvantaged will still be seriously neglected whoever wins. Prediction: The Liberals will win. If you go to Anthony Green’s slider, and factor in the 5% Christian swinging vote, as the 5% margin of error, in favor of the Christian leader, the marginal seats will swing Liberal Posted by Peter the Believer, Monday, 26 July 2010 4:53:07 AM
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Peter the Believer.My prediction will be the opposite for these reasons.
Julia has the female vote and she has the backing of females up to 58%.Secondly many are voting for the Greens and they will give their preferences to Labor.Thirdly the global elites backed by our corporate media want a carbon tax.Julia is now pushing for a carbon tax. Abbott will lose,and Malcolm Turnbull will assume the leadership mantle of the Coalition thus entrenching the carbon tax if there is a change of Govt.The elite desperately want a carbon tax and a derivative market to feed off it. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 26 July 2010 6:26:10 PM
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One must never apologize for defending the State of Israel
Though, it is already fifty-five days and counting, since 31 May 2010, when the MV Mavi Marmara ship, while en route to Gaza, was raided and seized by Israeli Navy Commandos from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the story must be recited and retold. Israel could have taken the easy way out, it could have sunk the ship. However being under the scrutiny of the international community and under its magnifying glass, the IDF chose to forego its military superiority. It had landed a group of commandos, armed with paintball guns. Their mission was to seize the ship with no intent of any violence. This, however, was not the intent of the terrorists on board of the ship. They anxiously waited for the Israel commandos to land on deck so they could go to war with them. In the violent clash that followed, nine activists were killed, and several dozen activists and at least seven IDF soldiers were injured. The story that became public was far from what really took place and why and Israel ended up, as always, being the guilty party it was not. Subsequently, millions of words were written and hundreds of commentators around the world covered the story, along much distortion of the factual truth. Seizing the Mavi Marmara is part of Israel's defense strategy. It cannot and will not allow any ship to enter Gaza without inspecting it first to make sure no arms are delivered into the hands of the terror group Hamas ruling Gaza. At the end there was only one truck load of humanitarian aid on the Mavi Marmara; what was on the ship is a load full of terrorists and their aiders and abettors. There is no shortage of humanitarian supply in Gaza, there is shortage in weapons and it will remains as such for as long as Hamas controls Gaza. --- Rise And Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lion Posted by mimi, Monday, 26 July 2010 8:10:57 PM
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mimi,Israel has become like the Nazis which it supposedly hates.They have stolen land and the freedom of the people of Palistine.They have demonised all Muslims at the behest of their power lust.
In 1966 Israel attacked the US Liberty hoping to blame it on Egypt,thus hoping for a US attack from this false flag event.President LBJ covered up this incident,and Isarel now virtually controls the USA and it's allies through AIPAC.Israel is now dangerous by virtue of having so many nukes.They are holding the West to ransom. Isarel is now heavily implicated in the 911 false flag fiasco. Larry Silversten just weeks before 911 took out insurance policies on the towers( against terrorism)and bought the lease for WTC7 which very few people know about.WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 26 July 2010 9:14:05 PM
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Sadly Mimi, you are just one of millions of people who wouldn’t recognise the truth because you rely on the media, all Jewish owned with the exception of Fairfax, part of a long term plan to start off with the control of the news. Just look how long it took the Likudist / Zionist Murdoch to get his little empire together in this country and when you add Fox and his US and world interests, the penny should drop, surely. It is control he wants on behalf of his masters the evil Israel.
Most of his purchases were funded by Jewish financiers, the basis for the first step in the removal of Palestine as an entity, almost there now, slowly being killed off together with housing demolitions, land seizures and the whole gamut of cruel and malicious behaviour. They have learnt well. So, Arjay and the realists out there, there will always be the Mimi’s of this world who don’t read the real news, are blinded by the well organized and financed media like Murdoch and find it simpler to accept the writings of Greg Sheridan in The Australian, than to think outside the Zionazi square. Even worse about Gillard’s ‘boyfriend’s’ employer is that he is the organiser of the Israeli propaganda tours, is not really an Australian in any way shape or form and as with AIPAC eating away at the values in the US, so we have these dual passported “businessmen” wandering backward and forward, free as a breeze as per the passport fraud matter. We are developing our own little AIPAC here with the connivance of the Gillards of this country, controlled as she is by the Zionists. Finally, the Jews learnt from the Third Reich and have now surpassed their skills in almost every way. After all, there have been at it since 1948 and honing their skills every year since. The only hope is if the American people realise their country is being taken over by a parasitic state. In the meantime, there is the web, thanks be to whoever you choose. Posted by Rhys Stanley, Tuesday, 27 July 2010 11:26:45 AM
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Rhys Stanley,on the 17th July I met Prof Niels Harritt He is truely an impressive human being.Not a hint of arrogance,very personable and humble.
He agreed with me.We have no choice but to fight this facism,since the consequences are too horrible to contemplate.It is a fight for all humanity including the majority of Jews who are being subjugated by this Zionist totalitariarn state run by a few psychopaths. They have justified this concept of "A New World Order" under the ruse of environmental science and saving the planet.Invading or attacking Iran will see the world economy collapse under the weight of energy prices. China like Japan will not stand idly by and have their energy supplies cut off.The USA and Israel are the clear aggressors who are destablising the planet Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:46:56 PM
Yes, Hawke had many of those trips as well and shed the occasional tear (his trade mark) over matters Israeli, on cue of course.
Gillard just completed such a trip also some months ago under some guise called a 'Leadership Conference' organised so it seems by her current boyfriend's employer in Melbourne, the hotbed of devious Jewish and where activities in Australia and from where the passport fraus was probably organised.
A concern of John Pilger as well would be the parasitic nature of Israeli influence as it currently controls through graft and corruption 80-90% of the politicians in the US through a fifth column organisation called AIPAC for which Obama is a practised cheeleader and where the Vice President Biden is an avower Zionist.
This will be the long term objective here in Australia as well and the efforts put into the weak politicians, the Hawke's and Gillard's of our country designed to remove any questioning of the cruel treatment being handed out to the Palestinian. This blatant influencing is nothing short of graft and spreads to political funding on a grand scale. Probably there already.
Finally, before the election, one should receive some indication from Gillard as to her personal view for a middle east solution. It is quite clear that her compromised personal arrangements will force her into making decisions which will not be acceptable to the majority of Australians.
'Mates' are all very well but not at the expense of an equitable Australian (as opposed to Gillard) approach to Palestine.