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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia 'fun in the sun' but not for Asians > Comments

Australia 'fun in the sun' but not for Asians : Comments

By Peter Kell, published 13/7/2010

Many Australians would be shocked that Australia is still seen as a racist nation.

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Suz... you need to get off line and get on to some kind of suitable medication....

"There are many responses to this article that are almost certainly inherently racist at their heart."

hmmmmmm... perhaps she with the beam..... should take it out before projecting her own beams onto the specks of others ?

I'm beginning to think that many of you would be utterly devoid of purpose in life if you could not find something to attack your own people for.. or find a 'racist' lurking behind every person who simply stands up for their own identity.

You need some therapy..and I'm just the bloke to give it to you :)
(In my own humble manner)... your problem. You are confused about the nature of society and it's historical antecedents. Because of that basic confusion, you react in phobic ways to entirely normal and universal human behavior.

"Australia" is a country with a sense of self..and a lot of that sense is derived from the racial/cultural mix which came to predominate as a result of our colorful history. It just so happens to be mainly white anglo/celt/scot/irish. You might call that group of races..the 'core'.. and on that the rest (by invitation mind you) is built.

But.. and it's an important but..even 'our' predominance is built on it's own ugly foundation of disposession of indigenous people. So.. it is built if you wish, on...'racism'.

Your problem is not to 'fix' a few motly 'racists' on OLO, nor just white Australians, but the whole of human history....sorry but true.
Are you up to the task ? Can you reverse the Highland Clearances?
Can you repatriate the English children sent out here to fend for themselves? can you..can you....and so the list goes on..interminably so.

Condemnation of contemporary 'racism' as expressed by hypocritical people who dwell on stolen land... does not have much clout or credibility I'm afraid.

I now pronounce you...*FIXED* :)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Thursday, 15 July 2010 8:11:52 AM
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Dr Boaz: << It just so happens to be mainly white anglo/celt/scot/irish. You might call that group of races..the 'core'.. and on that the rest (by invitation mind you) is built. >>

I think that would be a comment from a poster who is "certainly inherently racist at their heart", eh suze?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 15 July 2010 8:58:20 AM
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ALGOREisRICH:> condemnation of contemporary 'racism' as expressed by hypocritical people who dwell on stolen land... does not have much clout or credibility I'm afraid.<

AGIR there lies the quandary. it is akin to "let those amongst you without sin cast the first stone"

My personal outlook is that if I did not commit the crime I hold no responsibility, even if the crime was committed by my father or grandfather and I had gained by their actions is irrelevant to me. Each generation comes with baggage from our forebears that we accept or decline on a personal basis, and if we accept the baggage it is because we as individuals want to placate our own conscience, it is a self serving action that we attach a moral overtone to.

suzeonline:> I imagine that if we discussed how the original inhabitants of this country felt about Europeans migrating here, there would be no response.<

The generations of modern indigenous Aussies who came after European colonisation, and use the deeds of 100 or 200 years ago to justify their current position have no moral justification. There is no one here and now who has blood on their hands regarding the decimation of the indigenous peoples. But Aboriginals certainly have the moral right to seek a better life here and now, as we all do. Here and now we can comment on any social engineering that affects our lives at present, but to proffer historical events as the foundation for division in a present society is seeking victim status without being a victim.
Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 15 July 2010 9:38:05 AM
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Dear Suze,

Thanks for your input.

It is much appreciated.

I've just come across an interesting
website that's worth a read.

It tells us that:

"There doesn't need to be a contradiction between
having pride in our national identity and recognising
that we have problems with social transformation and
accepting diversity. It isn't a matter of one or the

Multiculturalism is muddled and disorganised, it is
uncomfortable for some because it includes conflict,
disagreement and misunderstandings. That's just how
it is. It's complex, but complexity is OK..."

And there's much more. As I said, it's worth a read.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 July 2010 7:04:53 PM
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Dearest Al, I don't need a 'beam' to search for what you stand put it out there quite plainly for all to see.

Your so-called 'core' of '...mainly white anglo/celt/scot/irish' people in this country are only a part of a larger multicultural society that makes up our wonderful population.

The Aboriginal peoples were here first, and the Chinese and Afghan peoples have been here pretty much as long as the white Europeans.

I hear the Ku Klux Klan are trying to get a group together here in Australia- maybe you could look them up for a bit of moral support?
Posted by suzeonline, Thursday, 15 July 2010 10:45:58 PM
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From the article -government needs to start an education campaign inside and outside Australia. It needs to confront the racial dog whistle politics of cynicism and fear that endures from the Howard years inside Australia and it needs to address the perceptions about Australia overseas.

Actually, i thought the “Howard Years” were pretty good, at least compared to the more recent Rudd/Gizzard “Moments of Incompetent Bungling”.

Lets face it, those days, under the yoke of the Liberal coalition were when we were more concerned about which restaurant to eat in, rather than if we could afford sausages and pay the escalating power bills and if we might have a job at the end of the week.

So for perceptions of things –

someone once said to Voltaire, 'Life is hard.' To which is replied: 'Compared with what?'

I suppose perceptions of a “racist Australia” are only relevant when we ask – compared to what?

Malaysia, maybe, an Asian country which legalised and insists on instilling ethnic Malays onto the board of directors of businesses because of their race.

This article is just more self-loathing drivel from an Anti-White Australian.

Doubtless the Australian Electorate will have their say soon.....

Keep migration (be it legal or illegal) an election issue, if you want to get back an Australia worth living in –

but it will only be so under a Liberal Coalition Government.
Posted by Stern, Friday, 16 July 2010 10:17:56 AM
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