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The Forum > Article Comments > Building a new Tower of Babel - the view from the top > Comments

Building a new Tower of Babel - the view from the top : Comments

By David James, published 24/10/2005

David James looks to the future of mankind, with a common language, one government on the one planet.

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David, this is a very interesting article and challenges my thoughts expressed in in which I argued for the particular as being the basis for the universal. My point was that unless the universal (in Christian theology the history of Israel and the person of Jesus) is based on particular historical events then it is in danger of floating off into idealism. In that case it is not grounded in actual human experience and will suffer what all utopian thinking suffers from, a disconnection from human reality. My criticism of the UN and on the notion of human rights on which it is based, is that the latter is based not on historical event, but on a philosophical idea about justice being inherent in the individual instead of being guarded by a community that shares a common life. Your use of the Babel story would suggest that this is a tower not long for this world. It has shaky foundations even though the ideal that it is based upon look good and true. But what we have here, as you suggested, is just another example of human hubris, a reaching after the things of God that will end badly. You predict a utopian vision that looks like the Christian version of the kingdom of God, except that it is man made and we all know what happens to them!
This is not to say that the UN should be dismantled, it may be the best thing we have, but it is dangerous to place so much hope in it and dangerous also to see it as the machine that will eventually heal the earth.
Posted by Sells, Monday, 24 October 2005 11:28:04 AM
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As one going on 85, and having that shortish schooling as was typical of the bush during the depression when it was cheaper to have your kids doing the farm work, during retirement now having a wonderful time catching up, especially during these Online commentary sessions.

Talking about birds teaching humans. Now my wife has had a dickens of a time trying to stop black and green ring-necked cockatoos eating her new rose shoots. But we also had a rather friendly couple of kurrawongs which we had been feeding off our high back verandah hoping to sort of train them in to shoo the cockies away from eating the new rose shoots.

Now and again the cockies were also sneaking in having a go at the seed that was suitable for kurrawongs, which sadly was also suitable for whom we call the thieving crows.

Well the crows have now been scared off by a colony of little honyeaters with a half-dozen attacking a single big crow like Stuka dive-bombers. But getting back to languages, now these ring-necked cockies, like our butcher-birds, though not as tuneful, do have slightly different length calls, one having been proven to make coo-coo calls to my wife to give it and its friends more tucker.

And whether you might all believe it or not - but this ring-neck and its mates now leaves my wife's roses alone, as long as she leaves out the necessary parrot food.

Still talking about languages, as both mainly of British stock my wife and I are not happy these days with English-speaking being the desired language for global communication, believing it could be one of the things causing hatred towards us not not only from the Islamics but also other third world peoples. Maybe like the birds are telling us, it's about time us over-arrogant Anglophiles got the message.

George C, WA - Bushbred
Posted by bushbred, Monday, 24 October 2005 5:38:45 PM
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IN its manifesto Crossing the Divide, addressed to the UN General Assembly, the 'Group of Eminent Persons' convened by the UN Secretary-General Kofi to which I belong, which also includes Richard von Weizsacker, Jacques Delorx, Nadime Gordimer, Prince Hassan of Jordan, Amartya Sen and a dozen other personalities, has stated:
It is ill advised to consider primordial ties as necessarily detrimental to the-cosmopolitan spirit. We know that our strong feelings, lofty aspirations and recurring dreams are often attached to a particular group, expressed through a mother tongue, associated with a specific place and targeted to people ol the same age and faith. We also notice that gender and class feature promi nently in our self-definition. We are deeply rooted in our primordial ties, and they give meaning to our daily existence. They cannot be arbitrarily whisked away any more than one could consciously choose to be a totally different person.

Hans Kung “My struggle for freedom” Memoirs. P4.

I think this puts the counter case excellently.
Posted by Sells, Monday, 24 October 2005 6:09:39 PM
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David I was respecting your post until I see you show little respect for the leaders of our nations with comments like this:

Quote, "There can be little doubt that Howard’s tendency is towards lumping Australia with Caucasians, so he is for retaining ties with Mother England (no republic) and strengthening ties with Daddy USA (support for the “war on terror”)."

Obviously you cannot be taken seriously!

I heard this concept 40 years ago, but then it was that the headquarters of world government was to be in communist Russia. World government can only operate on a Totalitarian basis, and I'm sure the individual prefers personal freedom and choice, and is not willing to surrender that for the views of a possible Dictator. What happens is butcher birds will masacre the defenceless and delicate to establish their territory.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 24 October 2005 10:06:45 PM
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> "... Esperanto project failed."

Is the time over?
When did the history, the world, ended?
-Does the author remembers Latin, The once "world language"?
Posted by luisgui, Tuesday, 25 October 2005 7:56:52 AM
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great piece....latin was never a spoken much out side Europe.
Posted by Kenny, Tuesday, 25 October 2005 1:10:55 PM
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