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The forestry assault : Comments
By Mike Bolan, published 22/6/2010Tasmanian forestry has only been able to maintain a semblance of profitability because of generous taxpayer-funded subsidies and exemptions from laws.
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Posted by Aspley, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 12:06:01 PM
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When will onlineopinion stop publishing such poorly researched and biased articles from Tasmanian Times?
To claim that the Tasmania is only 63,000 square kilometres ignores a major island or two. Surely King and Flinders Island have not sunk, and deserve to be counted as part of the State. Of course Tasmania is a state of Australia; it is not a separate country, making the comparison with other countries to our island state irrelevant. The author bemoans the 3,000 square kilometres of plantations but ignores 5,000 sq km of its land mass, as he does the 3.03 million hectares or 30,300 sq Km of its land mass in reserves. This is 44.3% of it land, including islands, reserved. This level of reservation compares with the target for 2010 set by the Convention of Biological Diversity of just 10% to protect our natural environment. (Just what are the reserve levels in the countries promoted?) These ecological reserves include 1,465,000 hectares of forests of which almost a million hectares is assessed as old growth. These wild high conservation value forests will never be harvested due the Commonwealth State contract known as the Regional Forest Agreement. This agreement and the 2004 Federal Election see a shift from old growth to a reliance on silviculture of our regrowth native and planted forests. Many of these plantations have been established on private land as envisaged by the industry’s strongest critics, the greens. In September 1993, Peg Putt of the Tasmanian Greens outlined the party’s vision: “But the direction for forestry in this State is quite clearly that of forestry on a secure plantation base, and of course those plantations should be established on cleared agricultural land. Trees are a crop, just like any other crop, and they should be grown where crops are grown and the farmers should be given the opportunity to benefit from that...” Perhaps this rant about trees and job creation should be redirected to the greens and not the forest sector willing to invest their own money to create a vibrant future for our Nation’s smallest State. Posted by cinders, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 1:19:08 PM
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Dear Cinders... tut tut :) you didn't think this kind of debate has any connection to reality did you ? *grin*
This is pure 'ideology' and it's also a coup of nature over grace... creeping/growing things over humans. But.. don't let me lose you there. Have you (and Aspley) ever asked 'where did all these 'green' stuff come from ? Here is a hint... and it will also inform you of what lies behind these watermelons. Hear it..from the horses mouths.. you might find this a bit of a shock. Once we 'get' this.. the rest is easy.. to understand the watemelons. Do you have any thoughts on Cap and TRADE also ? Please see the other discussion thread if you have. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 2:30:17 PM
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AUSTRALIA: September 3, 2002
Carbon Trading according to Rothschild Bank SYDNEY - Rothschild Australia and Australia-based environmental group E3 International launched yesterday a new fund to allow highly polluting companies to offset their emissions by buying carbon credits from cleaner firms. Billed as the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region and soon to be followed by other similar private investment vehicles, the Carbon Ring Consortium seeks to raise $2 million, with individual investors obliged to pay $100,000. "With recent developments in international climate change policy, the question is no longer if, but when the global carbon trading market will emerge," said Richard Martin, chief executive officer of Rothschild Australia. Rothschild said in a prospectus that the Carbon Ring Consortium would be open for investments until October 30. It would be wrapped up in June 2003, when the carbon credits purchased will be distributed to investors pro rata. Trading environmental credits is an emerging market designed to allow firms that fail to meet emissions standards to buy credits from other firms that undercut their targets. The Kyoto accord signed by developing nations in the Japanese city of that name envisages some carbon credit trade between countries with so-called carbon sinks - forests - and others that produce higher levels of pollution than they are allowed to. The same applies to companies, and a nascent market has already emerged in the United States where some states have limits on acid rain components like sulphur dioxide and others have limits on carbon dioxide emissions. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are blamed by many scientists for rising world temperatures. The investment bank said it was estimated that the global carbon trading market could be worth up to $150 billion by 2012. The process of investing will involve workshops to allow investors to gain hands-on knowledge of the new market. The unregistered, managed investment scheme will be the first in a series of private investment vehicles that Carbon Ring Pty Limited, a joint venture between Rothschild and E3 International, expects to launch in the coming years, the partners said Posted by John Jawrence Ward, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 4:59:35 PM
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As he did not declare it I will do it for him.
Cinders is infact a logging industry gun for hire named Alan Ashbarry. A paid logging industry for Timber Communities Australia. Here is the giveaway excerpt from Alans favourite website, the right wing pro-logging climate change skeptic Jennifer Marohasy “Alan Ashbarry was a researcher for the 15 branches of Timber Communities Australia (TCA) in Tasmania... When I first asked Alan to tell readers of this blog something about himself he declined. He said he prefered to stay in the background. But he’s since decided to come out and tell us that he occasionally posts a comment at this blog under the pen name “Cinders”". You are officially out Cinders! Welcome. Posted by Dreem, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 7:34:36 PM
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Thanks Dreem. That explains his contribution at the article "Peace in Tasmania’s forests?".
The link you provided didn't work for me but I found this... (he's also one of the contributing authors in the left hand column) It reinforces the perception that the only people defending the blasphemy that passes for forestry these days are people with a vested interest. This is an excellent article by Mike Bolan. The lid is well and truly off the cesspit that is the timber industry. Posted by maaate, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 8:10:51 PM
At this stage , let me point out, I am apposed to Logging for Chip Mills and most certainly don't want one up here in Northern Tasmania.
However , I DO believe in Logging for Value Timbers . for Housing, Furnitute etc.
This , I realize is at odds with the Zealots who want Trees and Humans seperated forever.
To the Article, It looked good, but on Page 3 decended to the usual Standard that to which I now dispair.
On page 4, were the assumptions. WOW !
Idealistic , YES . Reality.... Far from.
The Parts that I liked most ,were the assumptions of what , we, the great unwashed, expect.. words like MOST, MORE, MORAL RIGHT and so forth.
The reasons # 5,6,and seven don't even deserve a response,except for # 6. The faster the Tasmanian Times disappears.. the sooner a solution to this Mess will occur.. ( If I was a Zealot, at this point I would say as supported by 65% etc etc.. but... Pass..),
A clue for the Zealots, RETIRE, Get a real Job...Then ,Maybe ,Sanity will prevail.. The Average Tasmanian, presently numbed and burnt out by these Zealots' actions will come back on to the Scene and force a conclusion by THEIR public opinion.
Only then, maybe ,the Pulp Mill will go Belly Up , Gunns will stick to Hardware and Farmers with Thousands of Hectares of future Woodchips ' will have to sell them to the Great Unwashed for Firewood.
More so, Those Bloody Great Trucks will disappear , As will our Greens, Labor and Lib Polies and much ( top Half )of our much beloved Public service.. AHHH....Utopia Tasmanian Style